Chapter 002 The Gathering

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:23:29
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Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly remembered a particularly important matter and hurried towards the purpose. It was a party, an illustrative party about investment projects.

That is, people who had projects and lacked funds came to Tokyo with their projects to find partners. Likewise, people who have funds but don’t have a good project naturally come here to look for a good project in which they can make an investment.

However, the Asian financial crisis was at a critical juncture, which made the original high profile investment presentation party a bit cold and quiet.

Organizers in order not to stop, gather popularity, the threshold is lowered again and again, but also did not attract many people to participate in it, after all, many people are in deep water.

They all belong to the mud Bodhisattva over the river, it is difficult to protect themselves. Where there is still extra mind to do another investment?

In addition to a bitter struggle, they are mentally prepared for the worst. If once the bankruptcy, on the road of no return will become completely reasonable.

Even the few people who have not suffered this calamity will not be optimistic about the economic situation in the short term, next year. In the long run, it will be difficult to recover from the devastation of the Asian financial turmoil within three to five years.

Justice Kishimoto got such an invitation to participate in the event by coincidence, which was not favored by the majority of people. If he hadn’t been there when the financial crisis broke out, he wouldn’t have had the qualifications to enter the conference at all.

He was dressed in formal attire, holding in his left hand the investment project prospectus that was sent to him by the receptionist as soon as he entered the room. On it were clearly listed the names of a number of companies, as well as a general description of their respective projects.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened the investment project manual in his left hand and started reading from the table of contents. His two black eyes, with their heads bowed, stared motionlessly at an online game company called NCSoft.

This was a new company that was established on March 11, 1997, not long ago. It is considered unlucky, just after the establishment of a short period of time encountered July 2, 1997 first from Thailand outbreak of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, and then all the way raging this evolved into the current Asian financial turmoil.

Masayoshi Kishimoto tried hard to suppress his inner ecstasy. He immediately decided that even if he had to sell his own money, he would invest it in the online game company called NCSoft.

Mr. Kishimoto thought with an excited look on his face that a great opportunity existed in the midst of a crisis. As long as you find it, you can make a big profit out of a small one, and make a big profit out of a small one.

Nowadays, other people are not clear about NCSoft, but he knows it very well. Don’t look at the current is not well-known, but later is bound to be in the network game industry among the famous.

Kishimoto justice counted the time, after another half year, NCSoft this company will be called “heaven” network game and fame.

Paradise” this online game for Chinese online gamers, only the gray players have heard of and hands-on play.

Although its performance in the Chinese market is not good, crippling defeat of the sad exit, but in a number of other countries is not hot, opened up a new way of entertainment and leisure.

Chinese online game players are familiar with the “Hot Blooded Saga” is quite a large degree above the imitation of the “heaven”. The former is one of the more poor imitators.

The reason why Paradise didn’t catch on in China was because its hardware and network speed requirements were much higher than those of Hot Blooded Saga.

Computers were a luxury item for Chinese people at that time. Ordinary people who worked hard and saved money for a year might not be able to afford a low-profile assembled machine.

Justice Kishimoto’s footsteps seemed to be out of control, as if the positive pole of a magnet was attracted by the negative pole, involuntarily looking for NCSoft’s Jin Zechen.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto saw Jin Zechen, he didn’t have time to bow and salute, and his first words came out, “I want to invest in your company.”

Jin Zechen froze at once. He had traveled all the way to Fusan just to raise funds, to save his company from collapse, holding a dead horse as a living horse, throwing his weight around.

Because the NCSoft online game company he founded was also deeply affected by the Asian financial storm. In the financing of this road, Jin Zechen is repeatedly hit a wall.

Banks naturally will not lend to themselves, after all, the eight major banks in South Korea have been difficult to protect themselves. Europe and the United States investors do not look at their own small companies that have just been established, even if they want to sweep the goods, but also go to sweep those facing temporary operational difficulties in the traditional industry of high-quality assets.

Not to mention that the current dominance of the game industry is still the host game. Secondly, there are computer single-player games or computer LAN games. Finally, there are arcades and handhelds. What the hell is this MMO thing?

Not to mention letting investors make a risky investment, this is something that even some peers in the gaming industry are not optimistic about, but it has the power to revolutionize the world.

While Kim Sawatsu was overjoyed, he was worried for a moment. With the gaze of a police officer scrutinizing a suspect, he carefully looked at the person standing in front of him from head to toe, and from foot to head, fearing that the person would be a fraud.

Masayoshi Kishimoto since from his eyes to see that he did not regard himself as a good person of different, also not angry, after all, it is understandable things.

Two people who have never met, he met with such a sentence, can not let the other party to raise vigilance. Who let the current self is not yet a big shot celebrity in the investment world?

“What, afraid that I’m a fraud?” Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to poke through that layer of windowpaper that was as thin as cicada wings between the two parties and said.

Jin Ze Chen naturally wouldn’t be stupid enough to admit it, kept a polite smile and changed the topic, “I want to know, why do you want to invest in our company?”

“Warren Buffett said a maxim of investment, others are greedy, I am fearful, while others are fearful, I am greedy. Nowadays, everyone is harboring the fear of the Asian financial turmoil, which is exactly when I should be greedy.

Even those who have money in hand will be more cautious than usual. You can see the number of people who showed up here. However, I am not afraid.

There are three reasons, one, I am a computer game super enthusiast, play the game can be at any time three days and three nights without sleep;

Secondly, I have always believed that the future development of computer games will not only stay in the single-player or LAN area, but there is a broader world;

Third, is the most important point, once you have a good opinion, don’t hesitate to dare to be the first.” Masayoshi Kishimoto put up the three fingers of his right hand one by one.

Jin Zechen couldn’t help but nod his head after listening to this speech of his, especially the other party’s its two, which deeply impressed him. The other party’s idea and his own philosophy coincided with the game.

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