Chapter 024 Expenses at your own expense

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:39
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After Masayoshi Kishimoto had eaten his fill, he didn’t just get off the table like he did inside his normal day. He lifted his hand and pulled out a napkin from the drawer box next to him and held it in his hand to wipe his mouth.

Masayoshi Kishimoto crumpled the napkin that he had wiped his mouth into a ball and placed it on the table, saying, “In the next few days, I’m going on a trip to the United States.”

Sakai Rie was instantly stunned. Her head began to spin rapidly, what would a hobo like him do in America?

Sakai Rie suddenly remembered something and said, “Is he going to the United States with that person called Fukada Kyoko? I told you beforehand to pay more attention, pay more attention, and be careful of being deceived. The prettier this girl looks, the more she’ll cheat.”

“That last sentence, was that about you?” Justice Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh a little and said.

“What did I lie to you about? If you can’t say one, two, three, you’re suspected of slander.” Sakai Rie retorted.

Masayoshi Kishimoto crossed his arms in an “X” motion and said, “Today, we have a truce for one day. I’m really not joking with you. I’m going to San Francisco, USA, alone.”

Rie Sakai’s neck began to move left and right as she stared at him, unable to comprehend, “You’re going to San Francisco, USA alone to inspect the pornographic industry’s custom stores?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed, “San Francisco is part of the state of California, and in the United States, with the exception of Nevada, prostitution is not permitted in any of the other forty-nine states.”

“Who’s to say you won’t go to Nevada? That foot is growing on you. Besides, illegal brothels exist inside any state.” Rie Sakai argued with a roll of her white eyes.

“If I really wanted to do that, would I have to take a ten hour flight across the Pacific to the U.S. RB has them!

Apart from the cost of lodging and whatnot, the money for the round-trip airfare is enough for me to get away with it many times inside a custom store in my home country.” Justice Kishimoto blurted out.

“Hehe, it seems like you know the prices of the custom stores by heart, you’re very experienced!” Rie Sakai scowled at him and smirked.

“How about you follow me to America?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in desperation.

“Yeah, yeah! I haven’t been to San Francisco in America yet. Taking advantage of this one winter vacation, I’ll also go see the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman’s Wharf.” Sakai Rie immediately had a smile appear on her face, happily nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice, saying.

“Expenses are on your own.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Sakai Rie instantly put her smile away. She half-opened her eyes and half-closed them in a deadpan look at him sitting across from her.

“You’re playing me, aren’t you?” Rie Sakai said indignantly as she threw her head high in the air.

“Where did I play you? Be reasonable. For one thing, I am indeed going to San Francisco, USA. After a few days, I’ll leave with my passport. I’m going on this trip to do some serious business, not to swim in the mountains.

For two, why should I be the one to pay for your personal expenses for going to San Francisco, USA?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spread out his hands and said with an innocent expression on his face.

Although Sakai Rie said that she had found a counterpoint to the fact that she was his fianc茅e, the words still could not be uttered when they reached her mouth.

All along, she had been opposed and resistant to this whole finger marriage thing. One could not possibly lose one’s principles for a trip to San Francisco, USA.

“Let’s see what you’ll do in the future when you’ve spent all the money from the bouncy house. In addition to prostitution being legal in Nevada, gambling is also legal. The famous Vegas is there, don’t think I don’t know.” Sakai Rie coldly said.

“I’ve already said that I’m going to San Francisco, not Las Vegas.” Justice Kishimoto defended.

“Who knows?” Sakai Rie said as she put on an unimpressed look.

“Be safe while I’m away, keep your doors and windows closed, and don’t come back too late.” Even if Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the law and order in his country was good, he could not afford to be paralyzed.

The risk factor of a single and beautiful girl like her encountering danger inside late at night was naturally much higher than an ugly girl.

“You want you to control me? You’re not my who? We’re just a relationship between a tenant and a landlord.” Sakai Rie said ungratefully.

Although Masayoshi Kishimoto was aware that he had a marriage contract with her, it was only a formality, and there was no binding force above the law that one had to be a husband and wife.

Kishimoto Masayoshi was likewise unwilling to poke through that layer of windowpaper that was as thin as a cicada’s wing, lest it be awkward for each other to get along in the future. He also felt that it would be best for the two of them to continue to maintain this kind of landlord and tenant relationship.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pondered for a while and said, “You’re right. I was being nosy with the dog.”

Right at the present moment, Sakai Rie was old and unhappy in her heart. She had originally thought that she could travel to San Francisco in the United States, but she didn’t expect that he was going to pay for it out of his own pocket.

As a female college student from a middle-class family, she was completely unable to afford the expenses for a trip abroad. She asked her family for money, but she couldn’t open that mouth.

Furthermore, she also knew that her father had lost a lot of money in the stock market not long ago. The stock is firmly set, when to unsettle, is completely an unknown.

Even if mom still operated her family’s small inn, the negative impact of the Asian financial turmoil would also make business slow.

In addition to her, there is a younger sister in the family who will be attending a private high school this year. For the family, this is a considerable amount of money.

In addition, she also has a younger brother who is in fifth grade. Sooner or later, both the younger sister and the younger brother will go to university in Tokyo. At that time, even if he graduated from university, he might not be able to help his family financially.

At the same time, Masayoshi Kishimoto also knew very well the actual situation of the Sakai family. In RB, it was quite normal for a couple like the Sakai family to have three children, and it became abnormal for a family to have an only child.

Especially before the bursting of the RB economic bubble, having a family structure pattern of one family building, as well as three children meant happiness and fulfillment in life.

Unlike twenty years later, RB young people don’t even want to have children. The main purpose of marriage is to have children. If they don’t want children, marriage doesn’t seem to mean much to a young couple.

Not only will there be a surge in the number of single moms in the latter days of the RB, but those who choose to live alone will also increase dramatically.

The result of this will be an increasing aging and underpopulation. If this kind of situation is not corrected, it is expected that in 2053, the population of RB will drop from close to 130 million to less than 100 million.

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