Chapter 040 Hard Gold Capital

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:30
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Masayoshi Kishimoto thought that he had encountered some kind of bump in the road that the sky had collapsed and he couldn’t get over. It was only after he heard it that he realized it was the other party who had lost his job.

Unemployment thing, how to say? To say big is not big, to say small is not small. In fact, the main thing is to see a person in what age above the unemployment.

If like each other this kind of twenty years old on the age of unemployment, no big deal. Currently, it is the negative impact of the Asian financial turmoil that makes it hard to find a job.

After next year, the economy will gradually rebound, and then the employment will also become better. If people in their middle age, four, fifty years old, unemployed, the old, the young, in addition, there are home loans and car loans and so on, then simply do not be too miserable.

This mental stress is so great that it becomes normal not only in RB, but also in many countries.

“It’s just unemployment! What’s the big deal. You’re still so young, you’re still afraid of not being able to find a job. Besides, it’s not like you have a wife and child to support, if one person is fed, the whole family won’t go hungry, so what are you afraid of?” Justice Kishimoto comforted.

“You say that lightly. By the looks of it, you should have never been unemployed, so you don’t know how much pain unemployment can cause to a person.

I’m the one who has gone back to looking for a job again and again with hope, and again and again I’ve been disappointed. I really couldn’t take it anymore and just thought about getting out of it sooner rather than later.” Miyazaki Ryui said as he made peace with what was on his mind.

“In that case, then would you like to consider working at the company I’m about to establish?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not acting on a whim. He had finally decided to create an investment company of his own after a long period of deep thought, he said.

Miyazaki Ryui’s eyes instantly lit up, completely in disbelief at this scene with a dramatic reversal of events, “Thank you for your kind words, I know you’re trying to get me to give up the idea of suicide.

After saying these heartfelt words to you, suddenly my heart felt a lot lighter. Now, I don’t want to commit suicide either. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not joking, I’m serious. Since you’ve worked in a securities company, it means that this internal position of mine, an upcoming company, should also have a suitable job for you to do.

Of course, the ugly words are in front. The first three months is a probationary period, and if you’re not up to the task, I’ll fire you too. Do you have a resume? Give me a copy to look at first.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

Miyazaki Ryui hurriedly went to get the black briefcase that was thrown on the ground. He picked it up, gave it a good pat, then opened it again, took out a copy of his resume from inside, and respectfully handed it to the other party with both hands.

Kishimoto justice took it in hand a glance, heart is satisfied. From the resume alone, the other party’s theoretical foundation is solid, what is lacking is the rich practical experience accumulated in the work.

If not suffered the impact of the Asian financial turmoil, he was in the closure of the securities company to do a good job, is also able to with the age and work experience increases, so that the position is above the step by step.

In their own view, the other side in the current repeatedly hit the wall, it is really normal thing. After graduating from Waseda University, majoring in finance, the actual work experience in the securities company is one year and two months, that belongs to the existence of a particularly embarrassing.

After all, with three years of relevant work experience, it is considered to have passed the real novice period. With five years of practice-related experience, barely a senior.

All of this still depends on individual effort and talent. So, in the current economy, it’s not unusual to not be able to find a job.

Still by any securities company in the current unfavorable financial situation do not dare to recruit new people into the job. Not to mention their respective internal layoffs a large number of related, can survive is a big question mark.

However, when the economy turns around next year, people like Miyazaki Ryui may not have an advantage in the job market.

Employing freshly graduated college students is not only cheap, but also they are all still a blank sheet of paper, easy to plan better, most able to accept a company’s value orientation.

If you need to use experienced industry practitioners, three years of relevant work experience is the most basic. Not only that, but different levels of securities companies also require that they have a job match for the corresponding level of company size.

That is to say, if you were a manager of a medium-sized securities firm before, then you will only be able to enter the managerial level of a medium-sized securities firm.

This generally doesn’t happen at the higher end of the scale. A manager of a mid-sized securities firm would not put in a resume to become a manager of a large securities firm.

“I’m able to ask, how large is that company you’re about to create?” Miyazaki Ryui asked as soon as he was curious.

“If you agree to join, it’s currently just you and me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto pointed at him before pointing back at himself and said.

Miyazaki Ryui was instantly confused. Before this, he himself was at least someone who had worked at a medium-sized securities company. As the saying goes, people go to higher places, water flows to lower places.

He was in a low place. After all, this company that Masayoshi Kishimoto was about to create wasn’t even a small company, it was completely a micro company.

“The present does not mean the future. You know the Blackstone Group in the United States, right? In the beginning, when it was established in 1985, that was only four people, and the registered capital was only a mere four hundred thousand dollars.

We are even more bullish than it, we are 2 people, registered capitalization of two hundred thousand dollars, which is fully half less than it. I believe we will be bigger, stronger and more famous than the Blackstone Group.

You just need to follow me well, but you can be the patriarch at the beginning of the haystack.” Masayoshi Kishimoto gestured four fingers on his left hand and subtracted two more dao of his own accord.

Miyazaki Ryui was neither laughing nor not laughing. He didn’t bother to think about one more whatsoever, after all, having a job at the moment was better than having no job at all.

“If you don’t want to join in on this, just forget I said anything.” Masayoshi Kishimoto saw the reluctance contained in the expression on his face and said.

“I’m willing. Boss, I think you have the style of a great commander and the talent of a general, not only do you not turn red in the face or jump in the heart when you draw a big pie for people, but you are also incendiary in your speech.” Miyazaki Ryui really wasn’t entirely joking when he said.

“Do you know China’s Han Gaozu Liu Bang? When he went to see Lord Lu, his old man’s house, to eat and drink, he said “He Wan Qian” in a way that wasn’t condescending.

Not only did he win Lord Lu’s heart, but Lord Lu married his daughter, Lu Pheasant, to him.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and told him an allusion from Chinese history saying.

He said here paused for a moment, and then said, “I am not an empty glove, after all, there are still two hundred thousand dollars of capital in the hands of the real.

From today onwards, I will formally employ you to become my company’s first employee. The first task I will give you is to find an office space in the Taitung District with low rent and a good location.”

Miyazaki Ryui responded with the word “good”, from which he could also see that the other party was intentionally examining his own actual ability and said, “Our company must have a name, right? What should we call it?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto directly blurted out, “Hard Gold Capital.”

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