Volume3 Chapter18: The Ghost Blows Out the Light

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as the torch went out, the already dimly lit space suddenly became pitch black. I was so scared that I broke into a cold sweat and almost dropped the torch.

Liang Shiyi was even more scared. He let out a scream and ran as fast as he could. After running a few steps, he heard a loud bang. He must have hit something and was screaming in pain.

I took out I took out my lighter and looked at the torch. I found that the wick had not burned out, but I didn’t know why the flame suddenly went out. Could it be the wind? But there was no wind here.

Lao Yi said with a smirk, “Lao Wu, your craftsmanship is really not good. This torch is too fragile. It goes out as soon as you say it goes out. It’s like African dad jumping rope—it scared the hell out of me.”

I scolded I said, “What are you nagging about? If you have time to pick on me, you might as well go and see how the master is doing. Don’t get trampled to death.” I relit the torch and looked up. I saw that the master was lying on top of a skeleton, and the bones were scattered all over the place.

I went I went to help him up, and saw that he was pale and scared. Lao Yi patted him on the back and said, “Master, you are really funny. With your guts, you still want to come to the tomb?”

Liang Shi Master saw the torch burning again and let out a sigh of relief, saying, “Two… don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of the dark. It was just that, for a moment, it seemed like something was blowing on the back of my neck, and it was so cold that I thought the zongzi had come out and I was scared out of my wits.”

Lao Yang laughed: “What cold air? I think it’s your cold sweat dripping down your neck. This zongzi is behind you, not pecking you, but blowing air on your neck. Do you think all zongzi are young ladies?”

I also said, “Yes, Master Liang, calm down and don’t scare yourself.”

Master Liang Master Liang looked at us and said, “Two… two young men, please believe me. Someone must have just blown on my neck. It felt really creepy. I think there’s more than just the three of us here, there’s something else here!”

I looked at his expression and thought about how the torch had suddenly gone out. I thought that Master Liang’s words weren’t completely unbelievable. Torches Unlike candles, the wick on a torch does not burn out, so it is very difficult to put it out. Just now, something must have gone wrong. And in this kind of place, it is always good to be careful.

Thinking about this, I gave Lao Yang a wink, meaning that we should still check for insurance. Lao Yang nodded, and the two of us took out our guns and walked one in front of the other to where Lao Yang had just been standing.

Lao Yang Master Liang had just stood there, and less than a foot behind him was a stone man. The stone man’s head was already dry, so it definitely wasn’t this thing that was blowing air.

The only place it could be hiding was behind the stone man. I and Lao Yang walked over carefully, first using the torch to check, then looking over our shoulders, afraid that something would suddenly rush out. Then Lao Yang jumped over, yelling, “Raise your hands.”

Nothing happened, and there was nothing behind us.

I let out I let out a sigh of relief and thought to myself that it seems that Counselor Liang was really scared out of his wits, but I can’t blame him. In this kind of environment, if you haven’t been to a place like this before, it’s inevitable that you’ll be scared. Back in the Lu Palace, I was the same. You really have to practice to develop courage.

Lao Yang gave me a look and shook his head. The two of us turned around and just as we were about to put away our guns, suddenly “pch” and the torch in my hand went out.

I was I was stunned. What happened? The fire went out too suddenly. At this moment, the old itch in the dark suddenly yelled, “Fuck! Old Wu, be careful! There’s really something here! Light the torch quickly!”

I suddenly realized what was going on, and hurriedly reached for my lighter. Before I could even touch it, I felt a chill in the back of my neck, and a gust of wind struck me like lightning. I thought to myself, “This is bad. It’s dark and I can’t see what’s coming. I hurriedly ducked down, and the gust of wind brushed past my scalp. At the same time, I stumbled and fell to the ground.

This The fall was not very painful, but I hit a few stone figures on the side, and I don’t know what fell on my face. I didn’t care about the nausea, and I quickly lit the lighter and lit the torch as quickly as possible.

Under the light, I saw Lao Yi and Lang Shiyi both lying on the ground with pale faces. Lang Shiyi was so scared that he kept saying “Amitabha.”

Lao Yi was still in a state of shock and said to me, “Snap a picture. What the hell was that thing? How fast it was!”

I bit I stood up with clenched teeth and turned the torch around. I found that apart from knocking over a few more stone men, there was no change in the surroundings, not even a footprint. I was horrified. The gust of wind was as fast as lightning, so it was clear that the opponent was very close. close, but here the stones and corpses are densely packed, and it took just a moment to light the torch. It was pitch black, and even if you escaped as fast as you could, it would be impossible to leave no trace. I thought again, “Fuck, did I really run into a ghost?”

The torch It went out twice. Could it be that the ghost was trying to imitate the ghost blowing out the lantern and using my torch as a candle?

I pressed the torch under my shoulder to prevent it from going out again, then picked up the cold master. He was already in a trance and couldn’t stand up straight no matter how hard I pulled him. I lifted two, but I couldn’t really pull it up. I had no choice but to slap him twice.

I was afraid I was afraid that Lao Yi would be too harsh, so I quickly stopped him. At this time, the cold counselor suddenly realized what was going on, looked around, and burst into tears: “Oh my mother, you said that I am really meddlesome. It would be so nice to stay at home, why do I have to learn to be a fool? I’m dead in a foreign land!”

Lao Yang looked at him and said, ‘Stop it! You’re embarrassing yourself at your age! If you keep on like this, we’ll leave you here and you can crawl back yourself.’

Liang Shi Master Liang was out of control. When we scared him, he wiped his face and dared not make a sound. Lao Yang turned to me and asked, “Lao Wu, what was that thing just now? Did you see it clearly? Was it a zongzi?”

I waved at him and said, “No, we only saw each other for a moment, and we didn’t even see each other’s hair. Zongzi can’t be that fast.”

Lao Yang said to me, “Look at all these dead bodies here. No one would believe there aren’t any zongzi. I heard that there are different grades of zongzi. Could it be that we’ve run into a master of light martial arts in the zongzi this time?”

I didn’t want to argue with him, so I walked over to the bodies that had been smashed to pieces by the cold-blooded master and poked around with my pistol. I said to him, “The environment here is so humid that most of the bodies have only bones left, and black mold is growing on them. This thing can never become a vampire. I dare guarantee with my head.”

At this time, the cool master finally calmed down and said with a sniff, ‘Young masters, this has nothing to do with us. I think that while there are still torches, we should quickly climb back up the cliff and think of a way to deal with the rest.’

I knew I knew that he was not up to the excitement and had the idea of retreating, so I patted him on the back and explained that the enemy was in the dark and we were in the light. If we climbed the cliff now, we might not be able to avoid another wave of enemies. We would have no choice but to go to the underworld to cry to the king of hell, so we should not act rashly before the situation became clear.

Lao Yang said, “Lao Wu is right. We still have guns, so even if it is really a zongzi, we are not afraid of one or two of them.”

Liang Shi Master Liang shook his head and said, “Young man, don’t comfort me. With just these two guns, we’re dead if we encounter a zongzi. I’m afraid it’ll be hard to leave a whole corpse.”

I’ve never encountered a zongzi in the true sense of the word, and I don’t know if guns can hurt it. But since it’s made of meat, I don’t believe it can be harder than a bullet.

Thinking my face was somewhat relieved, not as nervous as before. After thinking about it, I felt that waiting here was not a solution, so we had to move forward. If it really didn’t work, we could step on the corpses. After all, we had knocked over a lot of them, so there was nothing to be afraid of. As for the moral issue, I couldn’t care less if I lost my life.

When Lao Yi heard this, he also felt that this was the best solution in the absence of any other options. At that moment, we set up the cool master and loaded the pistol. Still Lao Yan took the lead, I was at the back, and the three of us gritted our teeth and walked along the path once again into the depths of the corpse formation.

The traces we left the last time we walked here were still there. The traces we left the last time we walked here were still there. I remember that there were a few places where Lao Yao had stepped on the mud with particular force, leaving footprints. We followed these traces all the way, and sure enough, we didn’t find any side roads. As we walked, I suddenly felt something was wrong. How could the bodies here decay so unevenly? Some of the bodies were so rotten that there were no bones left, but some but some still had flesh. Just as I was about to call them over to take a closer look, suddenly, with a “bang,” a skeleton on the ground suddenly fell apart, and the skull rolled to the side. I was startled, and just as I turned around, I heard a “pop,” and the torch in my hand went out for the third time.

I had I had the experience last time, so I immediately crouched down. At this time, I heard a commotion next to me, and Lao Yi yelled, “Fuck! I caught it!”

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