Chapter 018 Fiancee (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:21
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Before Masayoshi Kishimoto left this small bookstore on the corner, he also bought from there a Japanese version of “The Female Rules” written by Empress Changsun of the Tang Dynasty in China.

He felt that this book would be a perfect gift for Rie Sakai as a Christmas present this year. So, with an extra wrapping fee for himself, he wrapped the book beautifully.

Holding the wrapped book in his right hand, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked aimlessly down the street. He was thinking inside his head, what would be good to eat for dinner?

He was thinking as he walked. When he was about to pass by a street store, he was attracted by a yelling sound, accompanied by the smell of Turkish barbecue meat.

The scent that drifted into Masayoshi Kishimoto’s nostrils caused him to stop walking forward. He turned around and looked towards the Turkish barbecue restaurant, and then took a new step into the store.

The good thing about a cosmopolitan city is that it is easy to eat specialties from all over the world. However, the bad thing about Tokyo is that the business area of these street stalls is very small, making it a miniature world.

This is Akihabara in Chiyoda-ku, so store rents are naturally not cheap. And you can’t sell street food at high prices. If the price is high, no one will come to eat. If the price was low, it would be a loss.

Even so, Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at this barbecue restaurant operated by a few Turks, but also have to work at least ten hours a day.

As for double holidays and whatnot, there won’t be any, after all, it’s self-financing. On weekends, there were more people than inside weekdays, so business was even more important.

Kishimoto justice in an innermost seat against the wall is seated, ordered a large Turkish barbecue rice. It didn’t take long for his order to be brought to him.

Before he started the meal, he placed the Christmas gift he was going to give to Rie Sakai behind his back. Eating this kind of Turkish barbecue rice could be done either with or without hands.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not in the habit of eating with his hands, so he picked up the localized spoon in his right hand and started eating. He hadn’t spent much money before or after this day of fun.

Before returning to the Taito district, he could also go to a karaoke, which in Tokyo was not a one-person-at-a-hall kind of karaoke, but a small private room.

Even for one person, there was no problem at all. It was common for those in his situation to sing as a way to vent and de-stress. However, Masayoshi Kishimoto was not. He just suddenly wanted to sing.

Meanwhile, Rie Sakai on the other side naturally wasn’t having a bad time. Her colorful day had just begun.

The four close female friends from the university first got together and found a French restaurant with a very nice environment to have a Christmas Eve dinner.

Although they were not from Tokyo, their families were not bad, and they were college students who didn’t have to work to earn money for tuition or living expenses.

“This restaurant is nice, isn’t it! I quite like the romantic French style.” Satou Ryoumi said with a smile on her face.

“If Ryoumi recommends it, it’s bound to be a good place.” The pie-faced girl sitting face-to-face with Sato Ryoumi said with a smile as her thumbs pointed outwards.

Satou Ryoumi turned sideways to look at Sakai Rie, who was diagonally across from her, and said with an unchanged smile, “Rie, what do you think?”

“It’s okay!” Sakai Rie said in a low mood.

“Listening to you, you don’t seem happy? Who messed with you?” Eyes Lady, who was sitting side by side with Sato Ryoumi, asked with a sense of purpose.

“I know, I know, is it that one schoolboy hottie from our school? It’s Christmas Eve and he didn’t even take the initiative to ask you out.” The pie-faced girl looked particularly cheerful as she said.

Sakai Rie raised her right hand is gently smacked the female companion next to herself and said, “Am I as shallow as you make me out to be?”

“Is it hard to believe that you’re upset because you’re with us?” Satou Ryoumi said with a straight face.

“No such thing. I was wondering what the hell that one nuisance is doing right now. He left the house early in the morning, and he wasn’t even back when I went back to put my stuff away and change.” Rie Sakai said honestly, resting her left hand on her cheek.

“You mean your landlord!” Sato Ryoumi said calmly.

“What landlord! It’s not a landlord, it’s a fianc茅.” The pie-faced girl said with a very animated laugh out loud.

At this time, the duo sitting across from her was looking at Rie Sakai in unison, simply in disbelief at what they heard.

“What era is this? You’re still marrying your wife? You’re making that up!” The eye lady said in disbelief.

“I swear, it’s absolutely true.” The pie-faced girl raised her right hand high in the air and put up three fingers and said.

“And how do you know that?” The eye girl blinked and said.

“Not only are Rie and I from the same place, but our families live next to each other. Not only are we friends, but our parents are friends as well. With this good relationship, what else is there to know.” The pie-faced girl said very happily.

“Rie, is this true?” Sato Ryoumi asked with great interest.

“It’s all something my parents got into. Before I was even born, I was fingered by them. At that time …… it was something that didn’t count.”

Sakai Rie felt fine admitting this established fact in a big way, after all, it was something that wasn’t recognized above the law.

She lived in Kishimoto’s house, one for the convenience and savings of studying and living, and the other to block her parents’ nagging.

“Not counting is one thing. As far as I know, your parents accepted the bride price from the Kishimoto family, and the two of you exchanged vows, and the worst thing is that the matchmaker and the surrounding neighbors all witnessed it, so there is no one who doesn’t know about this one thing.

If the Kishimoto family sues you for repudiation of marriage, it is necessary to make a financial compensation.” The pie-faced girl put away the smile on her face and said in a serious manner.

“What’s the big deal, just return the bride price.” Sakai Rie said in disbelief.

“That’s not how you say it. This can also involve interest, credibility, and moral compensation …… complicated. One of my own family’s sisters was in your situation.

It would be most cost-effective for you to tie the knot and then divorce. The most uneconomical is that you take the initiative to ask for the withdrawal of marriage, not only to return the man’s initial bride price, but also have to add interest, as well as moral damages, and so on. It’s not a small amount of money when you add it all up.” Satou Ryoumi said seriously.

“It’s not as terrible as you say! If my mom had given birth to a boy in the first place, and it wasn’t me, she would have had to marry him too?” Rie Sakai pursed her lips and laughed.

With that, the three girls laughed along with her, unable to stop themselves from having a brainstorming session each.

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