Chapter 009 Ueno Park

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:23:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t go straight home, seeing that it was still early, he went to Ueno Park. Although it wasn’t the current cherry blossom season, there were quite a few people there.

In addition to domestic and foreign tourists, there were also many people in the more remote parts of the park, and while it was getting colder by the day in the winter months of December, it was obvious to him that the crowds of people in suits and briefcases, wandering around by themselves, were colder than the weather.

Among them there are aimlessly wandering around, downcast, sighing, sitting in a daze, lying on a park bench above the sleeping ……

The whole person’s mental outlook is not good, so the onlookers will know that nine out of ten of them are unemployed. They are unemployed, and do not dare to tell their families, for fear that they will be anxious and worried.

So, there is such a scene, they go to work every day is to stroll in the park. At the end of the day, they go back to the park, and they have to pretend that they are tired at work.

The harm brought about by this Asian financial turmoil is thus evident. It is not that these people do not work hard, do not want to do the work, but there is really no work for them to do.

In particular, some men who have entered middle age have already had a mid-life crisis. These older people not only have to pay the mortgage, but also have to support their wives and children, so their expenses are quite high.

With the bursting of the economic bubble in the early 1990s, the lifelong employment system of the RBs was gradually dismantled.

Even if they still have the merit system, it doesn’t mean that they won’t lose their jobs. In the event of poor business conditions and layoffs in their companies, they will inevitably be the first to be laid off. After all, they have to earn more than young people, but their work efficiency is not as good as that of young people.

Many of them have already lost the enthusiasm for work that they had when they were young, and are coping with the mentality of muddling through and getting by.

Justice Kishimoto was well aware that RB society had traditionally been a high-pressure society, and that it was often difficult to survive once one was unemployed. The so-called unemployment benefit system can only benefit a very small portion of the population.

The RB people also have a tradition called the culture of shame, which has led to a number of people who clearly could have applied for financial assistance from the government, but did not, and even starved to death.

The government’s financial assistance to individuals is also very limited, resulting in not only a scarcity of food, but also an artificially cumbersome application process that is designed to make applicants give up.

According to an RBNPO organization, about 5,000 people starve to death each year in RB due to food shortages. the RB government puts it at about 2,000.

As for suicides, the number of suicides in RB has remained consistent at 20,000 to 30,000 per year.The myth of RB’s economy has been shattered, and women are no longer staying at home to do housework and bring up children or anything else, but are not engaging in productive labor.

At this time, more and more RB women are entering the workforce. Even when they got married, they continued to work, not like in Japanese dramas where they would leave their jobs and live a life of raising their children.

Of course, except for those whose husbands are full-time employees of large corporations, government employees, and other decent, stable, and high-paying professions, they basically continue to work. Even if they are pregnant, they will still continue to do so.

After giving birth to a child, they will also bear the burden of supporting the family together with the man. Or they stay at home for a while and wait until their children are old enough to go to elementary school, and then come back out to work as much as they can.

Depending on the family’s financial situation, RB men are still proud to keep their wives out of the workforce, as it is a way of demonstrating personal excellence.

Even if the wife works outside the home, it is not as humiliating as it used to be in the RB past. However, RB women are beginning to show their financial independence, which makes them more demanding of their male partners, and they value money even more.

Before Masayoshi Kishimoto traveled here, RB women demanded an annual income of no less than 4 million yen from their marriage partner, and would not make concessions in this area, in order to have a low-risk marriage.

What is the concept of 4 million yen? A regular employee at a small or medium-sized business earns about 2-3 million yen a year.

Freelancers who work at convenience stores and other temporary jobs earn an average of a million or so yen a year. Only large corporations allow first-year employees to earn about 5 million yen per year, and then increase it year by year.

By the time you’re in your thirties, married, raising a wife, having kids, and paying the mortgage, you’ll be earning over 8 million yen a year. Well-known companies are able to pass 10 million yen.

Those who earn more than 10 million yen a year are often the elite of RB society, properly middle class.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t choose to take the route of an ordinary salaryman is that he saw through the social scam.

A person who graduates from college is usually around 23 years old. In RB at this time, the retirement age was at 60, and before he traveled here, it had already been raised to 70.

By the time he reaches the legal age to officially retire, he will inevitably be 70 years old without running, which means that he needs to work from the age of 23 to the age of 70, a full 47 years.

How many companies can survive 47 years? According to the U.S. “Fortune” magazine reported that the average life expectancy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States is less than 7 years, and the average life expectancy of large enterprises is less than 40 years.

In China, the average lifespan of small and medium-sized enterprises is only 2.5 years, and the average lifespan of conglomerates is only 7-8 years. The U.S. closes down about 100,000 enterprises each year, while China has 1 million, 10 times more than the U.S.

Not only is the life cycle of the enterprise short, can be stronger and bigger enterprises are few. Even if you stay in a company that survives 47 years, you still have to avoid layoffs for various reasons within the company.

The good thing about RB is that RB has the largest number of 100 year old companies in the world, so that RB people can work hard until their retirement with peace of mind and make the company their home.

In RB’s middle class families, there is always the idea that if you don’t find your place in society after graduating from college, it will be hard to find it later.

The factor of origin is not only important in RB, but also in countries all over the world. Being a human being is risky, and one needs to be careful when casting a birth.

If that one cheap dad of his hadn’t left him a pop-up house, a house, and miscellaneous things, he wouldn’t have been able to have start-up capital to make investments.

Justice Kishimoto didn’t want to put his fate in the hands of others, he wanted to be the master of his own destiny. Since he was able to predict part of the economic future, he would grasp and utilize it properly, and never become one of the people who were aimlessly wandering around the park in front of him.

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