Chapter 015: Established Customs

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After drinking the coffee, before parting ways, Masayoshi Kishimoto handed Kyoko Fukada a valid phone number that could reach her, her own home landline number.

The reason why he would do that was because talking about anime with each other was very speculative. As the saying goes, the world’s anime fans are all in the same family, regardless of age, regardless of internationalization, regardless of color. ……

Even if they belong to a rather disgusting existence in the eyes of the mainstream population in their own country, it will not prevent them from agreeing and pursuing on the second world.

This one industry also contributes quite prominently to RB’s economy, and is also able to export culture to foreign countries, and also erects a good image of the country and its citizens.

The fact that Masayoshi Kishimoto and Kyoko Fukada had befriended each other with similar interests and become ordinary friends was something that was completely normal and couldn’t be any more normal.

He did not ask her to join him for lunch, not because he was cheap, but because he followed the unspoken rules of Japanese culture for men and women. When a boy invites a girl to lunch alone, there is more or less a meaning of pursuit in there.

This was the second time they had met, the first time because of a small accident, and this time it was a chance encounter. If Masayoshi Kishimoto had taken the initiative to invite the other party to dinner, it would naturally be against the established rules of his country.

Likewise, if Fukada Kyoko accepted his invitation, she would undoubtedly show her own frivolity. A daughter of a serious family, that would be absolutely unacceptable.

The two parties had been going back and forth a lot, and after a long time, it would be a good idea to have a lunch or dinner together.

Even so, the girl should also take the initiative to show that the daughter of a serious family, a gesture of good upbringing, AA system. As for whether the guy needs it or not, that’s another matter.

Even if the boys just accept the AA system, it is also a normal thing between men and women in the country, will not be recognized by the girls is stingy.

Boys insist on paying the bill, then naturally will receive the first time from the woman that, thank you for the hospitality. If this happens more often, the girl will also take it for granted. In this respect, it seems that girls from all over the world are pretty much the same.

The difference also lies in the fact that generally, if a girl takes the initiative to ask a guy out, then she will pay for the day. On the other hand, when a guy asks a girl out, it means that he will have to pay for the day’s expenses for both of them.

A boy to show in the consumption of everything in the initiative to pay the bill behavior, naturally handsome, a good reflection of personal economic ability, and then more able to win the girl’s sense of trust.

Near noon, Masayoshi Kishimoto was still wandering around Akihabara. Here in addition to anime, there are all kinds of electrical appliances. He came here on this trip not for electrical appliances.

Masayoshi Kishimoto found a ramen store and went inside without waiting in line. He found an empty seat and sat down, looking up at the menus written side by side on the front wall.

At the top of each menu was the name, and at the bottom was the price; in Akihabara, Tokyo in 1997, 500 yen would have been enough to fill you up in a restaurant of this caliber.

Twenty years later, the same meal would cost about 2,000 yen. The main reason for this is not really due to inflation in this country.

As one of the major international currencies, the yen is generally stable unless affected by external economic factors. The main factors that caused prices to rise were the landlords’ substantial rent increases and the yearly rise in labor costs.

Twenty years later, more and more foreigners are coming to Akihabara, especially the Chinese, who have seen the biggest increase. Currently, the people who can come to RB are either publicly funded or the small group of people who got rich first.

China’s ordinary people, don’t even think about it. 1997, China’s per capita GDP is only 750 U.S. dollars, RB’s per capita GDP has been as high as 40,940 U.S. dollars. The exchange rate was 1:6.2 to the yen, not 1:15 twenty years later.

“I’ll have a tonkotsu ramen.” When Justice Kishimoto entered the ramen store, of course he wanted to eat ramen, it wasn’t as if he came here to eat fried rice!

The shopkeeper understood and immediately set about making it. In between patiently waiting for the Tonkotsu Ramen to be delivered, Masayoshi Kishimoto looked left and right, but surprisingly, he didn’t notice the young little sister.

It was not surprising that his memories were mixed with those of the original owner of this body. After all, it was another established RB girls’ custom that young girls, especially alone, would not come to a ramen store to eat ramen.

It would always seem odd to them to have a man on the left and a man on the side. If they met a middle-aged man, a strange grandfather, they would always inevitably say something gleeful and loud and flirty.

Back then, when Watanabe Mayu participated in her first handshake meeting, she was asked by a strange grandfather when her menarche was. She cried out “wah wah wah wah”.

Even though RB has always been a high-pressure society, there are many ways to reduce stress, and not everyone is depressed. If you have a problem with mental depression, it’s your own problem, not society’s. RB people are completely depressed during the day and at night.

During the day and at night, RB people are completely different. During the day, they are polite and courteous, but at night, when they have a few more drinks at an izakaya, they harass their female coworkers and so on.

Even if that’s not the case, there are dirty jokes flying all over the place. Loud and boisterous voices are the norm. It’s not surprising that when you’re drunk, you urinate and defecate on the side of the road.

Even getting drunk and sleeping on the ground for the night, again not surprising. The streets are full of nightclubs, a real city that never sleeps. Even at four or five o’clock in the morning, there are people everywhere.

The place to de-stress is also various types of custom stores, pop up rooms …… This generation of RB people has not yet entered the low desire society of twenty years later. Young people uphold the values of their predecessors, making more money to be able to spend more.

Justice Kishimoto understands that had it not been for the negative impact of the Asian financial turmoil, RB would still still be presenting a scene of paper-rich people eating, drinking, and having fun.

Even the bursting of the economic bubble in the early 90’s was at most a reaction to the real estate industry, the financial industry and so on. Chemicals, steel, electronics, automobiles …… are still far ahead of the world.

A big bowl of pork bone ramen bubbling with white mist was placed smoothly in front of Masayoshi Kishimoto by the clerk with both hands. The top layer of green onions scattered by the heat, the aroma is more and more rich, directly into the nostrils. Vegetables, half an egg, seaweed, and a few pieces of meat were lined up in order, surrounding the ramen in the center.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pulled out a chopstick from inside the chopstick tube, not holding it horizontally in his hand, and closed his eyes with the words, I’m going to eat.

With a little bit of force, he separated the disposable chopsticks, not rushing to start, and then inserted them into the bowl. He used the small spoon that came with the large bowl to serve some soup, and was the first to send it into his mouth.

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