Volume 8 Chapter 40 Rescue

Release Date: 2024-07-23 10:00:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I didn’t dare to look down, but soon bubbles began to rise from the water around me.

I looked down with my eyes and saw a white human-like shadow under the water. The shadow was almost at my feet, floating and flickering. I couldn’t tell if it was a person or a ghost. But looking at the movements of the white shadow, I felt that it should indeed be more likely to be a person.

Who is it?

The fat guy on the side definitely couldn’t have woken up, and Pan Zi was still in the temple. Even if they came over, they couldn’t be so white.

I had no way to help at this time, so I just kept a lookout for the snake while watching the situation unfold.

The bubbles rose around me in a circle, and I felt that the person must have grabbed the roots of the tree underwater. The roots around me shook a little, causing a ripple on the water.

The snake immediately became alert, turned its head and looked around, obviously confused as to why the ground was shaking. It quickly looked around, saw nothing, immediately raised its head, stood upright, and emitted a series of high-pitched cries like a chicken.

In an instant, I felt the snake’s comb become even redder, and the entire snake body bulged up, as if it was about to burst with blood. I didn’t know if this was a warning or if it was summoning its companions.

At the same time, I felt someone scratching my ankle, right where I had sprained it. It hurt so much that I gritted my teeth. Then the person started scratching my calf, as if writing something.

This is a game I used to play when I was a kid. As soon as I felt it, I realized that he had written “prepare.” I couldn’t read the character, but the word “prepare” was obvious. I felt relieved and knew that the next character would be “breathe.” I immediately moved my foot to show that I knew, but I didn’t know what to prepare.

The snake didn’t know what was going on underwater, so it called out a few times. When it saw that there was no response, it slowly softened. At that moment, I saw the shadow under the water suddenly rise up, before I realized what was going on. Suddenly the water in front of me exploded, and a snow-white person suddenly burst out of the water, pinching the head of the chicken-crown snake in the blink of an eye.

I slipped and fell into the water when the man squeezed me, and I didn’t see what happened next. I didn’t want to see it either, so I kicked out and splashed out, swimming towards the center of the pool. I didn’t dare to turn around and look back until I swam three or four meters away.

I saw a splash of water there, and it was obvious that the snake was not so easy to deal with. For a moment, I didn’t know whether to escape on my own, or to watch from the sidelines, or to go over and help. I was still hesitating when suddenly a red light burst out of the water, and it rolled up the branches and went around the pile of branches, while emitting a series of extremely miserable sounds.

The white man immediately yelled at me, “Hurry up, it’s calling for help, it’s too late to wait!” and then he dived into the water.

Before the sound had finished, there were already gurgling sounds coming from all around the well, as if there were countless people and snakes around us.

I panicked and swam after the shadow of the man in the water. After swimming a few times, I thought of the fat man and said to myself that I couldn’t leave him behind. I looked out again to see the fat man. But I found that the fat man was already gone in the well.

This was a disaster. I could only hear a large number of gurgling sounds getting closer and closer in the darkness. I turned around twice and couldn’t see where the fat man was. I yelled again in front of me. After thinking for a few seconds, I couldn’t help but grit my teeth and sigh, saying that I was sorry and chased after him with my head covered.

The man was swimming very fast, and soon climbed up another dry well in front of him. He disappeared in the fog in an instant. I was very anxious, wondering who this person was, whether he was here to save me or to play with me. I followed him to the side, and at this time I had completely lost my sense of direction. I was just being forced to climb up by the sound of the gurgling, which was like a death knell, and I wanted to climb up immediately.

After climbing a bit, I realized that I couldn’t reach the well shaft at all. I was about to cry, but I couldn’t. I yelled a few times, and used all my strength to jump up a few times, but I still slipped down. The sound of the gurgling had gathered behind me. I hit the tree roots with my head a few times, and I was almost desperate. Suddenly, my hand was tightly grasped by someone, and then someone pulled me up with all their strength.

I was pulled into the well and immediately saw that the person pulling me was wearing a gas mask, and behind him were sixteen or seventeen similarly dressed men, with six or seven powerful flashlights shining brightly all around. I was about to ask who you were when the man pulled off his gas mask, revealing a familiar old face.

“Uncle San.” I screamed in surprise, but before I could finish, Uncle San slapped me, almost knocking me out. Then someone handed me a gas mask and immediately pressed it to my face.

I was lifted up and saw Uncle San put on his gas mask again. He waved his hand and someone immediately unscrewed a yellow smoke bomb and threw it into the water. The others carried me and quickly retreated into the depths of the well.

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