Chapter 039: The Suicidal Man

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

March, the warmth of spring. Early in the morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked on top of the winding paths of Ueno Park, smelling the sweet scent of flowers inside the air.

As a matter of fact, the cherry blossoms were not in full bloom. The cherry blossoms on the trees were basically in bud.

As Masayoshi Kishimoto walked aimlessly, he came to a rather secluded spot. He suddenly saw a young man preparing to hang himself.

Masayoshi Kishimoto neither quickened his pace and took three steps forward to save the man, nor did he pretend not to see it and turn around to run.

He walked straight forward to the young man who was about to commit suicide and asked, “Suicide?”

Miyazaki Ryui, with both hands grasping the hanging loop made from his necktie and both feet on the padded stone, was dismissive of the question from the sudden stranger in front of him.

He had just stuck his neck inside the necktie loop, and before he could stomp off the stone under his feet, he heard the other person saying, “It looks like you are indeed trying to kill yourself.”

Miyazaki Ryui immediately became angry. When someone commits suicide and meets a bystander passing by, they are always advised to say something like “Get over it” or something like that. Otherwise, they would rush to the police. How come when he was about to commit suicide, he encountered such a strange person?

“What does my suicide have to do with you?” Miyazaki Ryui blurted out without any good humor.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not angry, “I just wanted to make a confirmation. Since you’re going to commit suicide, then please continue!”

Miyazaki Ryui mistook his words after hearing him say that as the other party using backhanded words to persuade him to give up on the idea of suicide saying, “I know you’re just being provocative. I am bound to die today.”

“People, if they die early, or if they die late, they are all going to die. Since your mind is made up, then don’t ink it. I really haven’t seen how a person who hangs himself dies?

Will this death look like a tongue sticking out from the inside of the mouth will really stick out for a long time?” Masayoshi Kishimoto held his head slightly high, stroking his chin with his right hand as he pondered.

Miyazaki Ryui gazed down at his expression, completely displaying a look of watching and not suspecting anything. His rebelliousness was immediately aroused, ”If you want me to die, I’ll die, right? You’re here, I’ll prefer not to die for you to see.”

“A warm spring day in March is a good time for animals to mate, but you are choosing to commit suicide, it is really out of place. However, this is the holy land of cherry blossoms, choosing to commit suicide here is quite good.

After you die, you’ll be able to sleep among the flowers. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve disturbed your suicide.” Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his right hand in a gesture.

“You people must be sick!” Miyazaki Ryui said angrily.

“I’m really not sick, my health is great!” Kishimoto Masayoshi even shook his body in front of him and said.

“Then you’re definitely mentally ill.” Miyazaki Ryui once again blurted out.

“Not really. Since you’re not in a hurry to kill yourself, am I able to ask you a question?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly looked at him and said.

“Ask!” Miyazaki Ryui scrunched his neck back from inside the collar of his tie. His padded feet on top of the stone also fell flat and said.

“Are you a virgin? Wouldn’t it be too wrong to die like this if you were a virgin? You have to know that people have to grow up to be in their teens before they can do that kind of soulful pleasure thing.

I look at you, you are only in your twenties. Have you ever heard of such a legend? If you still retain your childish innocence until the age of 30, you’ll be able to use magic.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly remembered this line that was used by thousands of otaku as a classic to laugh at themselves, and was widely spread because of it.

Miyazaki Ryui was so confused by him that he didn’t really want to kill himself at the moment. He looked at the other party with a two-eyed speechless gaze, but in his heart he thought that this person must be a psychopath.

Masayoshi Kishimoto shook his head and said, ”No, no. The one I just gave you was the standard of the past. Now the latest standard is like this, according to an old legend, when a person reaches the age of 20 while remaining a virgin, they can change their job and become a magician.

The longer you keep your virginity, the more magic you can use, and the more powerful it is. 20 years old is a trainee magician, and after 25 years old, you can become a full-fledged magician.

After the age of 30 is a senior magician, after the age of 35 is a grand magician, after the age of 40 is a magician, after the age of 45 is a grand magician.

After 50 years old it’s a Magician, after 55 years old it’s a Great Magician, after 60 years old it’s a Sage, after 65 years old it’s a Great Sage, and after 70 years old you can reach the ultimate goal and become a Fa God. Dharma God Oh!”

Miyazaki Ryui seemed to understand a something and said angrily, “Do you have any humanity? I’m the one who’s going to commit suicide, and not only did you not persuade me to give up my suicidal thoughts, but you’re also making fun of me.”

“See how you say this …… I am an exceptionally kind person. Suicide or not, that you as a person’s minimum legitimate rights.

You want to commit suicide, that is your thing. As long as you don’t hurt the surrounding flowers and trees, damage and pollution of the environment, self is it.

Nowadays, it is the best time for people to enjoy cherry blossoms in Ueno Park, and you have to hang yourself on such a crooked cherry blossom tree, which is too much of a scene.

You’ve brought so much trouble to everyone, even if you die, you’ll be reviled by millions of people.” Masayoshi Kishimoto feigned righteousness.

For this reason, he couldn’t help but recall the situation last year when he was misunderstood as trying to commit suicide at the Tokyo Bay Bridge. Nowadays, this one young man in front of himself was truly moved to commit suicide.

As for persuasion, he was really not very good at it. However, the poisonous tongue and so on, is also relatively good at, after all, is oneself and Sakai Rie in the long term you and I, I come you to fight and struggle in the middle of an important skill.

Miyazaki Ryui felt too damn angry. He grabbed the collar of his tie with both hands loosely and jumped from the top of the rock to the ground in a single bound.

“You’re not even in a hurry to kill yourself. How about we talk some more? I won’t take up too much of your time.” Justice Kishimoto said in a salty manner.

“Believe it or not, I’ll get you killed?” Miyazaki Ryui said angrily.

“Even if you want to kill me, you can still talk first! Why did you kill yourself?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

Miyazaki Ryui instantly came back to his senses, originally the other party was not trying to make fun from above his own suicide, but was really saying the opposite to beg him.

“The securities company I worked for was affected by the Asian financial turmoil and went bankrupt last year. In the last few months, I’ve been looking for a job, but none of the companies are willing to hire me again.” Miyazaki Ryui sighed with a sigh.

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