Volume 8 Chapter 11 Approaching

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

We swallowed, and the fat man groaned, “Fuck, when did she come over?”

I subconsciously moved my body in the opposite direction and whispered, “No, listen to this sound. It’s the same as the one we just heard. Damn it, we felt that the sound was getting closer and closer. It could be an illusion. It’s not that we’re getting closer to the sound, but that the sound is getting closer to us.”

At this time, I found that my leg muscles were shaking uncontrollably. If I were a dumpling, I might not be so scared, but this was Ning. God, who knew that someone I knew had turned into this? What had she become? I couldn’t face it and wanted to run away.

However, we couldn’t see clearly because it was dark, and we couldn’t be sure if it was Ning. I really resisted this idea in my heart. The fat guy bent down and tried to shine the flashlight on the figure, but Pan Zi held his hand down: “Don’t move, damn it! Listen around.”

We listened carefully and found that there were extremely faint rustling sounds coming from the tree canopy all around us.

“Those snakes are in the tree canopy, and there are a lot of them. I’m afraid that the sound just now was made by them, luring us closer.”

We all froze, and the fat guy turned his head and looked around. There was a sound coming from all directions: “Shit, it’s like we’re being surrounded!” He raised his machete.

Pan Zi shook his head at him, and we all crouched down to hide. Then he took out the alcohol stove from his backpack, quickly unscrewed the lid, and said, “You can’t do anything with a knife. We really need your fire tactics.”

“Didn’t you say that you would burn yourself to death?” I whispered. “I’d rather be bitten to death by a snake than burn to death.“

”Of course not the clothes,” said Pan Zi, and made us squat down. He quickly pulled out our waterproof cloth from the backpack, put it on our heads, and poured the alcohol on it.

I immediately understood his intention, and thought to myself that this was indeed a good trick, and this experience was indeed not to be underestimated.

Pan Zi said, ”Hold on tight, don’t let go, even if your skin burns off, you have to endure it. I’ll give a signal, and we’ll rush forward.”

The rustling sound around us got closer, and we immediately nodded. Pan Zi took out a lighter and lit it immediately. The tarpaulin immediately caught fire. He immediately crawled in and yelled at us, “Run!”

We immediately ran in the same direction with the waterproof cloth burning in a ball of flames. Immediately, we heard the sound of a snake swarm stirring in the surrounding tree trunks. We couldn’t care less. We ran as fast as we could for 20 to 30 meters, and the alcohol burned out. The waterproof cloth burned, and Pan Zi yelled to throw it away. We immediately threw away the waterproof cloth that had already started to burn, and began to run frantically.

We ran like crazy, not caring about anything or looking at anything. I didn’t even feel the sharp thorns cutting into my skin. We ran for about a mile or two before stopping, and immediately crouched down in the grass, panting and listening for sounds behind us. To my surprise, I couldn’t hear any sounds of snakes, or even the strange sound of the walkie-talkie.

I was a little skeptical about how I escaped, but it was a relief to us, although the silent and lifeless forest was not so normal. My hand was burned, and I didn’t care about looking at it. Now I rubbed it and found that it was just a burn. At the time, I thought I was going to lose a finger.

“It doesn’t seem to be chasing us. It seems that these snakes are also afraid of our desperate lives.” The fat man said, “Pan has you, knows to be flexible and changeable, and I will remember this trick. How much more tarpaulin do we have?

Pan Zi panted, his face turning black, and said, “There’s plenty of tarpaulin, but there’s only one bottle of alcohol left, so this trick can’t be used often. Let’s go, this place is too weird, don’t bother with anything else, I’m not going to play again, they might be nearby, but they’re not making a sound.” He looked at the compass.

I knew Pan Zi was right, so I stood up while panting and gritted my teeth. Pan Zi determined the direction and immediately pushed us to continue forward.

I looked behind me at the darkness, thinking about the shadow that looked like a human and a snake. I couldn’t help but feel a chill down my spine. We didn’t dare to stop again, and we walked even more quickly and vigilantly, almost speeding up at the slightest sound. This way, the physical exertion increased exponentially. The high intensity of the previous consumption obviously had no way to fully recover in such a short time. The sense of relief after resting had already collapsed just now, and it was extremely hard to walk. The fat man panted like a bellows, and I almost followed the sound to move forward.

At this point, I was somewhat relieved, because along the way, every time there was any movement, something would always happen. This time, we were able to get around it, so obviously our luck had improved, which had never happened before.

However, as we walked, I suddenly heard faintly the sound of rustling in the forest ahead of us, coming and going, like the whispering of ghosts.

We all froze there. The fat guy immediately told us to crouch down and hide. I was so tired that I almost collapsed. The fat guy panted and said in a threatening tone, “Fuck, Pan, how did you lead the way? How did we come back?”

Pan looked around and his face gradually distorted. He said, “We didn’t come back.”

We looked around and really couldn’t see any signs of having been here before. The forest around us was very unfamiliar. Pan Zi said, “Damn it, they’re not chasing us, they’re flanking us.”

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