Chapter 006: Dead Fat House

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:23:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Rie laughed her ass off, fluttering her flowers, but it didn’t cause Kishimoto Masayoshi to laugh at all. She laughed with flushed cheeks and a relaxed mood, showing the smugness of a successful prank on a brat.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly shook his body intentionally and let out a rather strange laugh, “Good idea. Then how about you come to my custom store as the head girl?”

Sakai Rie’s laughter came to an abrupt end at that, and she said angrily, “You’re a dog’s mouth that can’t spit out ivory.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right hand fist was hard “Oye”, today’s victory belonged to himself. A joyful expression appeared on his face.

Sakai Rie realized that her own demeanor, which also means that she lost. Her mouth above is absolutely will not admit, change the topic: “You really if the bullet room sold, the future can do?

Nowadays, the Asian financial turmoil continues to blow. Outside the work is to be a thousand times more difficult to find than inside the weekdays. Life is still something that needs to be lived every single day.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that her words were not alarmist. After selling the bullet room himself, he still had to wait for ten months before he could see NCSoft MMO’s Paradise officially hit the market.

Even if Paradise was listed, one would have to wait for another year before being able to share the dividends. That was a long time to wait. He really needed to find something to pass the extra time every day.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he be bored to death? He really hadn’t thought that waiting to get rich was also a rather miserable thing to do.

When Kishimoto Masayoshi thought of this, he couldn’t help but droop his head and cross his arms in front of his chest, his facial expression showing a few sad looks.

Sakai Rie looked at his difficult look and began to be happy again, and even deliberately put her face towards his side, smilingly said: “What, do you regret the decision to sell the bullet house?

If you really regret it, it’s not too late to back out. After all, didn’t you and whoever it was only reach a verbal intention, but didn’t formally sign a contract?”

“Making me give up the perfect opportunity to become a billionaire, would I be that stupid? Being a man of honor, words spoken are like water thrown out, it can’t be reversed. Boring is as boring as it gets! There is always a price to pay for everything.

From now on, the big deal is that I’ll play when I’m full, sleep when I’m tired of playing, and eat again when I wake up from my sleep, and I’ll just make it through the twenty-two months week after week.” Masayoshi Kishimoto sighed and lightly shook his head as he said.

“Are you making fun of me? This one joke of yours is not funny at all. A billionaire, just you? Dead fat otaku is more like it.”

Sakai Rie “giggle” not only laughed out of the silver bell sound, but also can’t help but tears from both corners of her eyes flowed down, said.

“What’s wrong with you, fat ass? In the way of you? If you don’t like me, you can always move away! I like to be a dead fat house.

I also like to drink Fat House Happy Water and Coke. I also like to eat fat-nerd happy meals and instant noodles.” Masayoshi Kishimoto deliberately shook his body to show his happiness.

Sakai Rie clearly sensed that he was demonstrating at herself while also using agitation. She immediately argued, “I’m not going to fall for your tricks.

If you want me to move out voluntarily, there’s no way. Don’t you forget, we signed a five-year one-page contract related to this.”

“You like doing housework that much? Why don’t you just marry someone.” Masayoshi Kishimoto scowled.

“Working outside is working, working for you is also working. Besides, if I cook with my own hands, I’m not worried about what I’m going to eat.

As for getting married! I don’t need you to worry about that. At that time, there will definitely be a handsome, gentle, affectionate, tasteful, capable, talented, insightful, and rich young man who will fall in love with me.”

Sakai Rie placed her hands on her chest with her fingers crossed, half opening her eyes and half closing them, as if she was a second year girl who was simply yearning for love.

Kishimoto Masayoshi saw her innocent side, and it was neither right to smile nor wrong to not smile. The one she talked about, was she still a human being? He ate silently, still letting her dream.

Sakai Rie didn’t feel the slightest bit that she was being nymphomaniacal, every girl would have a dream of Prince Charming. She herself fantasized about being a princess or a thousand-dollar lady.

On a sunny afternoon, she was relaxing at home in the castle garden full of flowers drinking afternoon tea, or in the stroll, unexpectedly met her own son of destiny.

After Sakai Rie finished fantasizing, she slowly returned to her normal state, and coldly asked, “Why does the financial crisis come once every ten years on average?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not answer and continued to lower his head as he ate. He really wasn’t used to her jumpy thinking. One moment she was living in a fantasy, and this moment she suddenly became particularly realistic.

“Don’t just focus on eating, I’m asking you!” Sakai Rie said with a slight frown.

“The nature of capital is profit-seeking and greed. Those who manipulate capital will not be able to escape the erosion, driven by the profit-seeking and greed nature that capital brings.

As a result, financial crises erupt on average once every ten years. Some times it is localized, some times it is full-blown.” Justice Kishimoto was naturally reminded of the global financial crisis of 2008.

The devastation of this crisis was also enormous. The United States alone caused over 8 million people to lose their jobs and 6 million to become homeless. The population of the United States is only 320 million.

At the same time, he was also thinking of the devastation caused by the current Asian financial crisis in Korea. Korea’s suicide rate in 1997 was 42% higher than the previous year.

Nine of Korea’s top 50 chaebol conglomerates collapsed. Thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have closed down, and the number of unemployed people has soared.

Not only that, but the South Korean government, which sought $57 billion in emergency funds from the IMF for assistance, was actually engaged in a negotiation with U.S. Treasury officials, and even if it didn’t end up accepting the core terms, it was forced to agree to a number of humiliating other terms.

Among them was a fuller liberalization of the financial markets, allowing foreign capital to enter South Korean companies with significantly increased shareholdings.

What hurt ordinary nationals the most was having a number of them forced to make up another indenture that automatically terminated their labor contracts.

This means that even regular employees are equally uninsurable, and can be laid off by their companies at any time, and are not able to receive appropriate compensation.

This is for the next twenty years after the Korean elderly retired, close to half of the poverty rate is to lay a huge ambush and hidden dangers.

They are not not working hard, indeed it is so that many people in the prime of life will not earn any money, and accordingly can not save money.

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