Volume 7 Chapter 9 Clues

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:56:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I felt more and more strange. Obviously, there was a secret door here, and someone had used a cabinet with the bottom panel removed as a cover to block it. As long as you open this cabinet, you can see the secret door behind it. This method is not very clever, but the advantage is that it is easy to set up and easy to get in and out.

But why would there be such a structure here? It seems that this sanatorium is not simple. What was it used for in the past? What is below these concrete steps?

Looking at the key in my hand, it was obvious that the other party had sent me the key to this room, just so that I would discover the secret door.

I wiped the cold sweat from my head, walked into the cabinet, and peered into the secret door.

I turned my head to let the strongest smell pass by, then adjusted myself, and used the lighter to shine down.

The stairs were bottomless and winding, and were obviously quite long.

Looking at the stairs, I thought it was already midnight, I was in a haunted house, and I found this secret passage that I didn’t know when it was placed. I was a little scared, but after all, I was a person who had been in a fight. In this kind of place, knowing that the outside was the street and the hair salon, my heart would naturally be a little more at ease.

I hesitated for a moment, then I settled down, holding the lighter carefully in one hand, I bent down into the doorway and walked down the stairs.

Since I had already come this far, the thing the other party had directed me to find must be under the stairs. I had no choice but to go on. I had come to Golmud, so I naturally wanted to see what the other party’s purpose was.

After taking a few steps, I felt an indescribable chill coming from the darkness in front of the stairs. It was so cold that it was a bit chilling. I coughed and noticed that white breath was coming out of my mouth. The temperature here was indeed very low.

Looking at the light from the lighter, I could see that the walls on both sides of the stairs were rough-cast concrete walls. The concrete was yellow cement, the kind used for military supplies in the 1960s. I could faintly see some red paint slogans on them, but they had faded so much that only a few outlines could be distinguished. At the top of the stairs, I could also see hanging wires, wrapped in cobwebs, looking like snakes.

Compared to the green tiles of the ancient tomb, these things are much more friendly. I tried to relax, while reminding myself. However, I still felt that something would poke its head out from the dark corner of the stairs below. The creepy feeling was actually no worse than that in the ancient tomb.

I soon reached the first section, where the stairs turned a corner and continued downwards. The footsteps echoed, sounding eerie. I felt the height. This was already the second floor, the one sealed off by concrete. However, there was no door here, and the surroundings were still sealed off by concrete. Obviously, the exit was not here.

It didn’t seem to have anything to do with the second floor, I thought to myself, taking a deep breath of the foul air and going down another floor.

It was still the same situation. The exit was not on the first floor either. The stairs continued to turn a corner and go down, still pitch black and with no bottom in sight.

It was underground, I thought to myself. At this moment, a thought came to my mind: Could it be that this staircase leads to the basement?

Could it be that this is the former underground military bunker?

I remember that there is a famous 704 Mansion in Hangzhou, which was also built under the name of a sanatorium.

However, looking at the appearance of this secret door, I don’t think it is. The secret door was just a simple hole. If it was the entrance to a military bunker, there should at least be an iron door.

I continued to walk down the stairs, wondering what was going on. I don’t know if it was the temperature that was dropping or the cold sweat on my face, but I suddenly felt extremely cold. My teeth were chattering and I went down another level. The stairs ended here, and the exit was right in front of me. I walked out carefully and found that there seemed to be a large space outside.

I held up my lighter and looked at both sides of the exit. I found that it was a cement-reinforced basement, very simple, damp and with green tiles on the floor.

This was definitely not a military bunker. I was sure of it. Looking at the cement and the green tiles on the floor, it looked like the kind of cellar that the production brigade in the countryside had built themselves. The craftsmanship here was too simple. It couldn’t have been built by a professional military unit.

What was this place? Could it really be a cellar? Muddy Oil Bottle asked me to come over to see if his pickled cabbage was done.

I laughed at my own thoughts as I walked towards the center of the cellar. After walking a few steps, I vaguely saw a huge shadow in the middle of the basement, lying on the ground, looking very strange.

I walked towards the shadow and shone my lighter on it. I froze, and saw a huge, black, ancient coffin standing in the center of the cellar.

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