Chapter 022 The Economy

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:33
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After hearing the conversation between Masayoshi Kishimoto and the owner of the store, the few diners inside the store not only had their gazes converge on Masayoshi Kishimoto’s body, but also scrambled to grab their own food and drink and hurriedly approached towards Masayoshi Kishimoto.

Kishimoto justice from the expression of these people’s faces immediately understand how it is a thing. After all, this time is also in the Asian financial turmoil in the middle of the RB, although not as tragic as South Korea, but the day is not too good.

Kishimoto justice to see them since they have interest in what they say, then do not hide it said: “South Korea suffered a heavy blow, is not entirely the fault of the current government.

The root of the problem can be traced back to the Han River Miracle era, which Korea is proud of, and also to a more distant era. The outbreak of economic problems this time around is due to the faults that have accumulated over a long period of time as a result of high-speed development.

Before the economic problems were highlighted, it created an economic thriving good for the nationals. As a result, nationals are not afraid to spend money, and it is normal for them to go into debt. They had no doubt that the increase in their salary in the future would make up for the current deficit very easily.

South Korea’s economic heyday was in the 1980s, and the 1988 Seoul Olympics was their pride and joy. If I remember correctly, the middle class in South Korea also showed an explosion at that time.

Almost half of the middle class families had cars. Color televisions, VCRs, refrigerators, and other household appliances had already made their way into thousands of Korean homes.”

“The Korean economy is on a path much like ours at the beginning! The only difference is that they started and developed a little later than we did.” The shopkeeper suddenly interjected is not without emotion.

“Not exactly. South Korea’s step lies in the step a little too big, a little too fast, resulting in pulling the egg under the pants.RB at the end of the 1950s, the economy is up.

At that time, the average working family in RB had the three most important appliances, black and white TV sets, refrigerators and washing machines. By the mid-1960s, there were three new gods, the car, the air conditioner, and the color TV.

The 1964 Tokyo Olympics were a symbol of the RB’s economic takeoff. The concepts of the 100 million middle class, lifetime employment, and the National Income Doubling Program were born. In the seventies and eighties, the RB economy entered into its heyday and bubble stage.

If you could see an Asian with two cameras behind his buttocks, nine times out of ten were RB people. The employment of college students was a huge battle for all companies.

It doesn’t matter if you are a graduating college student from a university, if you come to a company briefing session, you get 10,000 yen per person.

Once you sign a contract, you will be sent abroad for a trip at your own expense in order to avoid being poached by other companies.

The daily salary was 20,000 yen for a temporary job of answering the phone in an office. Many young people at that time didn’t want to work a regular job.

When they ran out of money, they took short-term jobs. When they had money, they ate, drank and partied all night. Many thought of living like that for the rest of their lives.

RB’s birth rate is at a peak again except after the war.” Justice Kishimoto said as he helpfully recalled the country’s former economic glory.

The shopkeeper and the other diners were all middle-aged and elderly people of a certain age, and when they heard him talk about their past, they couldn’t help but show excitement on their faces.

However, while reminiscing and excited, they deeply lamented that the good old days were gone forever. Now, one by one, they had become poor busybodies.

“It looks like you really sold the bouncy house to play with finance? If you can, take me on a trip to play.” The shopkeeper seemed to have realized something and said.

“For ordinary people, finance is a thing that can be left untouched and resolutely not touched. This is a hand will be able to lose your life’s future line of work.

I borrowed Soros said some words to prove that finance is not the same as ordinary industry comparable. He said that in financial operation, it is not possible to say whether there is morality or immorality, it is just a kind of operation.

The financial market does not fall into the category of morality, it is not immoral, morality does not exist here at all because it has its own rules of the game.

I am a participant in the financial market and I will play the game according to the rules that have been laid down. I will not violate these rules, so I do not feel guilty or responsible.

Insofar as the Asian financial turmoil is concerned, whether or not I speculate will not play any role in the occurrence of the financial incident. It will happen anyway if I do not speculate.

I do not feel that there is anything immoral about speculating on foreign currencies or speculation. On the other hand I follow the rules of operation. I respect those rules and care about them.

As someone who is ethical and cares about them, I want to make sure that those rules, are conducive to a good society, so I advocate for certain rules to be changed.

I think some rules need to be improved. If the improvement and refinement affects my own interests, I will still support it, because this rule that needs to be improved might be the very reason why the event happened.” Justice Kishimoto said squarely.

The shopkeeper and the others were listening to him in a cloud of confusion, and had absolutely no idea what the hell he was trying to say one way or the other. They looked at each other in disbelief, but for the sake of face, none of them would openly admit that they didn’t understand.

In fact, the correct meaning that Masayoshi Kishimoto was trying to convey was that there was no morality in this game, as long as it conformed to the established rules, any means could be used in order to win.

“I’ve heard the argument that one of the main reasons why South Korea has suffered heavily is due to the monopolization of the country’s plutocrats and too much greed.

By dissolving the current plutocrats in Korea, then there will be better healthy competition that will benefit the economy.” The shopkeeper said like an elementary school student asking a teacher.

“Nonsense. Unless the upper elites of Korea have suffered a descending intellectual blow, they would do something as stupid as what you’re talking about.

It’s not just that they can’t give up their vested interests, it’s that they need strong capital to speak in the international market.

If South Korea does not have the existence of plutocrats, foreign capital a simple, direct and brutal price war will be able to bring it down completely.

Both South Korea and RB, the establishment of the plutocrats is to better in the international market to have greater competitiveness, the right to speak and the right to take the initiative, so as to fight against the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries of the consortium capital.

Giving up is tantamount to giving up one’s own strength. Not only Japan and South Korea, it can be said that any sovereign state has a similar existence.

Scandinavia, the Middle East that some countries do even more extreme, directly is the sovereign fund, the entire national treasury money in the international market to make an investment.

Now some people always say that the slave society and feudal society, knowledge in the hands of those high families. Currently, it’s not the same? It’s just a change of soup and not a change of medicine.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

The only thing he didn’t say was that Ro Hyung-wook Han, a former policy planning officer at South Korea’s Ministry of Education, said in July 2016, when discussing the “public nature of education and the principle of equality” at a dinner with a number of journalists from the South Korean media outlet Kyung Hyang Shimbun, “99% of the population are dogs and pigs, and it’s enough that the state allows them to make ends meet. It is enough for the country to make ends meet,” he said, adding that “the identity system should be fixed, and he is trying to become a member of the 1%.

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