Volume 8 Chapter 35 The ghostly voice reappears

Release Date: 2024-07-23 10:00:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was scared half to death in an instant, but before I could react, we were pulled by the vines on our bodies, and the two of us made two turns in the air, and the dog fell into the water below.

I was so stunned that when I fell into the water, I almost hit the water flat. The feeling was like being slapped hard by a hot water bottle filled with water. Fortunately, the water was cold, otherwise I would definitely have passed out.

After floundering a few times and floating up again, I hurriedly looked for Fatty, thinking to myself that this was bad. This was the thickest black mist in the swamp, and Fatty had already been like this, falling and nearly dying. If he drank a few more mouthfuls of water here, he would be dead for sure. Plus, I didn’t know what the black shadow was, but if it was a swamp monster, even I would be dead.

I was tied to the vines, and I couldn’t even move smoothly. Even if Fat Man could hold on, I couldn’t move him back to the tree. Moreover, although I didn’t know why the black mist didn’t seem to have a drastic effect on me in the tree, I still had to wonder if I could withstand it in such a high concentration.

But when I poked my head out of the water, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. The water was full of bubbles. First, the black mist around me blocked most of the light, making visibility even worse than in the fog. Second, the entire swamp was full of churning mud and water, making it completely murky and impossible to see the bottom. I didn’t even know where the fat man was.

I listened around, but all I could hear was the sound of bubbles. I couldn’t hear anything else, and I could clearly feel that the water had suddenly become much faster, and I couldn’t keep my balance. I was puzzled, and after listening carefully, I realized that it wasn’t just the water current. The vines on my body were originally wrapped around the branches, but now the branches, which were as thick as a person’s arm, had been washed downstream by the current.

People who have never swum in a natural river will not understand this feeling. Water is a very heavy thing. Even if the current is slow, it is very difficult to hold your position in it. Not to mention that there is such a big thing pulling me forward, and the time I took to look around had already taken me several meters forward by the current.

At this point, I was even more anxious. I could no longer see clearly what was going on around me. There must be a wellhead ahead, but I didn’t know how big it was. If this branch rushed into the well, the pull could drag me down in an instant. I didn’t even have the strength to resist. And the beast-like ruins were not far away. This process definitely wouldn’t take long. At this point, not to mention finding Fatty or being careful of the black shadow, it would be good to be able to keep my whole body intact!

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and dived into the water to untangle the vines. But the vines were pulled so tightly by the enormous force that there was no way to untangle them. I went to feel for the dagger, but I realized that I didn’t bring it with me.

I thought to myself, “I’m finished. I remembered that the fat guy never leaves his weapons behind, so he must have brought it with him. I went to look for the fat guy. I swam forward and splashed into the water. He also had vines on his body, so I went to feel for them in the water.

The water was full of mud, and I couldn’t feel anything except dead bodies lying horizontally. However, since the fat man was so big, he definitely wouldn’t float away from me. I struggled against the force of the water, and finally felt another tight vine. I grabbed the vine and leaned over, and suddenly I saw a black shadow floating in the water two or three meters ahead. It was dim and I couldn’t see clearly what it was.

I was scared, and looking at the way the shadow floated, I knew it was the strange shadow I had just seen underwater. I had a bad feeling in my heart, and the end of the vine was this shadow. I thought to myself, “Could it be that the fat man has already eaten him?”

The water was only two meters deep, and the black shadow was very high above the water. Obviously, it was definitely not a fish. What the hell was it? I pulled on the vine, and as I was hesitating what to do, I saw the shadow suddenly change shape and disappear underwater.

I knew it was bad, it had found me, and I was just about to turn around when a huge splash of mud and water exploded from the swamp. I saw a pair of large claws lightning-fast coming towards my neck.

“Fuck your grandfather!” I cursed, thinking to myself, “What the hell is this thing?” But it was too close to me to avoid. I could see the giant claws about to clamp down on my neck, when suddenly the power in my waist tightened, and I was suddenly pulled away by the vines, just in time to I was about to say “God bless you,” but then I felt the power in my waist suddenly become extremely domineering. I looked back and saw that I had been pulled to the ruins. The stone sculpture with the beast’s face was right behind me, with its mouth wide open, and the vines had already fallen into its mouth. I could hear the roaring sound of water in its mouth.

I knew that the branch that was pulling me had fallen into the well. I thought to myself, “God, are you playing a joke on me?” I immediately grabbed a rock on the side with my hand and yelled to freeze my body. I felt like my waist was about to be pulled off. In the blink of an eye, water sprayed behind me, and the thing came again. I panicked, and my hand immediately slipped off, passing through the mouth of the beast. I saw a blackness in front of me and a void behind me, and I also fell.

At that moment, all the sounds around me disappeared. The miner’s lamp on my waist spun around with my body, cutting through the darkness around me. I spun around in the air and saw the well walls, which were full of ravines and gullies, and the mud and water splashing around me. But the fall didn’t last for many seconds. My back hit something, and I was shocked. I almost vomited blood. Before I could recover, there was a void behind me again, and I spun around again. Then my shoulder hit something again. The shaft was not vertical, but seemed to have a slope. The top was covered with rounded steps washed by water, and I tumbled down all the way.

After three or four times, I completely lost consciousness. It wasn’t until I fell into the water that I drank a dozen mouthfuls of muddy water and struggled to surface. I found myself in a narrow shaft, wrapped in a very rapid current, rushing somewhere at great speed.

It was pitch black, and the narrow feeling was told to me by the violent roar of the water. I could feel the walls of the shaft with my hands, but I couldn’t grab anything. Fortunately, I had tied my miner’s lamp to my waist before, but in such a fast current, as soon as you move, your movements are completely chaotic, and you may even be knocked back by the turbulent current from the wall of the shaft and turn over head first. So I dared not move lightly, and could only try my best to maintain my posture.

After a short while, I heard a more intense sound of water coming from the front. It was the roar of a water dragon, deafening and deafening. I was shocked and said, “Fuck, it must be another downhill. But then I realized that I had fallen into a hollow, and the water flow had slowed down, so I could control my body.

I immediately took out my miner’s lamp and shone it around, and found that this was an underground reservoir, with huge amounts of water rushing down from the well openings in the walls of the reservoir, like the feeling of looking at a dam’s floodgates. The water splashed around, the sound deafening, and I suddenly felt like a cockroach that had been flushed down the toilet and now been washed into the septic tank.

I splashed around a bit, and found that the water was still flowing slowly in one direction. I swam over and shone my flashlight, and I saw a beast’s head on the well wall again. The water was still flowing into the beast’s mouth, but this beast was not the same shape as the one above. Obviously, this was just a diversionary storage pool, used to store floodwater to prevent the well wall from being washed away too much. Around the mouth of the beast, I saw huge, monstrous, dry branches that looked like mountains. They almost blocked it, and these should have been deposited here over the years from the swamp.

The branches I was holding were also stuck on top, and there was something hanging from them. I took a closer look and found that it was Fat Boy, who had also been washed down.

After returning from Hainan, my swimming skills improved by leaps and bounds, and I didn’t find it very difficult to move around in the water. I splashed around a few times, swam to the pile of dead branches, swam to the edge and climbed up. I saw that the vines on the fat man’s body were stuck in the intertwined branches of the branches, preventing him from sinking into the water. The majestic sound of the water had already faded far away, and my ears could finally hear something.

I swam under the branches and reached the fat man. I saw that his face was completely blue, his breathing was weak, and his pulse was barely palpable. I swam down again, grabbed his feet and put them on the dead branches, and used my shoulder to push against his stomach. After a few pushes, he vomited a ball of muddy water. Then I used my elbow to massage his chest. The fat man choked on the water and actually responded with a cough.

I was overjoyed, thinking that if he responded, there was hope. I immediately pushed him again, but I quickly ran out of strength. I took a breath and thought, “This won’t do. If I don’t do artificial respiration, the fat man will die. I have to drag him out of the water. I laid him down on the branch.

If I wanted to get the fat guy up there, I had to get up there first. I started to climb the pile of dead branches, but the branches at the edge didn’t have enough support. If I just went up, I would crush the branches into the water, and there was a danger of them would roll over, and the fat man would be pushed into the water, which would be the same as killing him. Moreover, there were too many thorns and branches here, and I would hit the thorns if I moved too much, which hurt so much that I could not help but cry.

In those few minutes, I don’t know how many times I climbed, all of which were broken and slipped down between two and three steps. I finally found out in despair that I could never climb up in this position with my own strength. The branches that looked like mountains were actually extremely fragile and could not hold people at all. In fact, there was only half a meter to the water, but this half a meter seemed like a huge gap, and I could never get over it.

The sense of despair was so strong that if there had been a sheer cliff in front of me, I would have been fine, but it was just these branches. I suddenly felt as if the heavens were playing a trick on me.

I climbed a few more times, my hands were all broken, and I realized that I definitely couldn’t do it by force, so I held on to the fat man and used his dagger to cut the vines, and then I moved the branch pile to the side to see if there was an easier place to climb on the rock wall here, preferably with a place to hold on to.

There was no way to swim against the current, so I braced the fat man and we went around the protruding branches that looked like barbed wire. Suddenly I saw a dry well opening on the other side of the rock wall. It might have been blocked somewhere and no water was coming out of it. On closer inspection, there were quite a few of these well openings, but they were all at a very high position, and only this one was within my reach.

I was overjoyed and leaned over. I first placed the fat man to the side, then grabbed the gap in the stone and climbed up. I knew there was a door halfway up and couldn’t help but laugh. Then I gritted my teeth and tried to do it in one go.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly moved a little and said, “There’s no time!”

I was startled, and when I turned around, I saw that the fat man had not moved at all, nor did he have any expression. I was puzzled, rubbed my temples, and thought to myself, “It’s all over.” Suddenly, a clear human voice came from behind the fat man. The voice said, “There’s no time.”

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