Chapter 044 – Civilian Loan

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:43
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“I assume you want me to take the house as collateral?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as soon as he heard the figure confirming what he had thought.

“All you need to do is write an IOU and state on there that if you can’t pay me back after a year, you’ll just transfer the house to me.” Without the slightest hint of hiding his intentions, the branch president spoke bluntly.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that he didn’t want his own real estate license, that was really great. In fact, he couldn’t take it out himself, after all, it was already in the hands of the Taito District Mitsui Bank.

He wasn’t afraid of a double mortgage, after all, the information between the two parties was not clear. If it is possible, he would like to have a house three mortgage, four mortgage ……

Kishimoto justice might as well play on this means, said: “can. However, I want 50 million yen. After one year’s maturity, I’ll pay you 68 million yen with interest at an annual interest rate of 36%.”

The branch chairman spread his hands toward him, thus trying to back out of the deal, “I’m afraid we can’t talk anymore if you do that.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up, walked directly to his desk, and placed his hands on it as soon as he bent forward, “How about I put my own hands on the line? If you are able to lend me one hundred million yen, I will bet this one of my own heads to you again.”

Before his words fell, he put his head on top of the other party’s desk as he spoke.

The branch chairman laughed and said, “I understand your determination. Let’s do it as you said, fifty million yen for one year with 36% annual interest. After the expiration date, return me 68 million yen with interest.

Let’s be gentlemen first, then villains. At that time, if you can’t pay back the money you borrowed from me, not only will I take your house, but I’ll also sell you to the Russians so they can take you to the waters of Kamchatka as a fishing slave.”

“We have a deal.” Justice Kishimoto said as he reared upright and stood at attention.

“Do you want it now, or will you come by tomorrow with the IOU and pick it up?” The branch president asked with a sense of purpose.

“Do you have a pen and paper here? I’ll write you the IOU right here in person.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took out the personal seal he had with him and placed it on top of the other party’s desk.

The chairman pulled open a drawer in the center of the desk in front of him and took out paper and a pen from it and placed it in front of Masayoshi Kishimoto.

He watched the other party write the IOU, sign his name, and affix his seal, and then carefully read it twice. He folded it up and put it in his right jacket pocket.

Only after the chairman felt that everything was in order did he get up and walk towards his safe. He inserted the key first, then entered the combination, and after the correct “ding” sound, he used his right hand to turn the key to open the door of the safe.

He mentally counted the numbers and took out fifty stacks of cash. Each stack was 100 sheets of 10,000 yen “Fukuzawa Yukichi”, or one million yen.

Holding this large pile of money, the chairman got up several times and placed it on top of his desk, then pulled open the rightmost drawer and took a large briefcase from there and casually placed it on top of the money, saying, “Count it.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up a stack of money in front of him and started counting. He counted through fifty stacks one by one, and there was not a single stack that lacked a single piece before he put them all into the large briefcase.

“Do you need me to arrange for two people to escort you to the bank?” The branch president really wasn’t joking.

“No need! If I’m really robbed, I’ll really suspect that you’re the one who arranged someone in the dark to do it.” Justice Kishimoto couldn’t help but say, half joking, half serious.

The branch president laughed, “Why don’t I personally accompany you on a trip to the bank?”

“I’m just saying it as a joke, why would you take it seriously?” Justice Kishimoto laughed and said.

“Then I won’t keep you much longer. Farewell!” The branch president said as he saw off his guests.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto answered “Farewell”, he turned around and left with his large briefcase in his hands. He exited the front door of this place and headed straight for the nearest Mitsui Bank branch to deposit money.

On the way, Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t overly nervous, but was pondering inside his head, “If the Chairman can’t be convinced by himself, should he try again with someone else?

In any case, the chairman is after all an old man, it is difficult to keep up with the current trend of the times, it is also very normal.

It is often said that a difference of 3 years is a generation gap, and they are completely two generations. It is not surprising that he thought so and the other party did not talk today.

Kishimoto Justice knows that this money in his hand belongs to private lending, not from the other party’s investment. His company is a private equity fund, naturally to absorb investment from others.

He himself then took the money invested in him to operate and invest in other entities with the potential to profit from the company. At the same time, the investors also benefited.

Masayoshi Kishimoto began to search his memory for the young men in Pachinko’s peer group. In addition to that, it is best to have a little friendship with yourself.

Even if there was no friendship, there must be at least an impression that they knew each other’s last name and first name. Soon, he found such a most suitable person from his memory.

That person was of a similar age to himself, with a similar basic situation, and had also inherited the family business from his father’s hands. Only, the other person was not in the Taito District, but in Adachi District.

Adachi is not a good neighborhood. Among the 23 wards in Tokyo, it was the poorest, bar none.

Not only that, it was also the place where the largest number of delinquents gathered, as well as the largest slum in all of RB, Mitani, was also located there.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that if he wanted to open up the pachinko industry and get it to go in the direction he wanted, then he had to set up a model first.

What he wanted was for other people to see that investing in his company would make a good profit, that is, for the other party to play a good role in leading the way.

After all, the daily cash flow and yearly net profits of the pachinko industry were too tempting for Masayoshi Kishimoto.

If he was able to put this money to good use, would he still worry that his company would not be able to grow and develop rapidly?

Masayoshi Kishimoto smoothly to a Mitsui Bank, and then is to go through the process of taking the number queue. Currently, there are few people, not a moment later, heard the loudspeaker inside the reading of his own number.

This time, he did not deposit the money into his own private account, but deposited the money into his company’s account.

After a series of bank teller’s steps, he deposited the fifty million yen he borrowed from the branch chairman.

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