Chapter 030: Finding People

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:24:58
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Bill Gates once said, “If Wang is a good man, he’ll be a good man”. Bill Gates once said that if Wang An had accomplished his second strategic turnaround, the world might not have Microsoft today.

He, Bill? Gates would not have become the hero of the personal computer era, and he himself might have become a mathematician somewhere, or a lawyer.

Sitting on top of the sofa, Justice Kishimoto’s head immediately surfaced such a passage. Wang An’s failure lies in the fact that he was bent on having his own way, knowing that his eldest son, Wang Lie, who was in charge of the research and development department, had presided over the development of ten new projects, but none of them had been successful.

He still let Wang Lie take over, even though he suffered from the company’s senior management has been opposed, but also stubborn, that the father of a tiger is not a son.

The direct result is that some of the company’s top management resigned angrily, making Wang An’s computer hurt the vitality.

The final outcome was that in May 1999, Wang An was acquired by GetronicsNV, a Dutch computer service company, for 2 billion dollars. This was the end of a proud Chinese legend.

The lesson that Masayoshi Kishimoto learned from this is that he will not make the same mistake as Wangan. Even if he makes his business bigger and stronger in the future, he will eventually face the problem of choosing a successor one day.

Justice Kishimoto’s soul was Chinese, and he could fully understand and appreciate that Wang An’s original intention as a father was to have his son inherit his father’s business, hoping that the family business that he had started could be passed on from generation to generation, and preferably would not be corrupted for a thousand years, and would not be defeated for ten thousand years.

In contrast, Wang An’s old rival, IBM, also once had such a problem, the founder of the old Watson hope that the eldest son of the small Watson to take over.

Watson’s attitude at the beginning of the small Watson is not want to do, has always hoped that his father to change his mind, so that the IBM handover to his brother.

In the end, Watson Jr. took over IBM and became the greatest capital of all time. He retired, but not like his father as a father to son of the handover, but selected professional managers to the family-owned business management company model.

In this respect, he has indeed set up an exemplary model of successful management for future generations. For this reason, Masayoshi Kishimoto would not stick to the old ways, and in the future, the business he had built up with his own hands had to be passed on to his eldest son.

Whoever is capable will take over. This one will be treated equally by him whether it is the eldest son or any other sons or daughters. Of course, in order to have more room for choice, one would try to work on having more children.

One woman can not, two, three, four …… he big deal to work more, tired is also willing, anyway, neon country are women more men and women, there is no more to eat, and will not appear to let other men can not take a wife of the embarrassing situation.

Kishimoto Justice thought about the occasion, his own many women among the many women should not also come to a white American chick, so as to create some mixed children.

Black woman? Forget it. Even if he is not a racist, but also always adhered to the Chinese people naturally like white women.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up without haste and began his preview. He began to explain his “new product” recommendation, just like the CEOs of high-tech companies who follow the example of Steve Jobs.

Justice Kishimoto’s “new product” is the word of lobbying, the purpose is only to put Larry Page and Sergey K. Kishimoto’s “new product” is the word of lobbying. Page and Sergey Brin. Brin to say to the heart, and then to be able to let them and his formal signing, as well as accept his own early prepared that a 100,000 U.S. dollar check.

Since he is clear about the goal, then began to no longer think about the backup of those investment options, after all, specialize in order to improve the probability of success.

If everything is to leave themselves a fallback, they will be difficult to concentrate on the attack, and it will also create a situation where they can’t do anything, and there is nothing left to eat.

After a night, the next morning. Without the need for jet lag, and without the leisure time to slowly get jet lagged, Masayoshi Kishimoto took a shower before leaving the house, and went out of the inn dressed as a whole.

He did not wear a suit, after all, it was too serious and formal, which in turn was not conducive to the first meeting and conversation between the two parties. If he wore a shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers on his feet or something, it was also too casual, and would inevitably give Larry? Page and Sergey? Brin conveyed a wrong impression, could he be a liar?

Masayoshi Kishimoto wore a light blue casual suit without a tie, a white shirt with suit pants, as well as a pair of casual leather shoes on his feet. All of this was not something he had brought from Tokyo himself, but rather bought inside a mall in San Francisco.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stepped into the campus of Stanford University, naturally knowing that the most important place to look for someone was the men’s dormitory building.

Even if he didn’t know the exact location of the dormitory building they lived in, it wouldn’t be difficult for him, after all, under his nose was his mouth. Mouths could be used to ask for directions.

After asking a few passersby, Masayoshi Kishimoto smoothly found the boys’ dormitory area. His next order of business was to find the dormitory administrator.

The dormitory administrator he met was a middle-aged, fat white man who politely said, “Excuse me, Larry? May I ask, which dormitory do Larry Page and Sergey Brin live in? Brin live in that dormitory?”

The middle-aged white man sitting inside the window just glanced up lovingly and said breathlessly, “I don’t know.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto immediately understood the racially-charged meaning in the other party’s eyes. Who let himself have an Asian face?

He wasn’t a rash person who would ignite at the slightest point and move at the slightest incitement. He did not get angry, after all, this is not important, but the important thing is to find Larry? Page and Sergei? Breen.

Otherwise, what was he doing flying all the way from Tokyo for ten hours each way to San Francisco? Was it, just to argue or fight with a bottom-feeding white guy? Of course not. He had come for investment.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked around and saw that no one was around, so he took out the wallet he was carrying, and from it, he pulled out a one hundred dollar is and put it in front of the other person and said, “Check the student registry for me.”

As soon as the middle-aged white man saw the money, his eyes immediately lit up. He took the initiative to stand up, but also leaned forward and poked his head out of the window to see that there was no third person, and then he nimbly grabbed the money on the desktop and quickly put it into his right pants pocket.

The middle-aged white man sat down again, the attitude immediately changed for the better, “Who are you looking for?”

“Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin.” Justice Kishimoto thought that as long as he found either of them, he would also be able to find the other one. Nowadays, even if they didn’t live together, they would get together from time to time to discuss what was on their minds.

“Be specific. That one specialty?” The middle-aged white man thought the range was too big.

“Larry? Page has a PhD in computer science in progress at Stanford, and Sergey? Brin is also studying for a PhD in computer science.” Justice Kishimoto said truthfully.

The middle-aged white man pulled open one of the leftmost drawers in front of him and searched slightly from it, then took out a student register and began to open it and lowered his head to conduct a search.

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