Volume3 Chapter 38: The truth

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was looking at the corpse’s ID when Lao Yang suddenly asked me a question, which startled me. I answered him vaguely and continued to look at the item in my hand.

From this brief diary entry, it seems that this person came here three years ago, and Lao Yang and his friends first came here three years ago. I thought about it and realized that it didn’t make sense. Although the diary entry and what Lao Yang said matched up a little, most of it was different.

It should be two different groups of people. I don’t know why, but I always feel that the name “Xie Zi Yang” is very familiar. The surname “Xie” is relatively rare, and there should be very few people with the same name. Where have I heard it before?

I tried to recall it carefully, but there have been so many strange things happening recently that my brain is not working very well.

I continued to flip through his things, but I didn’t find anything. I put his diary away so that I could take a closer look later.

Lao Yang Seeing me squatting there without saying a word, he thought something had happened to me and called out to me again. I turned around and saw half of his face squishing into the crack, his eyes staring straight at my hand.

I cursed under my breath, thinking to myself, “You brat just wouldn’t come in, now you’re regretting it, aren’t you?” I said to him, “Stop making noise, I found something interesting and I’m looking at it.”

Lao Yang He frowned and asked, “What did you find?”

I told him about the corpse I had just found, and sighed and said to him, “This guy may be our end. If we can’t find the way out, we’ll probably die faster than him. But I think this guy’s name sounds familiar. Do you remember if we had any classmates with that name when we were kids?”

I stepped back to the side of the boulder and tried to pass my ID card through the gap to show him. But I looked up and suddenly saw that Lao Yang had no color in his face at all, just a pale, blank stare.

I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart. I thought to myself, “What’s going on? How did he suddenly get such an expression? Could it be that we really had a classmate named Xie Zi Yang when we were kids?

I closed my eyes and thought about it again, but I really couldn’t remember. Now people are so indifferent, and some of my college classmates don’t even know each other, let alone when we were kids. I looked Lao Yang didn’t say anything, and looked down at the ID number in his hand, saying, “I really can’t remember, but this person is much younger than us…”

Just as he said this, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed through my brain, and I froze in place.

Xie Zi Yang, Xie Zi Yang, Xie Zi Yang, Xie Zi Yang!

But, this name doesn’t seem to be a strange name—this is Lao Yang’s real name!

My My scalp suddenly exploded, almost giving me a chill. I hurriedly looked at the date of birth on the ID card, and couldn’t help but feel dizzy. My God, it really was Old Itch’s birthday, but this… this is impossible. This ID card, could it be that it was Old Itch’s!

Then, could it be that this corpse, which had already decayed into bones, was Old Itch…

But this doesn’t make sense. If Old Itch died here three years ago, then, who was it that was looking at me from outside the stone?

My My neck was stiff, and I almost mechanically turned my head to look at the half face peeking out from between the cracks in the stone. I suddenly felt an inexplicable fear. Old Itch’s face, illuminated by the flashlight, looked ghostly, and it actually looked somewhat similar to the black giant snake I had seen outside.

I I involuntarily retreated into the cave, afraid to get any closer to the rock. Lao Yi, however, did not move, still staring at me. I did not say a word, just like a stone statue.

With his temper, seeing me like this, he would definitely scold me like a grandson. Is it really because my identity has been revealed and I don’t know how to react?

At this moment I became more and more suspicious. Although the man outside looked and acted like Lao Yi, he might not be Lao Yi. I had come from Hangzhou to here, and the events between then and now flashed through my mind like a movie. The lies, the evasive words, and the things he said to me at the top of the bronze tree were all vividly clear in my mind. The little bit of suspicion that had accumulated in me gradually became clear at this time.

I I always thought that Lao Yang couldn’t be so deep, because firstly, I didn’t need to be deceived by him, and secondly, when he told me those lies, they were all extremely true. However, in other aspects, this person was too much like Lao Yang, and I couldn’t find a single flaw. Although I was already suspicious, I still thought that his personality had changed, and I didn’t think that he wasn’t Lao Yang at all.

At this time, At this point, “Old Itch” finally spoke up. His face retreated and he said to me, “Lao Wu, I just told you not to go in, but you wouldn’t listen. You’re just too stubborn. You didn’t listen to what others said. Some things, knowing them isn’t necessarily a good thing.”

I thought to myself, “There’s definitely something wrong.” I tried hard to keep my voice from shaking and said, “You’re not Old Itch… who are you really?”

Old Itch laughed a few times in a strange way. “Who am I? I’m I am Old Itch, Xie Zi Yang, the one who grew up with you and spent three years in prison. If you don’t believe me, you can check my criminal record!“

I sneered, ‘Nonsense. Old Itch’s corpse is right next to me. He’s been dead for three years. He never went to prison. Who the hell are you?’

”Old Itch“ half of his face appeared again in the gap between the rocks, a grim smile, ‘Yes, he’s been dead for three years, but I’m alive. What’s the difference?’

I looked at his expression and suddenly felt something. I frowned and thought, suddenly opened my mouth wide and stuttered, ‘Fuck, you’re not human! Are you… materialized by him?’

”Old Itch” snorted coldly and said, ”Why don’t you say he materialized me? Who knows? I I am exactly the same as him. Who knows which came first and which came later?“

I was almost out of control, picked up a stone and threw it at him. His face flashed back and he said, ‘Lao Wu, in fact, I am exactly the same as him. You don’t have to mind.’ I yelled, ‘Of course there is a difference. Who knows what kind of motherfucker was materialized with that kind of power!’

”Old Itch” suddenly fell silent, his face became very ugly, stared at me for a while, and suddenly said with a hideous look: ‘Fuck you, I’m Old Itch, you and he are the same, so don’t blame me.’

I felt I felt something was wrong. Suddenly, a gun barrel was thrust into the gap. I quickly rolled over to the dead angle. “Old Itch” shot at the stone, chipping off a large piece. Then the gun barrel immediately aimed at the dead angle where I was, and another shot. The bullet almost flew past my neck.

This gap was too small. Even if there was a dead angle, it could not protect all of my body. I saw that the situation was not right, so I quickly turned off my flashlight so that he could not see me. He panicked He fired a few shots in a panic, but none of them hit me. I rolled over and rushed to the edge of the rock, picked up a stone and smashed the gun barrel that had been sticking out.

“Lao Yao” couldn’t pull it out again and cursed angrily. I sneered, “What’s the same? I don’t think Lao Yao would shoot at me. You’re a shitty fake!” I After “Lao Yi” and I mentioned the materialization of a living person, I had a knot in my heart. I always had a feeling that this ancient bronze tree was here for a purpose. Could the creature brought about by this almost terrifying ability be a normal person? Is it really the same as us? Could it be some kind of monster?

Now it seems that although this “person” doesn’t know if he is the same as us, he obviously knows that he was materialized. I don’t know why, but I always feel that things are getting worse.

“Lao Itch” and I had a verbal spat for a while, and then suddenly he seemed to think of something and stopped talking. Then he turned off the flashlight, and all of a sudden the entire space went dark. The endless darkness pressed in, and in this small space with no light, it seemed particularly heavy.

I was on guard for any tricks he might have, and I retreated to a dead end to hide. Then I heard him say, ”Lao Wu, I remember that when you were a child, you were most afraid of the dark. Don’t think too much, remember what I just told you, if you think too much in this place, be careful when you turn on the light, a dead man’s face will appear in front of you.”

I cursed in my heart, this guy wanted me to materialize a monster because of my fear of the dark.

I told myself I told myself that I absolutely must not let him succeed, but I was actually scared. He had just said that when the flashlight was turned on, a dead man’s face would appear in front of my eyes, and suddenly my nerves were on edge. I immediately felt that there was something in front of me, only a few centimeters away, as if something had appeared. The hot breath I exhaled hit that thing and bounced back to my face, carrying a stench.

It’s not so smart, I thought, judging from the performance of the “old itch” just now, the ability to materialize is very difficult to control, otherwise we would not have been so embarrassed by the giant black snake, and it is impossible to make a monster so easily.

Illusion, I said to myself, don’t fall for his tricks, in such a closed black room, fear is definitely there.

I took I took a deep breath, and suddenly, my face felt wet. It was as if something cold had brushed past my face. I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and I almost peed my pants. I carefully touched my chest, and my heart was pounding. I felt weak all over. I knew for sure that there was something in the dark.

I didn’t dare to turn on the flashlight. I slowly leaned back, trying to cling to the stone wall, but as soon as my back touched the wall, I realized that it wasn’t stone, but seemed to be a piece of scales… I could even feel the muscles under the scales wriggling.

Oh my god, what am I thinking about? How could there be scales on my back? I hurried I quickly closed my eyes, clutched my flashlight tightly, and held it in front of me. Just as I was about to turn it on, I suddenly heard Lao Yi scream in a fake voice, “Lao Wu, why aren’t you turning on the flashlight? I’ll help you shine it!”

Then His flashlight lit up, and I suddenly saw a huge python head raised up right next to my nose. Its body, like a bucket, coiled in the cave, and the rocks above my head and behind me all became walls of scales, as dark as gems.

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