Chapter 042 – Brother Pachinko

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After lunch, Kishimoto Masayoshi customarily took a nap, then traveled out the door without haste. He ran straight over to Asakusa Temple. The person he was going to meet was no one else but the branch chairman of the Taito District of Pachinko.

Last time, Masayoshi Kishimoto had asked the other party to find a buyer for the pachinko parlor he had taken over from his cheap father. His initial thought was to cut cleanly with this business, but he didn’t realize that man’s plans were not as good as God’s plans.

He certainly couldn’t call them one by one like Miyazaki Ryui. He had absolutely no plans to recruit some more people to form a phone team was to call every day as if it were a phone scam.

Similarly, he has no plan to recruit more people to go to bank branches, CBD, high-end residential areas, high-end shopping malls and other stalls, as well as distributing leaflets of related advertisements.

Cats have cats, rats have rats, Kishimoto Justice’s path or breakthrough is in the pachinko industry above. He is very familiar with this industry.

A small steel ball costs at least 3-5 yen. At a price of 5 yen each, 10,000 yen would be 2,000 pachinko balls. At first glance, 2000 is a big number, but in reality, it won’t last long.

Masayoshi Kishimoto is aware of the fact that the pachinko machines at the branch chairman’s place have a few hundred units, and are not considered large, just a mid-range scale.

Under the influence of the current Asian financial turmoil, the business inside the pachinko parlor was surprisingly good. Morning, noon and night divided into three shifts, there are thousands of people a day down the flow, per capita consumption of 10,000 yen, a day’s flow can casually over 10 million yen.

In a month, the flow of more than 300 million yen is no pressure at all. Of course, after subtracting the winnings from customers, electricity bills, taxes, salaries and so on, there is still a lot of money left over.

There’s no return on deposits when you put that money in the bank. Aside from security, there is only the convenience of transferring money and other business above.

The current interest rate of commercial banks was zero. Therefore, Masayoshi Kishimoto expected that his past counterparts would not deposit money in a bank.

Moreover, pachinko practitioners in this line of work didn’t like to deposit cash in the bank, but habitually put the money in their own safe.

As for the commercial bank’s financial products, not to mention the current financial turmoil in Asia under the general income is not, anti-loss, even if it is a normal year inside, the annual income is often not more than 10%.

10% annual income for the operation of the pachinko store practitioners, and does not have what attraction. If it was possible, Masayoshi Kishimoto’s intention was not only to finance it from the chapter chairman, but also to think about financing it from other people.

Not to mention the entire RB, the daily flow of pachinko parlors in the Tokyo metropolitan area was a huge astronomical figure.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s goal was very clear, that is, to absorb some of this money into his own company to operate, so as to borrow chickens to lay eggs, borrow bones to boil oil.

Even if he does not invest this money into the Internet economy inside to go, also be able to short the yen from the above to earn excessive profits. After all, himself with ten times leverage is shorting the yen.

The yen would fall to a low of nearly 150 yen to the dollar in May and June, depreciating by about 30%. Next, he also used the funds on hand to follow the shorting of the ruble, after all, is going to depreciate by 70%.

At the same time, Kishimoto justice can also be another reverse operation, to ten times the leverage to long the dollar. He this kind of chasing up and down is completely able to earn a lot of money.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into the branch president’s office to see each other’s face is a smile, “Long time no see.”

“It’s been a while. What have you been up to?” The branch president said as he recalled the last time they met was a few months ago.

“Recently, I set up a venture capital company. This is my new business card, and I purposely came over just to deliver it to you.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto pulled out his own business card case, took one out of it, and sent it to the other party in the form of both hands, saying.

The branch president took it in his hand and once he glanced over it, he smiled and said, “Hard Gold Capital, or the president. It’s bigger than me, a store manager.”

“You really know how to make fun of a junior.” Masayoshi Kishimoto definitely wasn’t just giving the other party a business card for the sake of it. He was just running to make a financing tract from the other party’s hands.

“You’re overly concerned. As your elder, I still hope that each and every one of you later generations will excel, and that the blue is better than the blue.” The branch president really wasn’t speaking politely, saying.

“I didn’t just come this time to give you a business card either, there’s also a good investment project I want to introduce to you. If you’re busy right now, I’ll just make an appointment to talk to you next time.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the other party was also an old man, so there was absolutely no need to play smart in front of him. Adopting a straight-forward tactic himself would win the other party’s favor by making him feel that he was really good.

“Busy is not busy. If it’s that what’s-his-name that you told me about a few months ago, the game that can be played on the computer, or that kind of connection or something, forget it.

Old people truly don’t understand the new gadgets of you young people.” The branch president was also a fastidious person, and while not balking, he bluntly said.

“No, it’s definitely not a matter of investing in an online game company. I know you, not only you, but also the entire pachinko industry practitioners at the moment are the most annoying thing is that the business is too good, the money earned is too much, but do not know how it should be spent.

The spending I am referring to here is the way to make money grow and become richer. To expand business and add pachinko parlors, however, is not a good way.

We all know very well in our hearts that being affected by the Asian financial turmoil is only temporary. It will always pass. When the economy improves, the business will definitely not be as packed as it is now.

If there aren’t so many people playing the Pachinko machines anymore, then the money invested in them will have been wasted for nothing.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

Seeing that he had spoken to his heart, the branch chairman did not find it strange, after all, the other party had once been in their line of work as well.

After all, the other party had been in their line of work as well. The thing he had been worrying about was what Masayoshi Kishimoto had said. He was in a dilemma, weighing and weighing, but he still couldn’t make up his mind to expand his business. However, there was too much money, and letting it lie around and sleep was not something a smart person should do.

“This venture capital company I founded is a proper and legitimate company, definitely not some loan shark company, it can neither break the rules of the trade nor your reputation.”

The reason why Justice Kishimoto said so is that each business has its own rules, and RB people are relatively rule-following people.

Anyone who breaks the established rules of the game will be punished by being untrustworthy in many ways and will no longer work with them. This business can no longer continue to do business.

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