Volume 8 Chapter 14 Pursuit

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was stunned by the scene in front of me, and I didn’t react. The fat man on the side rushed to my side with a gun in his hand, yelling, “Bullets, bullets!”

I took out a gun, and he immediately snatched it from me. He tucked the gun into his armpit, held a torch in one hand, loaded the gun with one hand, and then jumped into the bushes and chased after me.

After running a few steps and seeing that I was not moving, he yelled at me, “Hurry up! You stay here. Where am I going to find you later?”

I yelled at him, slapped myself, immediately tightened my backpack, and immediately followed him.

I crashed into the bushes, and it was extremely difficult to walk. I gritted my teeth and followed the torch of the fat man, quickly tearing my clothes. I chased him out for a few dozen meters, and in the blink of an eye I saw the canopy of trees in front of me shaking violently. The movement was extremely loud, and it was clear that this thing was a huge monster.

The fat guy rushed to the tree, and we saw that something had scraped the tree with a trail of scratches. The leaves on the tree canopy shook and moved towards the side of the tree, obviously heading for another tree.

We are not monkeys, and there is no way to track it in the tree, but we really can’t keep up under the tree. The fat guy panted and chased a few more steps, then had to pick up his gun and aim in the direction of the shaking leaves.

I immediately yelled at the fat guy, “Be careful, you’ll hit Pan Zi!”

The fat guy gritted his teeth and said, “I’m going to die anyway! I’m going to take a chance!” Then he raised his hand and fired.

The gunshot was deafening. The fat guy was a good shot, but in this situation there was no target to aim at, and he didn’t know if he had hit anything. The canopy of trees in the distance continued to shake. This thing was moving faster on the tree than on the ground, and it was speeding away.

“Damn it! This rifle is shit. The caliber is too small.” The fat man cursed, gritted his teeth and chased a few more steps forward, firing four shots in a row and shooting all the bullets.

I clearly saw the fire of the bullets shooting into the darkness, but it still didn’t work. By the time the fat man reloaded again, the thing was already out of our field of vision, and it was impossible to catch up.

“What should we do?” I yelled in a panic.

The fat man was also turning around in a panic, but after only one turn, he found something. He pointed the torch at the tree, and we saw that the tree trunk was covered in bloodstains.

Fatty took a few steps and then looked at the next tree, and found the same thing.

“There’s a door!” he shouted, immediately handing me the torch. “Damn it, now it’s in trouble. Let’s follow the blood trail and take it down. Even if we can’t save Pan Zi, we’ll make it pay for its life.”

This might be the only hope of saving Pan Zi. I didn’t think much about it and immediately nodded.

The fat man asked me to give him all the bullets. Pan Zi’s bullets were kept in cigarette cases, and he didn’t have many with him. I took them all out and found that there were only one and a half boxes left. The fat man cursed again: “Next time, if there are any more lamas, I won’t come without a caliber of 5.54 or above!”

“Okay, next time I’ll give you a rocket launcher. Don’t talk anymore, just chase!”

The fat man poured out five bullets, three of which he put in his breast pocket, and two he put in his mouth. He shook his head and said, “Let’s go!”

I used a torch to explore the trees in front of us, and he covered us with his gun. We followed the blood trail and chased into the darkness.

The blood trail continued, but not on the tree trunks, but on the bushes and ferns under the trees. The more I looked, the more I thought it was bad. This blood must be Pan’s. With so much blood, it’s possible that he’s hit an artery. If that’s the case, even the gods can’t save him.

But you have to see the person alive, and you have to see the corpse dead. There is absolutely no “absolute” in this matter.

We chased for 500 or 600 meters, but we could no longer hear any sounds from the canopy above us. We had lost our bearings and were lost, and we could no longer hear the strange sounds we had heard earlier. We only knew that there were bloodstains, so we had to follow them.

The bloodstains were intermittent and becoming less and less obvious. I was getting more and more uneasy, not knowing whether the blood had stopped or whether it had been drained.

The fat guy looked up at the treetops warily, and as he ran quickly, he began to yell, “You son of a bitch! If you come back and take me with you, we’ll see who has the stronger teeth, you or me!”

I quickly stopped him, “What the hell are you doing?”

The fat guy said, “Wild animals like to eat in complete safety. If they hear me, they’ll be alert and won’t attack Pan Zi so quickly.”

I said, “What the hell are you so alert for? Don’t you want to attract other things?”

He said, “Haven’t you seen Animal World? Such a big predator has its own territory. There won’t be too many large predators in this area. It’s best to lure it over so we don’t have to go out of our way.”

I still felt very uncomfortable, but the fat guy continued to run and yell, “You son of a bitch! The one you fucking bit has AIDS and ate the intestines and stomach—.” Before he could finish, he suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground.

I helped him up and shone the torch on the ground. I saw Pan’s backpack on the fallen leaves, covered in blood.

The fat man immediately became alert. I tried to speak, but he made a quiet gesture at me, telling me to hold the torch high and look at the tree canopy. As soon as I straightened up, I saw a huge black shadow silently hanging from the tree behind him.

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