Chapter 028 The United States (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The airplane after more than ten hours of flight, landed smoothly in the United States of America San Francisco International Airport on a runway above taxiing into the tarmac.

Destination arrived, the people inside the cabin also gradually active, the voice also from three or two mouths to be able to send out.

America is not only a Puritan country, but also a country founded on struggle. The white people living in this country are quite different from the white people in Western and Northern Europe.

In the latter case, if you don’t have a job, you don’t have a job, and you’re on state welfare. The former, although some state welfare can eat, but definitely will not have how good over.

White Americans want to work, the honor of raising a family. Even if it is a construction site above the ordinary strong laborers, blue-collar class, will not feel inferior.

When Steve Jobs was abandoned by his pregnant mother, he was sent to a white, blue-collar family for adoption.

At that time, Jobs’ adoptive parents, Paul B. Jobs and his wife, Clara, were working in a laser shop. Jobs and his wife, Clara, worked as laborers in a laser instrument factory. His mom’s only request was for Jobs to go to college when he grew up.

As a result, when Jobs was 19 years old, he took a semester off from college due to financial factors, and became an employee of the Atari video game company, living in the Watts family garage, and often attending classes such as calligraphy at the community college.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs, Watts and Jobs’ friend Lon? Wayne signed a contract to start a computer company.

Jobs, 21, and Steve K. Wozniak, 26, then signed a contract to form a computer company. Wozniak founded Apple Inc. in their garage. The name of the company was set by Jobs as Apple.

So, what white people in the United States desperately despise are vote maggots who only eat state welfare, and white trash who only know how to solve problems with their fists. As a result, these people often eat the United States “low income”, and then go to Southeast Asian countries to rent a wife to live.

Steve Jobs, who was celebrated by white Americans, was not a pure white man, his father was an Arab and his mother was Germanic.

The reason why Kishimoto justice will suddenly think of Steve Jobs, is at this point in time above the Steve Jobs has returned to the Apple company in charge, will open a new era.

In 1985, when Jobs was dismissed by the Apple Board of Directors, his best friend was particularly worried and thought he would commit suicide.

In 1986, Jobs paid $10 million to buy Lucasfilm from George Lucas. Lucasfilm’s computer animation effects studio in Emeryville, California, and founded an independent company, Pixar Animation Studios.

In 1996, Apple’s operations were in trouble, and its market share fell from its peak of 16% to 4%. In contrast, Steve Jobs’ company became famous thanks to Toy Story and was personally worth $1 billion. The company was acquired by Disney in 2006, making Jobs Disney’s largest individual shareholder.

In 1997, NeXTComputer, the company Jobs founded, was purchased by Apple and returned to Apple as chairman once again.

If you buy Apple’s stock at this time, you will certainly make a lot of money later. Twenty years later, Apple would become the first company in the history of the United States with a market capitalization of more than one trillion dollars.

Furthermore, this era of wireless communications market above the iphone is not popular around the world, Motorola, Ericsson, Nokia is dominated by the cell phone market.

Music, photography, telephone and other originally many separate functional equipment combined N into one iphone, greatly facilitates the user, especially those who are traveling.

In addition, Mr. Kishimoto not only thinks that Steve Jobs, who is affectionately called “Master Qiao” by Chinese people, is only an entrepreneur and inventor, but he is also a very successful investor.

His reason is that Jobs originally intended to dedicate his whole life to the Apple company he founded, and unexpectedly he was ousted from the throne in the middle of his life.

Instead of committing suicide, he started his own business. Even he himself could not have imagined that these two companies, one of which was acquired by Apple, which allowed him to return to the throne, and the other was acquired by Disney, which allowed him to become the largest individual shareholder.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto thinks of Apple, he inevitably thinks of Microsoft, which was founded by Bill Gates. Microsoft, founded by Gates. In fact, Apple fans are clear that Microsoft plagiarized and copied some of Apple’s technology, which is why there is a feud between the two companies.

At the beginning, Microsoft entered the Chinese market by means of its own strong strength and capital, and still pirated windows and other software appeared on Chinese computers.

Wait until the Chinese people are used to these things with Microsoft, it is the beginning of the big kill. At that time, so many national brand software companies in China were killed.

Kingsoft resisted for the longest time, but eventually lost. Later, Kingsoft’s main profit has become a variety of online games.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates came from very different backgrounds. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates came from very different backgrounds. The former was a child abandoned by his mother and started from nothing, while the latter was born in a family where his father was a famous local lawyer and his mother was a director of IBM.

Back then, Bill? Gates mother in order to let his son’s software can be pre-installed in the IBM computer above, personally go for him to lobby IBM, a blue giant of the company’s top management.

According to the rules of class division in the United States, Bill Gates’ family is not yet considered the upper class. The Gates family is not considered to be upper class rich, but upper middle class, that is, the upper reaches of the middle class.

Even if Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world, he is still the upper middle class, the upper middle class. Gates became the richest man in the world, he was still only defined as upper and lower class. If his son is able to continue to keep their family in good standing, it is only then that he can get to the upper middle class.

The only rich over three generations of the family, that is the United States of America’s upper upper class, but also the Americans always love to say, there are old money people, really rich, rich people.

There is a natural line of demarcation between families like these and the newly rich. Even if the newly rich are richer than the blue bloods, it doesn’t mean that the latter will necessarily accept you into their clique.

Therefore, the new rich in the United States are depressed all day long is that they are rich, but not expensive, can not wait for the blue bloods to ask him to borrow money, or to invite themselves to participate in the other party held at home.

Not only is the United States is now the rich is this mentality, tracing back to the roots of more than a hundred years ago the United States of America rich people, one by one is not eager to marry their own daughters to the European aristocrats or sons to marry the European side of the title of the Miss.

Even if one knows that the other side is only a title, but also the original intention does not change, but also happy. After all, when they drifted across the sea from Europe to the United States, the identity of almost all of the humble, lower middle class, with the dream of getting rich is to leave Europe to come to this piece of land in North America to take root.

People’s mentality is always like this, no matter that a country’s people, the soup does not change. No money, thinking of money. Have money, and think of nobility. It seems that only the heroes of the rise of the Internet have begun to change this traditional idea of the past.

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