Volume1 Chapter 18: The Big Tree

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:34
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I carefully climbed out of the hole. There was only a small protruding area outside where I could stand. Beyond that was a cliff, at least 15 meters high. The wind was very strong, so I had to cling to the cliff wall to observe the place.

I really I really don’t know how to describe the place I saw. In front of me was a huge natural cave, roughly the size of a football field. There was a large crack in the ceiling of the cave, and the moonlight shone in from this crack, just outlining the entire cave. My current position was on the western side of the cave wall, and there was nothing to climb up or down. I swept I looked around and found that the walls around us were also densely covered with holes, thousands of them, and the density was like the walls had been swept by super cannons of different calibers dozens of times.

The most shocking thing was that in the middle of the cave was a tree that was almost ten stories high and that ten people could not even hug. And on that the tree was also entwined with countless vines as thick as telephone poles. These vines crisscrossed and intertwined with almost everything they could, and their branches hung down from the tree like wickerwork, some hanging in midair, some already reaching the ground, and even some vines simply reaching into the holes in the cave wall.

If If you look closely, you can see that there are many things hanging from the branches inside. At first I thought they were fruits, but looking at the outline of these things, it seems that they are not. These things are hidden behind the dense vines, and they are occasionally shaken by the wind, which is very strange.

And the bottom of this natural cave, there is a stone corridor, starting from a small building like an altar, and continuing all the way to the tree canopy. I can vaguely see that the end of the corridor is a stone platform with a dozen steps, on which there is a jade bed, and it seems that there is even a person lying on it! The distance is too far, and I can’t see anything clearly except for a silhouette. I dare not make a final judgment.

The fat man was very excited and kept shouting, “Damn, I’ve really found it! This must be the main burial chamber of the Western Zhou tomb. The corpse lying on the jade platform must be that of King Lu Shang. This old Lu Shang is really evil, taking over other people’s property and living in it. Today, I, Master Fat, will do God’s work and punish you for your lack of professional ethics, so that you know what happens when you take over other people’s property!” He said He was so excited that he didn’t think about what he was doing, and he even scolded himself.

At this time, Pan Zi suddenly said, “You’d better not move lightly. This King Lu Shang is very evil. I think there must be another mystery here. I think we should find a way to get back to the ground from the crack above.”

I looked up and saw that it was not easy to climb to the top, and we had to hang upside down for a long distance to get to the crack. We are not Spiderman, so how can we do it? So I turned my head to ask the fat man for his opinion, but I saw that he had already half-leaned out of the cliff, not taking Pan Zi’s words to heart. I saw that he was very agile, so I didn’t stop him. He climbed down more than two meters in a few moves, and when he was about to continue climbing down, a hand suddenly reached out of the hole and grabbed his foot.

The fat man was scared stiff and kicked the hand to try to kick it off. Then I heard a man’s voice from the hole: “Don’t move! If you take another step, you’re dead.” I was so happy to hear it was Uncle San, that I shouted, “Uncle San, is that you?”

The man below said in surprise, “Big nephew, where the hell have you been! I was so worried about you! Are you okay?”

I I heard it was really Uncle San, and I was relieved. I called out, “It’s okay, but Pan Zi is injured! It’s all the fat guy’s fault!” I wanted to stick my head out to take a look, but the hole was in the dead angle of the protrusion I was in, so I could only see half of the fat guy’s leg. I had to give up. I heard the fat guy yell, “Comrade, can you please not grab my foot?”

Uncle San yells, “Where the hell did you come from, you fat bastard? Don’t give me any lip, get down here, don’t step on my feet, and don’t touch that vine.”

The fat man says, “Which one? Is it this one?” He points with his toes. Uncle San yells, “Don’t!” Before he can finish his sentence had not yet fallen, the vine, which had originally looked very ordinary, suddenly rose up like a snake, and at the end it curled up like a flower. At first glance, it looked like a ghost hand. This thing was there, as if feeling the position of the fat man. Whenever the fat man moved, it moved with him, left and right, just like an Indian playing with a snake. I suddenly realized that the ghost hand that Pan Zi saw and the one I saw, which was as long as five fingers, were these things.

That fat is really not simple, he actually drew circles with his feet there, teasing the vines. I thought to myself that this guy is so unreliable, no wonder he can only come alone to dig the tomb. If he keeps following us, he will definitely be killed by him one day. Just as I was thinking, Uncle San really got angry and yelled, “I said, are you done? Do you know what this is? Get down here!” Just as he finished finished, the fat man was in trouble. The vine wrapped around his feet and then rolled up, almost pulling him off the cliff. When we were in the stone room, neither me nor the fat man could pull a single vine. Now, there was nowhere on the cliff to to use as leverage. I could see that the fat guy was in trouble. In a panic, I tried to find a rock to throw down to smash the thing, but the cliff was so bare that I couldn’t even get a scrap of it. I was feeling around in a daze when I suddenly felt a tightness in my foot. I looked down and saw that, oh no! A ghost vine came out of nowhere and wrapped around my foot. I immediately tried to find a place to grab it, but it was too late. A huge force pulled me out. Before I could react, I was already in the air.

The feeling at that moment was like weightlessness. I couldn’t grab anything with my hands and feet, and then I was thrown heavily against the cliff wall. I was so disoriented that I almost vomited blood. I felt the vines pulling me down again, and I was bleeding from both hands, but I still couldn’t grab anything. Then I was in free fall, and there was a 15-meter cliff below me. I closed my eyes and thought, “It’s over! I’m dead for sure.

At this moment, suddenly, three or four more vines were attracted to me and rolled down the cliff. One of them was particularly thick and immediately wrapped around my waist. I was wrapped in the air like a twist, and then I was dragged by the particularly thick ghost vine, and my head was scraped against the stone wall wall, my brain buzzed, and I immediately fainted. I felt like I was being dragged by those vines, and all along the way I kept bumping into branches and rocks. I was hit all over, and my eyes were filled with stars. I almost lost consciousness.

When I I found myself motionless, suddenly feeling extremely nauseous and dizzy. I wanted to open my eyes, but found that there was a layer of sand in front of me. I took a few deep breaths and gradually came to my senses. At this time, I discovered that I was hanging upside down on a branch of the giant tree. Below my head was a stone platform where a mysterious corpse was placed. I took a closer look and was shocked to see that there was not just one corpse on the stone platform. I looked carefully and was shocked to see that there was not just one corpse lying on the stone platform. Next to the corpse I saw, there was also a young female corpse lying there. The corpse was covered in white gauze, with eyes closed, a peaceful expression on her face, and she looked somewhat handsome. And the male corpse lying the male corpse lying on the side, wearing a bronze mask with a fox face, covered in tight-fitting armor, with his hands on his chest, holding a purple gold box in his hands.

I glanced at the armored corpse several times, always feeling that there was something about it that made me feel uncomfortable. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that when looking through the eye holes of the bronze mask, the eyes of the corpse inside were actually open, and the two green eyes were staring at me coldly.

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