Volume 8 Chapter 32 Another

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:59:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

fat man. He didn’t resist, and I didn’t even see him move. The chill in my heart grew colder and colder. Could it be that he was already dead?

The snakes were wriggling. I had imagined many ways of how they might transport the corpse, but I had never imagined it like this. The red snakes of all sizes were coiled around each other, wrapping the corpse in the center, and then moving their bodies to make the corpse advance. The fat man was extremely heavy, but the snakes were still able to move him here quickly.

After the fat man fell into the pool, the snakes scattered and began to climb back up the bank. I looked at the fat man lying quietly in the water and was a bit at a loss. I didn’t know if he was dead or alive. If he was dead, I felt that people like him, who were so hardy, would die here sooner or later. If he was alive, then I had to save him, but going over there might just be a death sentence.

After thinking it over, I decided that I had to go and check on him. I couldn’t leave him here without knowing whether he was dead or alive.

I looked around warily, but it seemed that the snakes had already gone. I checked the mud on my body and then climbed down the vines again. I carefully lowered myself into the water and then crawled to the fat man’s side.

He was motionless, with most of his head submerged in the water. I felt a chill in my heart and my heart began to tremble.

I listened carefully, but there was no sound. I leaned in close to Fat Man and turned him over. His lower body was submerged in the water, and when I touched it, my heart relaxed a little. I could still feel his faint breathing, but I also immediately saw the blood hole in his neck. He had also been bitten by a snake.

The snakes here are really vicious, biting people in the neck. Unless the person is immune to snake venom, there is basically nothing that can be done, and they can only wait to die. I don’t know what happened to them just now, how the mud on their bodies was washed away.

The suffocating oil bottle was fine because he moved quickly and injected a small amount of venom. The fat man definitely wasn’t so lucky. I don’t know why he’s still alive. However, even if he doesn’t die, he’s almost dead. I looked around and thought to myself that I must first drag him out of this pool. Then I immediately took some measures, otherwise I couldn’t guarantee that these snakes would come back for a bite.

This was quite difficult, but fortunately the vines were downstream. I helped the fat man up and pushed him downstream with the buoyancy and thrust of the water. I didn’t expect to lose control after two steps. In order not to be washed into the current, I twisted my body hard, allowing my hands to float on top. I grabbed the vines as I passed through them and regained control of my body.

I used all my strength to stand still in the water, then I hung the fat man on the vine, using his belt to hold him in place, and then I climbed up first, trying to pull him up. But after pulling twice, I realized it was impossible. Although the vine was strong enough, the fat man was too heavy, and my little strength was really not enough. I looked around and saw a large Y-shaped branch above the branch I was standing on. I immediately hung the vine on it, made a pulley, and then used my weight and strength to lift him up.

I suddenly felt that the fat man was too heavy. This was simply too heavy. It should not be so difficult to lift him up with my weight and strength. But now it was obviously quite a struggle. I had carried him before, and he definitely wasn’t this heavy.

If I could get back alive this time, I would definitely make him lose weight, I thought to myself, and continued to exert myself to the utmost. It took me a full half hour to slowly lift him out of the water. By the time I dragged him up onto the branch, my hands were completely broken, and I didn’t even have the strength to lift them. At this time, the branch I was standing on was simply bent by the weight of the fat man and me.

I had no time to think about these things. After a short pause, I thought about how to deal with his poison. It was too late for me to suck it out, so I decided to go back to the camp and drag him through the woods. I was really exhausted, but I had to do it. Otherwise, if he died, how could I get over this hurdle?

After a short rest, I went down again and scooped up some more mud, which I smeared all over the fat man. Then I went to pull some vines from the surrounding area and quickly connected them to make a drag rack, trying to lower the fat man from the tree.

When I was tying the vines around the fat man, I realized that he was too fat to be tied down properly. I had to use the vines to tie him down in several places. The vines were very thick, and my hands were not strong enough. I stood up and used my feet to help, tightening the knots. Perhaps I pulled too hard, because suddenly the fat man opened his mouth and a mouthful of green water spurted out.

The green water was extremely smelly, and I immediately covered my mouth, wondering what he had eaten. At this time, I saw that there were actually many small red scales mixed in with the green water.

I picked up a piece and said to myself, “This is bad.” I tore open the fat man’s clothes and discovered that the fat man’s stomach was extremely large. I touched it hard and found that it was as hard as if I had eaten a scale.

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