Chapter 007 The Asian Financial Crisis (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:23:46
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The next morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto ate the breakfast that Rie Sakai had done well to leave behind before he left the house. He stood on the side of the road and stopped a cab, preparing to visit the president of the Taito District Chapter of the Bullet House.

In RB, every industry has its own guild organization. At the top was the national one, followed by the regional ones in Kanto (East RB), Kansai (West RB), Hokkaido region, Kyushu region, Shikoku region, and Okinawa region.

Lastly, it is divided according to the district among each city or metropolis. Masayoshi Kishimoto inherited his father’s business in Taito Ward, Tokyo, and it was only natural that he inherited his membership in this industry.

Among the 360 trades in RB, pachinko parlor is a special one, which is similar to the customary trade, and it can reflect the desire of human nature the most.

At the same time, this also brings some characteristics different from restaurants and other legitimate industries. Even if it is legal, the same can not escape but in addition to the police special care, the local gangs will naturally be more or less involved in it.

On the cab, sitting in the back seat of the car Kishimoto justice, of course, understand any country in the world above the yellow, gambling, no matter how legal, but also in the back of a variety of intertwined and complex relations, not you want to do can do.

Since he is determined to sell the bullet room he inherited from his cheap father, it also means that he will completely quit this business.

It was essential to inform the relevant people in advance. From now on, he is going to draw the line with the gambling industry completely and thoroughly, and only do the honorable and legal investment industry.

The cab driver turned on the car’s wireless radio, which came out about the Asian financial turmoil to talk about the topic.

“I don’t know when this Asian financial turmoil will end, the number of taxi drivers is getting less and less, and business is getting harder and harder to do.

This damn cab company’s share of the money is not a penny.” The cab uncle couldn’t help but lament the difficult current situation.

Justice Kishimoto did not say anything. But he was as clear as a mirror, the financial turmoil in the most deeply hurt is one like a cab uncle such as ordinary people.

As for the end, next year is not. The yen exchange rate from the end of June 1997, 115 yen to the dollar to the beginning of April 1998, 133 yen to the dollar.

In May and June, the yen exchange rate fell all the way down, once close to the 150 yen to 1 U.S. dollar mark. With the sharp depreciation of the yen, the international financial situation became more uncertain, and the Asian financial crisis continued to deepen.

The year after next, that is, 1999 will completely end this Asian financial crisis. Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea is the hardest hit, and RB, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries and regions, also lost a lot of money.

Many people regarded Soros as the main culprit of this disaster and the one who should go to hell after death, but Masayoshi Kishimoto did not think so.

Soros only discovered the problems that had accumulated during the economic development of these countries and acted as the last straw that broke the donkey’s back.

Even if it is not Soros, there will be another person to carry out a harvest. At this time, the total amount of international lobbying has reached seven trillion dollars.

Who are the owners behind these international lobbying funds? Once they feel that there is a profit to be made there, they will definitely make it bloody, as if locusts are crossing the border.

Each of them has made a lot of money, but they have harvested some of the economic achievements of the past few decades into their own pockets.

The industry is withered, the economy is not vibrant, a large number of unemployed …… most suffering people are still in the social bottom of the ordinary people. Their lives have been seriously and negatively affected.

This kind of situation will never end, and it will come again and again, week after week. The countries or people who are victimized will not learn much from it.

As Hegel said, the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind has learned nothing from history.

What is more, the economies of Southeast Asia are inherently servant economies. When they are faced with international lobbyists, they are often like a little boy standing in a boxing ring and facing the champion.

When they arrived at the place, the cab man pulled up. Masayoshi Kishimoto paid the fare, got out of the car, and headed straight for the bouncy house where the Taito District chapter president was located.

As soon as he walked through the door of the bouncy house, he heard a very loud noise. On top of that, the air was filled with the smell of various cigarettes.

If there was no exhaust fan installed in the indoor air that was filled with a large amount of nicotine, it would definitely kill the mosquitoes and flies.

A male clerk took the initiative to walk forward and smiled, “Sorry, it’s full.”

“I’m not here to have fun, I’m here to find your boss.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he made his intentions clear.

The male clerk, in the midst of understanding, raised his right hand in one direction and signaled, “Over there is our boss’s office.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out a “thank you”, turned on his side, and once again moved his feet toward the place the other man pointed out. As soon as he knocked on the door and entered, he was greeted by a smiling face from the branch president.

“What kind of wind blew you to my place?” The branch president took the initiative to get up and walked around his desk, greeting him with a smile.

“Southeast, northwest, and north-west winds. Your business is good!” Justice Kishimoto said politely.

“So-so.” The branch president smiled and raised his right hand, suddenly scratching his bald head.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he smoothly took a can of coffee from the side and handed it to Masayoshi Kishimoto. Then, he signaled the other party to sit down and talk.

Masayoshi Kishimoto held the coffee in his hand but did not open it. He opened the door when he sat down, “I’m planning to resell that one bullet room of mine.”

The branch president was instantly surprised. He was well aware that not only was business on his side good, but it was good for the entire industry.

While everyone else was expecting the financial crisis to pass quickly, they, on the contrary, couldn’t wait for it to continue like this.

“You’re not kidding me, right?” The branch president didn’t believe it could be true, saying.

“No, I am serious. If you’re interested, I’ll sell it to you! Taito District has two busy shopping district shopping streets, Ueno and Asakusa.

You’re on the Asakusa Temple side, and I’m on the Ueno Park side. If you own my side together, Taito District will be yours.

From now on, I’m afraid no one will dare to come to Taito to compete with you. At that time, your status in this business will also be able to increase drastically.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

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