Volume 8 Chapter 22 Blind

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was stunned by the fat man’s actions and it took me a few seconds to understand what he was trying to do.

Muyoubing checked our faces, but not his own. The fat guy was afraid that he would play this kind of psychological game, so he also wanted to see if he had a human skin mask on his face.

Muyoubing didn’t move at all, just sat there, looked at the fat guy, and the fat guy smiled awkwardly: “Just in case, little brother, you are also one of the four, so be careful.”

Muyoubing drank some water, but he wasn’t angry. He ignored the fat guy, and I said to the fat guy, “You don’t have to sneak up on him.”

The fat guy angrily said, “What sneak attack? I was just a little faster.”

I am used to this kind of behavior from the fat guy, and I can’t help but smile. The fat guy sat back down, probably feeling a bit embarrassed, and changed the subject, saying, “Now we can prove that the four of us are innocent. It seems that the meaning of ‘it’ may be different from the literal meaning, and it may not be a living thing.”

“How do you mean?” I asked.

“In addition to being an animal, it can also be an object. Maybe what Wenjin is avoiding is an object?”

Fatty always has strange ideas, but this one seems a bit off: “An object?” I said, “You mean that she has been avoiding it for the past ten years, and it could be our underwear or a booger?”

“Of course, the object I’m talking about isn’t something like that,” Fatty said. “What do you have on you that is related to this matter? Take it out and let’s see. Maybe we can find something.”

I shook my head and thought to myself, “What should I bring? I didn’t even bring the snake-browed copper fish. Mufeng suddenly frowned and said, ‘No, when it comes to objects, we’ve forgotten to count one thing.’


”Ah Ning.”

I was shocked. ‘You mean the corpse?’

This is also possible. We were in deep thought, but we didn’t feel like we had direct evidence. However, what happened to Ah Ning was quite strange, so maybe there really is a connection.

The fat guy clapped his hands and said, “Oh, Wu, do you remember what happened to us in the forest last night? Could it be that this is the reason why Ah Ning died and turned into that thing?”

I opened my mouth and thought to myself, “How can I say this? This thing can’t be proven by speculation, and the corpse is gone.

I couldn’t stand it anymore and immediately waved my hand and said, ”I think we shouldn’t talk about this anymore. Now the premise is not clear, maybe Wen Jin is really crazy, maybe not. At this time, it is impossible to find one of these people. Let’s think about something more practical. How to catch her is more realistic.

The fat man lost interest and stood up, saying, “What are you thinking? I said it was impossible, and I definitely couldn’t think of it. Maybe a dog could think of it. You don’t have your grandfather’s ability. Now the practical thing is how to get through this evening. Don’t talk about these nonsense things. He walked over, picked up the bucket they had used to dig out the mud, and went to Pan Zi’s tent to clean it.

I looked at the clock, it was already night, and the last bit of light in the sky had long since disappeared.

We smeared the mud all over the tent, and then covered it with a waterproof sheet to protect it from the rain. I went to check on Pan Zi, who was still sleeping soundly. His temperature was normal. The fat guy told me that he had woken up once, but his consciousness had not returned, so he fed him a few mouthfuls of water and then he fell asleep again. But the low fever had subsided, so the shots had worked.

There were no firearms in the camp, so the fat guy picked up a lot of stones and piled them up on one side. He said that if it really didn’t work, we would have to follow the example of the five heroes of Mount Wuyi. I said that at least they had a cliff to jump off, but after we had thrown all the stones, we would have to surrender.

Fatty built a bonfire, increased the flame, and then lit several other fires around the camp as a warning and for drying. The red firelight was bright. After all this, it was almost 10 o’clock in the evening. I had just felt a little safer, but then the fog rolled in again. In less than an hour, the entire camp was engulfed in a thick fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Looking around at the fog, I felt cold sweat pouring down my back. There was no visibility at all. Even the flames were hard to see from a distance of two or three meters. It was impossible to guard against or be vigilant at this time.

My nose was full of the damp smell mixed with the smell of mud. I wondered if the fog was poisonous. Yesterday in the rainforest, I couldn’t pay too much attention to these things, but now I need to pay attention. I heard that there is often miasma in the rainforest, and it rises at night when the temperature drops. Especially in the swamp, the miasma contains a lot of toxic gases and even volatile heavy metals. If you inhale too much, it will cause chronic poisoning and even slowly rot your lungs.

Thinking of this, I asked the fat man if he should touch the equipment in the tents and find some gas masks to use as a backup.

Fatty said, “This is definitely not miasma. Miasma has a strong smell, and it’s not that strong. If you breathe in too much miasma, you’ll get arthritis or tuberculosis at most. The southwest mountains are humid and have a lot of miasma. People there like spicy food to prevent this. Why don’t you see if anyone here has brought chili peppers? We can make chili pepper rice later. It’s definitely delicious.”

I said, “Don’t be careless. This place is different from other places. I think it’s better to find a few people to bring insurance.”

The fat man and the stuffy oil bottle began to feel the mud on their bodies. This must be an extremely uncomfortable process, so he was in a bad mood and shook his head: “If you want to bring it, you’ll need a gas mask in this weather. You won’t even see a tree if you hit it. How can you keep watch? If you have time to think about these things, you might as well go to sleep quickly. You might not be able to sleep later.” He spat out a few times immediately after saying this: “Crows’ mouth, crow’s mouth, good luck.”

I was annoyed at what I had said to him, and I actually hated myself a little bit. The two of them were on night watch, and Pan Zi was seriously injured, but I could sleep for a whole night. This was almost the same as being seriously injured, and at this time I thought about whether I had really come here as a burden.

I lay down in the tent, thinking to myself, “How can I sleep? My mind is in a mess, and everything hurts. Because it’s muddy outside, the light from the campfire can’t come in, so I use a miner’s lamp to illuminate. In order to save electricity, I can’t use it often, so I turn it off and force myself to sleep in the dark. I listened to the fat guy sharpening his machete outside, and as I listened, I really began to feel drowsy.

I don’t know if I was really asleep in that state. I was half asleep, and there were still things in my head, but they weren’t clear. It lasted for a long time, and I didn’t fall asleep. In the middle of the night, I was awakened by the urge to urinate.

When I woke up and heard that there was no movement outside, I thought that everything was fine, so I lifted the tent flap in the dark to prepare to go out to waterproof it.

As soon as I lifted it, I was startled. I found that it was pitch black outside, and all the campfires had gone out.

What was going on? I immediately became fully awake, retracted the tent, and thought to myself, “Is something wrong?

But there was no sound at all. I wasn’t sleeping, and I could tell that I was in a semi-sleeping state. With my skills as a ‘muffler,’ how could something make me fall victim without making a sound?

I listened quietly, but there was no sound outside. I panicked a little, but I didn’t dare to call out at this time. I immediately reached back and felt for my miner’s lamp, then turned it on. But after fiddling with it a couple of times, I found that it wasn’t lit. I then felt in my pocket and took out my lighter, but it didn’t light up either, not even a little bit of light.

I cursed under my breath, immediately took a few deep breaths, told myself to calm down, and thought to myself, “If anything is going to go wrong, let it all go wrong at once.” I put it away and wanted to hit my watch’s luminous display. As soon as I did, I realized that the lighter was very hot.

I was a little surprised, wondering how it could be so hot. I had clearly not even seen a spark. I hit the lighter again, then placed it on the palm of my hand.

I froze for a moment, wondering if the lighter was still on.

But in front of my eyes, it was still pitch black, with no light at all.

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