Volume 8 Chapter 29: A Secret Battle

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Wen Jin was running at the front, and I couldn’t see her at all. I was chasing after the fat guy’s back. In this kind of light, you can’t even take a step, or you won’t be able to see him.

This time, I mustn’t let her get away. I thought to myself, we have too many questions to ask her.

We ran outside the camp and into the open area before entering the jungle. In this kind of place, Mian Youping was extremely fast, and he forced her to a nearby boulder. The three of us surrounded her again, and she leaned against the boulder, as if there was no way to escape, and all we could hear was her panting.

“Big sister, what are you afraid of?” Fat Boy asked. “We are good people, don’t run away, making us and the Japanese chase after the flower girl.”

Wen Jin suddenly called out, but I didn’t hear what she was calling. She suddenly turned around a few times and climbed onto the boulder. Her movements were extremely nimble, obviously she had practiced kung fu, and there was not a hint of slowness.

Only Mian Youping was able to keep up with us. He immediately turned over and grabbed Wen Jin from behind. Wen Jin struggled, and the two of them rolled together, rolling to the back of the boulder. I heard a sound of water, as if they had fallen into the water.

When the fat man and I chased after them, we saw that behind the boulder was the same kind of pool we had seen before. The bottom was the low-lying part of the temple, bottomless, with corridors and passageways leading to the interior of the ruins. After the fat man fell in, he had to let go of her to avoid suffocating Wenjin. He floated to the surface, and I thought to myself that this time we definitely had her. The two of us on the shore held onto her, and if she climbed up, we would hold her down immediately.

However, there were three people, two on the shore and one in the water. When the waves on the surface of the water subsided, Wen Jin did not come up.

After waiting for a few seconds, I immediately thought to myself, “Oh no, did she not know how to swim and sink? This is not going to kill us!

There were bubbles in the water, and he turned over for half a minute before floating up. He said to us, ‘She has gone into the other parts of the passage below!’

”What should we do? Isn’t she dead? We have to save her immediately!“ I said.

The structure of this ruin is extremely complex, the corridors are wrong, and there must be a lot of collapses everywhere. Even if there is an oxygen tank, it is not good.

”No, the few pools here seem to be connected.” Just as I finished speaking, a sound of someone coming out of the water and breathing heavily came from behind us.

We immediately turned and rushed towards that place. After running a few steps, we saw that it was indeed a pool. The water was wet around the pool, and the footprints led straight into the forest. It was obvious that Wenjin was extremely familiar with the waterway under the temple.

We immediately followed the footprints and chased after them. After running a few steps, we heard the sound of rapid panting and footsteps in front of us. We immediately accelerated. At this time, a heavy black cloud appeared above my head. I was horrified to discover that we had chased into the rainforest.

I paused for a moment, thinking, “This is bad. What if we get lost?” Just as I was thinking this, Mian Youbing and Fatso had already run far ahead. I cursed and could only follow. Now I could only hope that Mian Youbing, who was in the lead, could catch her immediately, otherwise I felt that things would not be good.

Although Fatso had analyzed that the fog in the forest was not poisonous, who knew if that was correct. If I suddenly went blind in there, I would definitely be finished.

But Wenjin was like a loach in the rainforest, darting through the gaps in the trees as if there were no one there. This chase was simply dark and gloomy. In the end, I hit my head on a low branch and was knocked over before stopping. When I got up, Fat Man and Mian Youping were long gone. Only the distant sound of passing through the bushes came from afar, and I could no longer distinguish the direction.

My eyes were filled with stars, and I had to squat down and pant for a long time before I could recover. I felt like my lungs were going to burst, and when I looked around, I couldn’t tell which way to go, so I was panicking.

I chased in the general direction for a few meters, then stopped and dared not chase any further. I started to yell, telling them not to chase any further, that it was too dangerous.

After yelling a few times, I heard the sound of leaves rustling and the sound of footsteps, and it seemed that they had run back. I immediately chased in the direction of the sound.

I crossed several almost impassable clusters of vines, but then lost them again. I thought to myself that this was like playing cat and mouse, always going in circles.

I followed the sound again to determine the direction. At this time, suddenly behind me, someone called out, “Little Master San.”

The voice was like a pinched nose, slender and deadly, a woman’s voice, and it sounded chilling.

I was startled and immediately turned around, shining the miner’s lamp. “Wenjin?”

I couldn’t see anything in the thick fog behind me. But the voice was real, and I knew I hadn’t heard it wrong. I immediately asked, “Who?”

In the depths of the fog, someone called out again, “Little Master?”

I immediately adjusted the direction of the miner’s lamp and shone it in that direction, and took a few steps, but I still couldn’t see anything.

I was a little surprised. The voice was very close to me, it should be just a few feet away, definitely within the range of the flashlight. Why was there no one there? Could it be that the person was hiding?

“Who are you?” I asked again.

There was no answer. I felt something was wrong. I shone the flashlight around to look for something to defend myself with, but it was too dark to see anything. I didn’t dare to let the flashlight shine in front of me for too long.

“Is it one of Master San’s people?” I asked again.

“Little Master San?” The voice came again, and it moved to my left. I was startled and immediately shone the miner’s lamp over. There was still no sign of anyone.

This guy must be hiding. I was scared, but then I thought, no, anyone who can speak must be a person, and he called me Little Master, so he must know me. He seemed to be circling around me. Could it be that he couldn’t see clearly either and didn’t dare to show himself?

Thinking about it, I immediately said, “I am the third young master. Which branch of the family are you from?”

There was no response from the other side. I thought to myself, what is he so afraid of? I immediately swung my miner’s lamp and walked in the direction of the sound. As I walked, I said, “Come out, I am a human being, not a ghost.”

I walked straight ahead for six or seven meters. In front of me was a large tree, but I still didn’t see anyone. I was puzzled. After hesitating for a moment, I suddenly heard a voice from behind the tree: “Third young master.”

This guy must be deaf, I thought, and shouted at the top of my voice, “I’m here!”

Suddenly, the bushes behind the tree shook a little. I said to myself that I didn’t have time to waste with you, so I rushed over and went to look behind the tree. I didn’t even have time to stand up before I suddenly stepped on an empty space and fell down.

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