Volume 8 Chapter 15 Fighting

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I immediately yelled, and the fat man saw my face change. He reacted extremely quickly, and without looking, he immediately smashed it back with a rifle butt. But it was too late. The shadow retreated and then rose up violently. I saw a mass of scales springing out of the darkness like lightning, and it rolled toward the fat man.

The fat man was really not a light bulb. His fat body was so fast that he rolled out of the way. As soon as he moved aside, the light of the torch illuminated his back. I immediately saw the true face of the shadow. It was a huge brown-gold python with a bucket-sized body, covered in blood. The huge python’s head hung down, and you could see that it was covered in bullet wounds and was bloody and messy.

I looked at it and recognized it immediately. It was one of the two giant pythons that attacked us in the canyon. I had run into it again.

The giant python missed its first strike and almost immediately, without pausing, retracted its head and opened its huge mouth, then bit at the fat man rolling on the ground.

This time, the fat man had nowhere to go and was bitten right in the butt. The giant python was extremely powerful and rolled the fat man up in one motion, pulling him into the air and preparing to strangle him.

The fat man didn’t have the skill to escape by curling up into a ball, and he was unable to move. He dropped his rifle and cried out, spinning several times in the air with his head facing down.

I don’t know where I got the courage to rush over and hit the snake with a torch, but it was a stupid move. I was knocked out by the coiled snake and fell out, and the torch hit my pants, setting them on fire. I rolled over to put out the fire, but the fat man had already been rolled into the canopy.

I panicked, and at this time my hand touched the fat man’s rifle, so I immediately picked it up and lay on the ground, one-handed, and fired a shot at the snake’s head.

It had been a long time since I had fired a gun, and the recoil of the gun cracked my hand, but it was too difficult to fire with one hand. I missed the snake at such a close range, and the bullet missed and hit a tree branch.

I got up and was about to fire again when I heard a sound of teeth grinding from the tree: “Little Master, give me the gun!”

I looked up and saw that Pan Zi was still alive, and he reached out his bloody hand between the branches: “Hurry!!!

I immediately threw the gun up, and he grabbed it and leaned against the branch, not aiming at the snake, but at the huge branch on the side where the snake was coiled.

Even at close range, the caliber of this gun is extremely powerful. The branch, which was as thick as a man’s arm, was shot through, and the python, which was already extremely heavy, was immediately crushed by the fat man. The branch fell heavily to the ground, almost like a tree had fallen.

The snake was stunned by the fall and suddenly coiled up, not knowing who had attacked it for a moment. The fat man took advantage of the moment when the snake was getting up and rolled out of the snake’s body. He rolled to my feet, and by then he was already red in the face and had no strength to stand up. I grabbed him by the armpit and dragged him behind the tree, but he vomited instead.

I thought to myself, “Oh no, is it possible that his internal organs have been crushed? I hurriedly asked him how he was doing.

He pushed me away and stood up with great difficulty. He vomited again and said, “I’m so dizzy, I’m going to be sick. This is worse than a roller coaster ride…”

Before he finished speaking, the python pounced on him again. Its huge mouth went around the tree trunk and grabbed the fat man’s shoulder, dragging him over with it. I was thrown into the bushes on the side, and the fat man slammed into a tree and rolled to the ground. The python didn’t stop at all. It raised its head again, and its huge mouth full of barbed teeth opened, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the fat man.

I screamed in my heart, “It’s over!” At the last minute, a small branch suddenly fell from the tree and hit the python’s head.

The python looked up and immediately saw Pan Zi, and immediately changed its target of attack. It suddenly shot up at the tree, and Pan Zi, holding the gun in one hand, thrust it into the python’s throat, and then the python shook its head and lifted him up from the tree. Before it could wrap around him, there was a muffled sound, and suddenly the python’s throat was blown open in several places, and it was in pain and rolled over.

Pan Zi flew out and fell into the darkness. The python was frantically thrashing about in a frenzy of rage, and the tremendous force sent the surrounding shrubs flying, and the branches were knocked down like rain.

I hid behind the tree with my head in my hands, and all I could see was the bark being knocked off the tree. I was so scared that I dared not move. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the noise gradually quieted down. I peeked to see that the python had rolled to the ground and was writhing around a few times before it stopped moving.

I was completely stunned, and it wasn’t until the fat guy started to whimper that I immediately reacted, stood up and ran over. The fat guy was completely stunned, and I helped him up. He looked at me and said nonsense to me: “Drag the driver who opened the snake over here. While I’m still alive, let me crush him to death.”

I saw that he could still talk nonsense, which meant that he was still okay. I put him down and immediately ran to the distance to find Pan Zi. This guy was probably really going to have a bad ending.

Pan Zi was lying under a tree about 6 or 7 meters away, covered in blood, clutching a rifle that had been blown apart.

When I rushed over, he opened his mouth and spat out blood. I looked at him and couldn’t speak. I looked at this person who looked like a pile of mud, and I was so anxious that I couldn’t help scratching my head. I slapped myself a few times to calm down a little. I immediately began to unbutton Pan Zi’s clothes.

As soon as I opened his clothes, I felt sick. I saw that his body was full of cuts, all caused by the python dragging him through the bushes. Fortunately, he was already covered in scars, and his skin was quite tough, so the wounds weren’t deep.

I took out my water bottle and wanted to clean his wounds first, but he raised his hand with difficulty and tried to stuff it into my body, his mouth moving with difficulty.

I took it and looked at it. It was his compass. Under such violent dragging, his backpack was thrown off, but this thing was still in his hand.

The compass was covered in blood, but I could still see the marks he had made and the angle scale. He said in a difficult voice, “Find Master San… be careful… the snake will…” and then he convulsed and could no longer speak.

“What will the snake do?” I didn’t know what he meant, but it didn’t matter. I cursed and took the compass and put it in my pocket, telling him to stop talking. He coughed up several mouthfuls of blood and even had difficulty breathing.

I thought to myself, “How can there be such a persistent person?” I quickly washed his wounds with water, then turned his backpack over and took out the antibiotics to inject them into him.

The fat guy on the side had already recovered and limped over to me, covering his wounds and asking me about the situation.

I didn’t know the situation at all. I didn’t even know if Pan Zi could be saved, but I didn’t have the courage to find out. I could only try to save him.

The fat man also cleaned the wound with a water bottle and injected himself with antibiotics. We moved Pan Zi to the side of the snake corpse, and I sat down on the ground and began to examine him.

I was relieved to find that he had a pulse in all four limbs and was not showing any signs of weakness, but I dared not relax. I immediately searched his entire body. He had lost so much blood along the way that it was likely that he had suffered arterial bleeding. I had to find the wound. If I didn’t treat it, he would definitely bleed to death.

Finally, I found the wound behind Pan Zi’s left thigh. It was terrifyingly deep, but it had already stopped bleeding and had formed a large clot of blood, covered in broken leaves.

This wound must be cleaned and stitched, otherwise it will become infected, and by then, this foot will be useless. But we didn’t have any equipment to treat wounds, and we had all left with our light packs.

At this point, we really had to meet up with Uncle San, and the sooner the better.

I took out the compass Pan Zi gave me, wiped off the bloodstains on it, and tried to find our way. But I couldn’t read the markings on it at all. I gave it to Fatso, but he shook his head. I slapped my forehead and cursed myself for not learning more about it.

The fat guy was also exhausted and completely out of energy. He said, “Come on, now we just have to wait until dawn. It’s not certain how long it will take to get to your uncle’s place. We’re covered in blood, so it’s easy to attract things. It’s safer to stay here. And if we don’t give Pan a chance to rest, I’m afraid he won’t be able to withstand the long journey.”

I looked at Pan Zi. His consciousness was already blurred. If I had been injured so badly, I would have definitely died. This guy’s willpower is really something. But it is true that the injury is real, and it may be impossible to move him. So I cleared a large open area and temporarily settled Pan Zi down. I looked at the watch and it was almost dawn. I prayed in my heart that he would hold on.

I took off my clothes and covered Pan Zi to keep him warm. Suddenly, I was a little slow to recover. After such a strenuous fight, I felt a little exhausted.

I sat down to catch my breath and drink some water. Fat Boy picked up Pan Zi’s gun and showed it to me, saying, “This guy is a real man. He jammed something into the gun’s barrel, causing the gun to explode in the snake’s throat, breaking the snake’s spine. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been easy to kill it.”

I thought it was strange. Before, in the canyon, Pan Zi shot the snake in the vital area, almost blowing its head off. I thought it was dead, but I didn’t expect the snake to be alive and able to attack us.

The fat man said, “This kind of big snake has a high IQ. I’m afraid it was shot several times by Pan Zi before, and it remembered Pan Zi and kept tracking us, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against us.”

I flicked the torch to light it up, stood up and shone it on the snake’s corpse. I looked at it carefully and found that the snake was really big, almost like a dragon.

The snake was covered in large brown-gold scales, each the size of a palm. There were many wounds on its body, some of which had rotted and smelled.

I carefully walked to the head of the snake and shone the torch on it, and found that the snake’s tongue was still moving, apparently not dead yet. The whole snake’s head was almost ripped open, and the black, vengeful eyes reflected the light of the torch, like a dragon from hell. At the neck of the snake, where the gun had exploded, there were several holes, and the flesh was all turned out, bleeding profusely, and it had already fallen to the ground.

The snake was not so easy to die, maybe it could still come back to life. Afraid that it might suddenly rise up and hurt someone, the fat man took out a machete and prepared to chop off the snake’s head, but after two strikes, there was not even a mark on the snake’s body.

He took the machete and cut the snake twice, only to find that the scales were so hard that they were like armor. The fat man got close to the snake’s wound and found that the snake had two layers of scales, thick skin and meat, no wonder Pan Zi couldn’t kill it no matter how hard he hit it.

He broke off two or three huge scales from the wound, and the fat man said that he could take them back to brag about it, and he could definitely defeat a large group of people. I told him to clean it up, because there are often parasites under the scales of a python. Before he could finish, the fat man let out a cry of pain, as if his wrist had been bitten by something.

When I turned it over, I saw a spider-like bug biting into his forearm. We had all seen this bug before, it was a tick. I used the torch to heat up the machete and easily burned it off. At this time, I felt a pain in my crotch, and when I touched it, I found a bag of blood.

I felt something was wrong, so I leaned the torch against the bushes and discovered that the bushes around us were crawling with these horrible bugs, and some had already climbed onto our bare legs.

Proofread by Windy Dust.

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