Chapter 008: Loser

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:23:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto rubbed up the coffee canister inside his hands and looked up as he watched the branch president walk around not far from him.

The chairman suddenly stopped walking and turned sideways to face him, “Your father and I have known each other for a while, and we still have some friendship.

As your elder, I am kindly reminding you to think twice before you act. Your father had a hard time back then. He worked very hard to build your store in Ueno Park.

It would be a shame for your father to sell it so easily, wouldn’t it? It’s not like we can’t run it anymore. Nowadays, it’s a good time to make money in our line of work.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto stopped rubbing the coffee cans in his hands, and could see that the other party was not being sycophantic, “I’ve made up my mind, and I really don’t want to eat in this line of work anymore. It’s not a good reputation.”

“Reputation? That can be worth a few dollars. People nowadays talk about real benefits. Will anyone dislike my dirty money? No.

Would anyone think a commoner’s money is dirty? No. Our country has always smiled at the poor but not the whore.” The branch president made a counting motion on his right hand and said.

“If you don’t want my store, put the word out for me. I don’t want yen for one transaction, all for dollars.”

Kishimoto justice on the one hand thought of the yen will be in the next half a year time all the way down depreciation, undoubtedly is to make their own losses for no reason, on the other hand in the form of U.S. dollars into the NCSoft online game is also convenient for each other, after all, less exchange rate loss above the exchange rate, the Korean won is also a day a price, depreciation of the unseemly.

“I know I’m long-winded. However, I still want to say again, you want to go back and think about it again? If your mind is truly made up, it wouldn’t be so bad to make another trip to me.” The branch president sort of bitterly said.

“There will be at least one big gamble in one’s life. When and where it happens, it’s not clear. However, once it occurs, it depends on whether one dares to gamble or not?

Now and now under my eyes, a big gamble in my life has already appeared. I would rather lose it all than watch it pass away from my eyes.” Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up with a tight grip on the coffee can in his hand and solemnly said.

The branch chairman and his four eyes relative to each other stayed for several seconds of time, personally felt from his determination. He himself no longer persuade one more what to say: ”I understand. I’ll ask for a good price for you.”

He paused for a moment, and with a twist of words wanted to know what it was that could make the other party so desperate that he would not hesitate to sell his father’s business but also want to do it to the end of the road, “Is it convenient to disclose a little bit of what you want to do to me?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto greatly said, “I’m investing in an online game company.”

The branch president froze at once. In his mind, he thought, “What the hell is this? Can it be that he is really old? The things of the young, he didn’t understand at all.

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw the other party’s dumbfounded face and foggy head and said, “The next era will be the era of the internet economy. Among them, the online game industry will be a booming new industry.

Not only that, it will also be a sunrise industry with high economic returns.RB will miss this opportunity, but I won’t miss it. If you are interested, we might as well join together?”

The branch president immediately expressed a clear refusal. He didn’t want to throw his silver toward the water and accompany a loser to go crazy, “I’ll just do my line of work. What you young people have is not suitable for an old man like me.”

Justice Kishimoto did not hold out hope of convincing him. The reason why he had put his heart and soul into it was that he could see that the other party was also being sincere.

He completely expressed his understanding that if everyone was optimistic about the online game industry, there would be nothing left for him.

It is because everyone is not optimistic, so it gives himself an opportunity to take advantage of. If not, Jin Zechen would not have traveled a long way from South Korea to RB to finance.

Of course, Masayoshi Kishimoto has also done the worst in his mind, Jin Zechen backtracked on the verbal intention reached by the two before.

However, it wouldn’t cost himself the money-making bullet house for nothing. He had another investment channel. Instead of investment, it is more appropriate to say speculation, that is, the use of the hands of the dollar to short the yen.

This to the next year in May, June, the yen fell to nearly 1 U.S. dollar to 150 yen when, and then collectively thrown out, but also be able to make a big profit.

RB’s good is that it is a highly developed free market economy, whether speculation in foreign currencies, or buying and selling gold, stocks, futures, etc., that are T + 0, not excessive foreign exchange amount of control. At the same time, also increased the corresponding risk.

Kishimoto justice after talking about his own business, no more too much disturbance, with that a hearing coffee is out of the other side of the store.

He stood in front of the store, breathing in the smooth air, “snapped” open the coffee can, pulled open the pull ring, and tilted his head back to drink up the coffee in one gulp.

With a smile on his face, Masayoshi Kishimoto let out an uncontrollable “ah” sound. It was not as if he didn’t know that he would be a loser in the minds of some people in the future.

The fact that he had sold the money-making bullet house would definitely become the laughing stock after their meals for a period of time, as well as the antithesis of their children’s education.

However, none of this mattered to Masayoshi Kishimoto, go his own way and let others talk! He himself would prove to those who laughed at him with time, who was the right one?

He was the one who made a right decision at the right time, and then reaped the rolling profits that made them unimaginable.

On his way back, Justice Kishimoto did not choose to take a taxi back, but walked. He felt that his feet were much lighter, after all, he was advancing something that he wanted to accomplish the most.

Unsurprisingly, his own bouncy house would soon be taken off his hands and realized. Next, he would go to the bank and remortgage his home near Ueno Park for a period of two years.

Small banks couldn’t do it, they were all too deep in the Asian financial crisis to get out. A big bank, like Sumitomo Mitsui, would be his first choice.

The elevator apartment is in a good location and is a high quality asset, so there is no reason for the bank to reject it.

The only difference is that in this current bad economic situation, they will be undervalued. Compared to the profits that they would gain in the future, these losses would be negligible, completely negligible.

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