Chapter 033 Chinese Restaurant

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:08
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After a day, Masayoshi Kishimoto did not stay in the inn waiting for Larry? Page and Sergei? Brin’s call. In his opinion, he did his part, as for the rest of the things, it depends on the fate of God.

Investment, not to buy the heart, have to be. This can become, then become. If it is not, then transfer the direction and goal. Although they have a certain ability to foretell, but it does not mean that it will be a hundred percent successful.

Experienced venture capital firms, investment ten projects will appear seven losses, two flat capital, only one profitable situation.

Kishimoto justice has long thought, if you can not wait for their phone calls, their next trip is to go to Yahoo’s Yang Zhiyuan chat.

If he and the other side can not chat together, then go to find Amazon’s Bezos. Anyway, one would do one’s best.

Nowadays, since he had made a trip to San Francisco, he had to go out and walk around a bit anyways. So, he went out of the door of the inn and walked aimlessly wandering the streets.

Whites, blacks, Asians, and South Americans were gathered in this city. Even if the color of the skin is different and the race of the people is different, it will not be regarded by the locals as the animals in the zoo.

As noon approached, Masayoshi Kishimoto found a Sichuan restaurant and walked inside. He took a seat next to the window seat.

A few moments later, a Chinese girl immediately came over with a paper in one hand and a pen in the other. Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the plasticized menu that had been placed on the table and began to order. He asked for a pickled cabbage and vermicelli soup, a spicy chicken, a mapo tofu, and a bowl of rice.

The little Chinese girl, who had memorized the order, turned on a dime and shouted in the direction of the kitchen, “Sauerkraut fan soup, spicy chicken, and mapo tofu, one each.”

Inside the kitchen responded, “Got it.”

Justice Kishimoto took a break from waiting, which caused him to look around at the environment. The store was small, but clean. His first reaction to the Chinese who came here to make a living was that it wasn’t easy.

One didn’t believe that they were defecting to some freedom and democracy, but had traveled across the ocean to seek a better life in the future.

San Francisco, where gold used to be, naturally attracted many gold diggers. In order to make up for the lack of labor, many Chinese were sold here as “pigs” by human traffickers.

Even if they voluntarily crossed the ocean to survive, they had to go through a life-and-death test on the ocean before they could reach the United States. Justice Kishimoto was naturally reminded of the Chinese writer Yan Geling’s novel Fusang.

Although the situation of the Chinese in America nowadays is not as miserable as that of the first generation of Chinese, they still have to work hard, and some of them still have to work eighteen hours a day, almost all year round.

Justice Kishimoto knew that the Chinese were scattered across the seas and oceans in countries all over the world. Their favorite thing to do was to open restaurants, for one thing, it was ethnic, after all, they lacked food and clothing for too long.

Having enough to eat was a luxury for many Chinese at that particular time. The Chinese always have a deep obsession with food.

On the other hand, it is the most realistic need. The capital is small, so you can’t afford to lose it. If the business is not good, you can eat by yourself, after all, people need to eat and live every day.

The advantage of this is to minimize the risk of business above. In addition, Chinese people are hardworking and sacrifice their time to reduce costs and increase competitiveness in exchange for money.

In general, family-run bistros like this are not easy to run down. The underbelly of San Francisco’s Chinese population is not really like Africans, who, besides preferring robbery as a career, go into all sorts of illicit endeavors such as drug trafficking.

Chinese little sister put mapo tofu, spicy chicken, pickled vegetable vermicelli soup, a bowl of white rice is one by one served on the table of Kishimoto justice. When she was done, she didn’t stay idle, she turned around and walked out of the restaurant to solicit business.

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up a set of chopsticks that had been placed in front of him beforehand and started to eat. As he ate some of these things one by one into his mouth, his brows furrowed slightly.

To say it was hard to eat, it was not objective. To say it was delicious, it was simply not enough. This Ma Po Tofu that had been modified by local tastes had less spicy flavor. This less spicy Ma Po Tofu, can still be called Ma Po Tofu?

Spicy chicken, looking at the chili pepper in, but not spicy at all, on the contrary, there is some sweet flavor. It is obvious that sugar has been added to the dish.

As for the sauerkraut vermicelli soup, Kishimoto justice in addition to recognizing the vermicelli, added to it in the end that thing is not sauerkraut, completely doubtful.

Justice Kishimoto suddenly remembered a wise saying, when traveling abroad, even if you don’t bring instant noodles and squash, find a hot pot restaurant to eat.

Even if the hot pot was hard to eat, it would not be genuinely hard to eat there, and it would not be as hard as Chinese food, which could be hard to eat without any limit.

At this time, a man and a woman, middle-aged Chinese couple is into the small restaurant, face to face in Kishimoto justice next to a table sat down. One of them asked for fried rice with pork and the other asked for fried rice with tomato and egg.

After they finished ordering, they chatted. Although Masayoshi Kishimoto did not mean to eavesdrop, the sound naturally entered his ears.

The two had traveled from China to the United States. To this day, the agency fees owed have not been paid off. They wanted to go back, but could not afford the airfare.

The two of them have been working hard here day in and day out, but they are not doing well. The people at home, however, thought they were doing well and had long forgotten about the old man and the children.

In fact, the woman especially misses her children. However, and can not return, the heart is very anxious. The man had no choice but to comfort her not to think too much.

Masayoshi Kishimoto silently ate his midday meal, but secretly sighed in his heart, this one human world is always full of unfairness.

Some people are born to enjoy the blessings, while others are born to suffer and work hard all their lives, but not to see a few money, always the left hand in, the right hand out.

Kishimoto justice to understand, this is not only in the United States of Chinese, Korean, Japanese …… people of any ethnicity, as long as there is no hard skills or education, tough in life.

After all, at this time in the United States, a little decent and decent occupation, the educational requirements must be at least community college graduates.

It would never happen that you were at the bottom of the ladder in one country, and as soon as you immigrated to another country you would be elevated directly to the upper class.

Even if an American goes to a poor country in Africa, he or she will still be at the bottom of the social ladder in that country, and the most common jobs are tutoring and working in nightclubs.

Otherwise, it is to eat the U.S. “low income” to rent a wife or a so-called cross-border marriage. The only people who can be fooled are those who think that the moon in a foreign country is brighter than the moon in their own country.

This middle and upper class Americans to work in underdeveloped countries, but also be able to get a high allowance, the reason is environmental pollution and so on, harmful to his health.

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