Chapter 031: Search Engine (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:01
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Masayoshi Kishimoto got Larry? Page and Sergei? Brynn’s specific dormitory number before he went upstairs to look for it. When he found the place, he saw that the door was closed, so he raised his hand and knocked on the door “knock knock” twice.

A few moments later, the door to the dormitory was opened. Kishimoto justice to see the scene is a boys’ dormitory generally have a bed quilt is impossible to fold, once in a while to be folded. It was folded well and then to be broken apart, so why bother?

“I’m looking for Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

Larry, who had opened the door and then turned to head inside? Page, stopped in his tracks and turned a hundred and eighty degrees to look at this man he didn’t recognize and said, “I’m Larry? Page.”

Sergei? Brin sat on top of a chair in the dormitory and also turned sideways to look at the unfamiliar visitor and said, “I am Sergei? Brin.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that the two people he was looking for were not only together, but were also roommates. He put on a smile and said, “Introduce yourself, my name is Masayoshi Kishimoto. From Tokyo.”

Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin looked at each other with confused faces, not knowing what the hell was going on.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into their dormitory and said, “I heard that you guys are working on a search engine.”

Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin immediately coincided with the sudden realization, and did not go to think about how the other side knows. They tacitly agreed to blurt out, “Yes.”

Larry? Page showed a little excitement, and couldn’t wait to ask, “Could it be, you’re from an angel investment company?”

“Yes. I think you guys have a great idea with this one. For example, nowadays, when you look for information, you usually have to go to the library, which not only takes a lot of time, but you may not be able to find what you want from it.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was of course well aware of the good things about internet search engines, and equally aware of the bad things about them. The bad thing was that more than 95% of the information on there was spam.

In order to gain the goodwill of the two men towards himself, a stranger, he only spoke of the good side, which in turn would cause them to resonate with him.

Sergei Bryn stood up abruptly. Brin stood up, his right index finger waving up and down, and began to get excited, “Our initial idea was born from this thing you said.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto completely displayed a calm and collected demeanor. He had already prepared a set of lobbying words. In his own opinion, dealing with students who hadn’t yet stepped into society and had always been inside the ivory tower, money was something to talk about, but it wasn’t the first thing.

It is now 1998, American doctoral students also have ideals and feelings. They first have to talk to them about ideals and sentiments, talk about almost, is only from the emotional transition to know the benefits.

“The future development trend, I think it must be the Internet era. This want to make a difference, then we must seize the opportunity of the times. Seize it, you will be able to get ahead.

This is one aspect, the other aspect is to make a contribution to the progress of mankind, after all, it is an unprecedented change and revolution in the way of life and work.

Prove their value to the world. At that time, everyone will be able to find the information they want through the Internet, especially the search engine without leaving home.

This not only greatly saves time costs, but also greatly improves efficiency, making it extremely convenient and easy.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Don’t you stand, sit down and talk.” Sergei? Brin signaled the chair in front of him with his right hand, intending for him to sit down and talk slowly, he said.

“There is a coffee shop not far from in your dormitory area. Otherwise, let’s go there and chat?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was a person who had come from inside the university, so naturally, he understood these people’s minds the most.

Chatting inside the dormitory room was high on privacy, but it lacked a sense of braggadocio. The thing that people, especially those who were students, were most utilized for was the sense of bragging rights.

This sense of bragging rights is not just about luxuries and high-end consumption, but also about achievement. The more prestigious the school, the more idealists, the latter above the need is more intense, to be an extraordinary.

On the contrary, the less prestigious the school, the more they cared and valued material things, the stronger the need for the former, and the more they wanted the envy of others.

“I think it’s okay.” Larry? Page inside inside has become unsettled. He himself did not expect at all that there would be an angel investment people to take the initiative to find the door.

He and Sergei? Brin in the current actual situation is that a search engine concept even into the practical stage, also has not yet produced results.

In the absence of results before, naturally, it is difficult to convince others, this one thing how good, how can change the future, how promising.

Even he himself knows very well that the amount of angel investment is small, but the risk is particularly high. Whoever gets money doesn’t come from the wind for no reason, who would give it away for nothing?

“In that case, let’s go!” Justice Kishimoto smiled kindly.

The reason why he chose a coffee shop within the campus was so that they could feel at ease, after all, the campus was a place they were familiar with, and they wouldn’t have a sense of nervousness and alertness within them.

The other is to let them have a sense of superiority, other people are not talking about love, or some sesame seed things, and they have already started to talk about angel investment.

Angel investment people have taken the initiative to find them, that shows that they that one thing of value is there, not in the minds and mouths of others two fools of the sky.

Justice Kishimoto’s purpose was to utilize this kind of student psychology of theirs to carry out an operation. Isn’t there a saying? The best people in the world to cheat are students. The best money to be made also comes from students.

The three of them went out of the dormitory, talked and laughed their way down the stairs, and walked towards the coffee shop. On the way, Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin praised Masayoshi Kishimoto for speaking good English.

For this, Masayoshi Kishimoto readily accepted it and knew that they were telling the truth. However, in his opinion, there was more or less an element of flattering himself.

Justice Kishimoto was able to see through their words to the inner world of the two men, who were looking forward to this angel investment of theirs.

Before coming here, he had worried too much. Now, that was all unnecessary worry. An answer popped up inside his head.

In the latter days, Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin were doing technology. The two men’s positions in Google were president of products and president of technology.

The chairman of the board is Eric Schmidt. Schmidt, the CEO is Sundar? Pichai, the chief business officer is Nikesh Arora, and the chief financial officer is Sundar Pichai. Arora, and the chief financial officer is Patrick? Pichette.

What does that say? It shows that their strengths do not lie in business operations and finance, much less in conducting a business negotiation with someone.

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