Chapter 017: Reading

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:18
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Masayoshi Kishimoto found a small bookstore around the corner where he could sit down for a cup of coffee and a book. There were no customers other than himself, a cold and quiet scene.

This is naturally and the Asian financial turmoil is also inextricably linked to the existence of. However, this is exactly the quiet place he wanted.

Masayoshi Kishimoto ordered a cup of freshly ground mocha coffee. While he heard the noisy sound of coffee beans being ground into powder, he browsed through the books on the shelves here.

The lack of comic books was a normal thing, and it didn’t feel out of place. A small bookstore like this one with a small taste would not have comic books, even if it was open in Akihabara.

The only place to read comic books here in Tokyo, other than at internet cafes, are specialized manga eating tea houses. Another good thing about these places is the ability to spend the night.

Tracing back to the origins of the RB economic bubble, they were used as a place to spend the night, whether it was for salarymen who worked late and missed the last train, or for people who had a late night and lost track of time at a nightclub.

With the bursting of the economic bubble in the early 90’s, these places gradually turned into long term residences for some people. Later on, in addition to Internet caf茅 refugees, many people would choose a place to stay for the first time when they went to Beijing to work.

Masayoshi Kishimoto chose two books, one was Natsume Soseki’s Sanshiro, and the other was Kobayashi Takiuji’s Crab Worker’s Boat. These two books were enough to accompany himself for an entire afternoon of leisure.

Masayoshi Kishimoto belongs to the category of people who can read both elegant and vulgar, and is not at all stuck in one pattern. Both “Mishiro” and “The Crab Ship” represent stages in the development of RB.

Crab Ship” depicts unemployed workers, bankrupt peasants, poor students, and children of 14 or 15 years old who are tricked into being employed on the crab ship “Hakko Maru” and then drifted on the sea for a long time to engage in primitive, backward, and laborious crab fishing.

Originally an industrial vessel incapable of operating at sea, the Hakko Maru was artificially converted into a fishing vessel capable of fishing in the waters of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The Kamchatka Peninsula, where the sea conditions and climate are particularly complicated, produces the world’s best king crabs, and in the meantime, it is also used for shrimp fishing. It shows the bloody accumulation of raw capital in the primary stage of capitalism.

The novel truly exposes the ferocious nature of the fishery capitalists and the reactionary army in exploiting and oppressing the fishery workers, and correctly expresses the development of the RB working class from spontaneous resistance to conscious struggle, making it one of the outstanding works in the history of modern RB literature.

Even in 1997, or twenty years later, or even longer, it would not be out of date to look at the long novel The Crab Worker’s Boat again.

Even if RB’s capitalism develops from the primary stage to the advanced stage, the relationship between the exploiter (the dominator) and the exploited (the dominated) never changes.

The exploitation of capitalism at the primary stage is simple, direct and brutal, while the exploitation of capitalism at the advanced stage becomes more subtle and diversified to give the exploited the illusion that they are doing well.

A good number of people would enjoy themselves even if they were gang-raped every day in all sorts of fancy ways, and never once have I seen them excited enough to be able to look like they did when they were fighting or quarrelling, so fragrant.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto returned with the books, a cup of mocha coffee was already placed on top of his chosen spot. He placed the two books on the small wooden round table in front of him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto first picked up “Crab Worker’s Boat” by Taki Kobayashi. Although it was a long novel, the book was not too thick, so it would take an hour or two to finish it.

It was still too early to eat dinner at seven or eight o’clock in the evening. Natsume Soseki’s Sanshiro was enough to add to the time he had left after finishing Crab Worker’s Boat.

In Masayoshi Kishimoto’s opinion, Sanshiro is not only the first prelude to RB writer Natsume Soseki’s Trilogy, which has been described as the best young adult novel in Soseki’s literature, but it also reflects the unbridgeable gap between the RB classes, or the compromises that have to be made in the face of reality.

Even if the heroine has that much of a crush on the hero, the heroine’s brother’s admiring attitude towards the hero prevents the two of them from getting together.

The heroine ends up marrying another man from the same class as her. The hero’s background is that of a poor student who went from Kumamoto High School to a university in Tokyo.

Kumamoto, a small place in RB, became famous and memorable to many Chinese people not because of Natsume Soseki’s Sanshiro, but because of its cute mascot Kumamoto Bear, the best strawberries in all of RB, and the earthquakes.

The main character starts off with a bold statement from a man he meets on the train that RB will sooner or later die with its current path of development.

When he arrives at the university in Tokyo, he thinks that he has read a lot, and likes to be partial and cold. In fact, when he borrowed a book from the library to look at the cold and remote books, but found that the pages of the book has long been someone with a pencil on the error of the corrections, resulting in his shock, truly understand what is called the sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people.

When he was in Kumamoto, he was like a frog at the bottom of a well. Furthermore, Tokyo is a metropolis to bring him dazzling, as well as inside the heart of the various impact.

In Kishimoto Masayoshi’s opinion, all of this was the same as those college students who passed the college entrance exams like the main character in the later generations and went to college, and entered the big city from a small place.

Whether it was Kobayashi Takiuji’s “Crab Worker’s Boat” or Natsume Soseki’s “Mishiro”, even if it was written at a very early age, it didn’t make the kernel feel outdated in the slightest.

The charm of serious literature is its ability to respond to human nature. As for the setting, there is a sense of the times of various different periods.

Justice Kishimoto is not nostalgic, nor does he believe that books must keep up with the so-called sense of the times. A good work, even after a hundred years, is still a good work. A trashy work, even if it is the latest, is still trashy.

He believes that reading books does not depend on the number of books, but on the method. No matter how many books you read, if you don’t do it the right way, it’s all in vain. Furthermore, it is important to develop good reading habits, and it is best to be able to set aside half an hour every day for a bedtime reading.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knows that from the perspective of wealth, reading is not able to directly let their assets increase, but can increase their wisdom, indirectly in the increase of their wealth to provide a strong intellectual support.

“The book to the use of the time party hated less” that is because the weekdays inside did not carry out a good accumulation of the result. Under the Asian financial turmoil, some people chose to go to the bomb shelter, while some people chose to read. He belongs to the latter.

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