Volume 9 Chapter 8 Meeting

Release Date: 2024-07-23 10:00:52
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“How is this possible?” I looked at Wenjin and shook my head, unable to understand. The scent on Wenjin’s body was indeed the scent of a forbidden woman, but to say that she would soon become a forbidden woman was too incredible.

“I don’t blame you for not being able to accept it,” Wenjin sighed. ”When we first discovered this, we couldn’t believe it either.”

I still shook my head. At this time, I was completely unable to think. I just felt that everything was completely out of order. If the things I had sorted out before were all fragments of the incident, then the information Wen Jin gave me was like a sledgehammer, knocking all the fragments into powder. Now there is no possibility of any splicing.

“It did something to you that made you unable to age, but it also turned you into that kind of… that kind of… monster?”

Wen Jin nodded: “In my experience, it takes only half a year for the body to change completely into that thing. The first one to become a corpse was a girl. It was so horrible to watch her change little by little into that state. It was as if your body skipped the step of ‘death’ and went straight from ‘living’ to ‘corpse.’”

“But how does this happen?” I asked. ”Is there any way to cure it?”

Wen Jin shook his head: “The timing of the ‘corpse-like’ transformation is completely random. The only signal is the smell. We speculate that this strange change may be related to the ancient tomb under Xisha. At the time, the first thought was whether this was an ancient disease that had been sealed in the tomb and we had been infected. Later, after studying it, we found that it was not. However, this phenomenon is definitely related to Wang Zanghai.”

“Is that why you’re researching Wang Zanghai?”

She nodded in silence.

They were trapped in the basement of Golmud for a long time, and the process of escaping was quite complicated. Wen Jin briefly told me about it, but that is another story, so I won’t go into detail here.

After escaping, they were first pursued by a group of strangers. They had nowhere to go, and after a period of wandering, they re-entered the sanatorium, only to find it empty. Everything in the sanatorium had been removed, and they found no information at all. They had no idea who had imprisoned them or for what purpose. In order to escape this inexplicable power, they decided to act in reverse and chose this abandoned sanatorium as a hiding place, while investigating Wang Zanghai’s history and avoiding the pursuit of that group of people.

And then there was the rest.

At this point, I asked them, “So, do you think there is any way to cure this ‘corpse-like’ condition in this ghostly place?”

“We have deduced from a large amount of details that Wang Zanghai was pursuing a technique for becoming immortal that was recorded in the Warring States silk book, but it is clear that the technique he resurrected from the ancient book was not mature. We may become the experimental subjects of this immature thing. Although we can preserve our youth forever, the effect is very unstable and we will eventually become monsters.” Wen Jin said, “Wang Zanghai’s life’s pursuit must be to perfect the method of this technology. I think this is his last stop. The records in the Warring States Silk Book came from here, so this is the most likely place. But in this matter, I and Huo Ling had a disagreement. That time, she brought people here herself while I chose to wait. I thought she was dead at first, but then she came back after a few months. But it was obvious that she hadn’t succeeded. Her body had already begun to decay, she started to forget things, she started to lose control of her emotions, her metabolism was speeding up, and in the end she became that way.

“I had planned to hide forever, but a month ago, I finally smelled the smell coming from my body and knew that my final destiny had arrived. I had to put an end to it all. Your third uncle, the ‘it’ behind Jude Cow.”

“But what does this have to do with me?” I thought to myself and asked, ”Why did you send me the video?”

“I didn’t send you the video,” Wen Jin said solemnly. ‘This is another missing link. I was very surprised when I saw you in the team, so I asked the host, Zhuoma, to invite you. From your appearance, I deduced that ’it’ had infiltrated my plan, so I warned you. It sent the tape I originally sent to Jude to you.”

“Why did it do that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it doesn’t want Jude to go. It wants a simpler team of you, Ling, and Xie Lian. I can only speculate. However, this time Xie Lian used a very clever strategy, and by chance, my plan still went ahead. It must also be judging which one of these people I am.

I rubbed my face and felt a little clearer. I asked, “How much time do you have before you become a corpse? Are we still in time?”

She took my hand and said, “Don’t worry about me. I’ve already come here. I accept whatever fate has in store for me, whether it’s good or bad. Anyway, this is my end, as well as the end of Qi Ling and the end of Xie Lianquan. What you need to consider is yourself.”

I looked at them and thought to myself, you’re not going out, how can this be? At this time, I heard someone gently knocking on the rocks outside the barrier we made. A person coughed and said, “Is there anyone inside?”

I immediately became alert, leaned over the smoky oil bottle, and immediately cried out, “Be careful, it might be a snake. The snakes here can speak human language!”

The voice outside immediately said, “Aren’t you too naive?”

Muyoubing reassured me that snakes don’t talk to you, and he removed the barrier. I immediately saw a face covered in mud, and it was the fat guy. Looking again, I saw several other people behind him, all of them were Uncle San’s employees, including the one with the black glasses.

The fat guy had a face full of mud and said, “Sure enough, you’re here. Hey, little brother, you’re here too. Hey, did you catch him?”

I thought to myself, don’t make so many sound effects. The fat guy asked us what was going on. I said that I had a lot of things to do here, and I asked them what was going on and how they found us. Where is my uncle?

The fat guy said, “We saw a bra stuffed into a crack. Holy cow, this is a real Tamudu wonder. We crashed into it and found the crack and the mud inside. I taught them to protect themselves, but your uncle didn’t make it in time and was bitten. We heard voices and came to take a look. I thought it was those snakes.”

Although Wen Jin said that Uncle San was an impostor, I didn’t feel that he was an impostor at all when I was in a hurry.

I glanced back at Wenjin and thought to myself, “What are you going to do?” Wenjin nodded at me and said, “Let’s go and take a look.”

The other guys didn’t know Wen Jin, and asked me who the woman was.

I said, “This is Master San’s girlfriend.” The fat guy immediately said, “Call her Big Sister.”

The others were also scared and really listened to the fat man and immediately called. Wenjin glanced at me and told me to cut the crap.

They were in a reservoir not far away. This reservoir was larger and had few branches, and it was also covered with root-like mycelium. This time, there were at least half as many people, all of them pale. Wenjin taught them to block the only opening, and I was surprised. Could it be that this reservoir was already the end of the water storage system?

I went to see my uncle and saw that he had blood holes on his neck and arms, his face was pale, and his mind was a bit fuzzy.

“He only bit him after biting three people. The venom had dried up, but it was still strong.” The person who was taking care of him said.

Uncle San opened his eyes slightly. I don’t know if he saw Wen Jin, but I think he did. I saw him tremble and look at me again, unable to say anything.

My heart ached. Looking at his face, I couldn’t imagine that he was Xie Lianhuan. I had gotten along with him since I was old enough to understand things. Even if he was Xie Lianhuan, most of my impression of Uncle San came from him, and nothing could change that.

Wen Jin walked over and sat down next to him, looking at him without saying a word. The two of them just looked at each other. Uncle San suddenly reached out to her with great difficulty.

Wen Jin took his hand and whispered, “Xiao Xie knows. You don’t have to hide it. We don’t blame you.”

He moved his mouth, and I saw his tears gushing out. He looked at me and then at Wen Jin, trying to speak.

Wen Jin was also moved, leaned down, and pressed his mouth to his ear. After listening, he tightly held his hand: “I know, you’re back in the team. This is not your fault.”

He looked at me, and I held his hand. I didn’t know what I should say. Things happened so quickly here. Yesterday I was still chatting with him, talking about this and that. Now it’s turned out like this. Thinking about it, I couldn’t help but call out, “Uncle San.”

When he heard me call him “Uncle San,” he suddenly became agitated, moved a little, and slowly lost consciousness. I thought he was going to die, so I immediately called for help. The man next to him came over and took a look, and said, “Don’t worry, he’s just fainted.”

I let out a sigh of relief, and then I heard someone behind me say, “There’s a stone door here!”

We went over to take a look, and Uncle San’s employees found a stone slab at the bottom of the cistern with two iron rings on it.

They shouted and pulled the iron rings to lift the iron plate, and found a hole underneath.

Black glasses and the oil bottle went down to explore the way, and soon returned. Black glasses said that there was another world down there, completely not artificially excavated, like a cave, with many stone doors around, as if it was discovered and used when the water storage system here was excavated. The air inside was fresh, and there seemed to be no traces of snakes. It seemed that it could also lead to other places.

The road we came on might be full of snakes. We’ll have to go back the same way at least until it gets dark. Maybe there’s a way out from down here. The fat guy said we should go down and take a look.

It sounded like there were no snakes, and everyone here was going to go down. I told them that the situation was unclear and that they should not all go down like a swarm of bees. The place where we are staying is still relatively safe. There may be traps and traps down there, and it will be even worse than a snake bite.

No one was willing to go down after hearing this, so in the end, we decided to go down first to take a look. The others were just a bunch of riffraff, and going down wouldn’t help much. We just left them to take care of the injured and wait for us to come back.

Muyoubing and Black Glasses went down again, followed by me and Fatso, and Wenjin was right behind us.

Below was a huge circular cave. After shining the miner’s lamp around, we could see many stone doors. The fat man threw down the rope and walked to the side, saying, “Wow, it really is a different world!”

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