Chapter 043 – Alternatives

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:39
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The total population of RB was 128 million. Among them, 6% of the population are pachinko enthusiasts. From this, it could be seen how huge the cash flow inside the pachinko industry would be.

In theory, people like them who run pachinko parlors seem to be able to operate legally while secretly lending money to the losers to go back to the capital or whatever.

In fact, it was absolutely not allowed, that would be breaking the established rules. In this regard, Masayoshi Kishimoto knew very well that it was absolutely not possible to act like an underground casino.

After all, RB’s law stipulates that pachinko is video game entertainment, and gambling is equally illegal in RB at this time.

Only, is a variation of a little, with the winning small steel ball through a specific kind of machine automatic counting, and then get the kind of labeling how many cards. Finally, the person takes the card and exchanges it for cash.

In the early days, it was not possible to exchange cash directly in the store, but to go outside to another related store to exchange cash. Nowadays, this one has loosened the tie, and it is possible to exchange cash directly in the store.

Pachinko parlors, even if they are legal on the surface, have a complicated relationship with the gangs on the street.

Most of the people who run pachinko parlors only want to do legitimate business and do not want to get involved with the gangsters from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like Louis Koo played the movie “Triad” inside the character said that the most classic line is to say how many people can not go back to the heart of the people.

At the beginning, I sold fruit on the street, was bullied, and joined the society is not want to be bullied again. Now, I don’t want to be a kook, I just want to do legitimate business.

This involves gambling, involves a lot of money, everything will not become pure and simple, that is why most of the countries in the world have banned gambling, after all, it will also involve some of the public servants, as well as the corruption of government officials.

The reason why the pachinko industry will concede the lending of money this part of the interest, that is, to avoid some necessary disputes trouble and conflicts.

Underground money changers, loan sharks …… line of work since ancient times and are held by the jungle people. Borrow money, then go to these lines, and these lines are completely illegal existence.

The pachinko industry draws a line with them, both to show its legalized status and to prove its cooperative attitude with the government.

When gamblers lose their money inside pachinko parlors and become broke, they will certainly go to underground money changers, loan sharks, and so on, to borrow money. When they have money, they will go gambling again.

Lost, no money, and will go again to borrow, also formed a so-called “virtuous circle”, to achieve a win-win situation for each other. So, everyone will be well water does not offend the river water, peace and quiet.

At this time, the branch chairman who had fallen into silence, naturally, would not completely believe in Kishimoto’s righteousness just because of this side of the story.

If the other party is really doing underground money changers, usury business, once uncovered, not only Kishimoto justice, but also together with him, can be miserable. At that time, his own in pachinko this business is absolutely can not mix again.

“If you’re short of money, I can lend you some.” The branch president adopted the safest strategy, not only did he not have to take risks, but he could also make a high interest rate on the loan.

Justice Kishimoto did not balk. He could understand the other party’s uneasiness. The lending relationship between acquaintances belonged to the category of normal lending in the private sector, and it was suspected of not being able to break the established rules of the trade.

“It seems that you still can’t trust me.” Kishimoto justice after some deep thought, decided to poke between the two people that layer of thin as a cicada windowpaper in order to continue to talk frankly.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but you originally worked in our line of work. Although you are currently not dry, but there is no guarantee that there will not be someone to make waves.

Nowadays, you also know, our business in this line of business is so hot, causing how many people are red-eyed and hot, but can not do.

Why? It’s because there’s no license to operate legally. They can’t wait to catch whoever among us is at fault before they can take their place.” The branch president pushed his luck.

Justice Kishimoto nodded, realizing that this was true. For the time being, he was afraid that he would be unable to raise money from their hands in the type of investment he had mentioned earlier.

After the craze had completely subsided and returned to the past, it would be easier to talk about today’s content.

However, the tree moves to death, people move to live. Not to mention that his soul is Chinese, and Chinese people are the most adaptable people in this one world.

“How much is the interest?” Justice Kishimoto asked in a serious manner.

“First of all, we must obey the law. Secondly, I’m not shylocking either. Lastly, we are in a lending relationship between acquaintances, so it’s 36% annual interest, or 3% monthly.

The interest is settled on a monthly basis. By the twelfth month, you pay it off again with interest. I will only lend you for a year at most.” The branch president said on the matter.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that this was the highest interest rate for the private sector under RB’s current law. In China now it was four times the bank’s interest on a loan for the same period as the legal interest rate, not 36%. Twenty years from now, this one maximum 36% annual interest rate in China might have been borrowed from RB as well.

“How much were you able to lend me?” Justice Kishimoto pondered for a moment, but did not think it was high, just by the other party topped the ceiling of the interest rate of legal lending in the private sector.

The other party in order to minimize their own risk, is the only way to use the monthly interest charged, rather than a year after the expiration is to repay the principal and interest settled together.

Similarly, he did not use the method of equal principal and interest to carry out a collection. From a certain degree above, is also on their own trust.

Or rather, the chairman of the branch knows that he has a house in Taitung District. After the expiration date, he could not pay the money, then he will be his house.

In fact, the other party didn’t realize that he had already mortgaged the house to the Taito District Mitsui Bank for a period of two years. Even if the monthly interest rate of 3%, but also able to make their own profit from it is not small.

The person who really lost out was not himself, but the branch president. His own original investment program was a way to take a certain percentage of commission from it, while the other party took the most conservative and primitive way to profit.

“How much do you want to borrow?” The branch president asked rhetorically.

“One trillion yen is not too much, and one hundred million yen is not too little.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was currently in the “Hanshin’s point of view, the more the merrier” category.

The branch chairman smiled a little, and in his heart, he was also calculating how much the market price of the other party’s set of houses could be sold at least. He put up three fingers on the back of his right hand and said, “Thirty million yen.”

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