Chapter 047 Gambling

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:52
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Peter? Peterson and Steve? Schwartzman two people that is in the Lehman Brothers company worked together for many years. Peterson’s early years and Sony president Akio Morita also formed a friendship, the first bucket of gold is from each other to earn the carriage.

The Blackstone Group’s first fund secured 32 investors including Nikko Securities, MetLife, General Electric and General Motors Retirement Fund, raising a total of $850 million.

It also shows how powerful their professionalism, connections and social backgrounds were, yet they all did very hard work in the start-up phase, while the actual situation of Justice Kishimoto was much worse than at the beginning of their hay day.

Masayoshi Kishimoto wants to make the investment company up, the only way is to go out of the ordinary. With his deep background in the pachinko industry, it was relatively easy for him to gain the trust of his peers in the past.

After all, pachinko this business in the RB law on the surface is completely legal, but in the dark there are too many various kinds of big and small untold secrets.

Among them, the sword fight in the back of the unknown how many occurred. On top of that, there are police security management fees, political cash and whatnot, and so on.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the pachinko industry was a gray area industry in the truest sense of the word.

Why does the RB government allow it to exist? It is because it knows that gambling is a trade that cannot be banned, after all, it is something that is inherent in human nature.

Because life is unpredictable, there are too many uncertainties, which is why people have a gambling nature. Everyone has a gambling nature, the difference lies in the gambling things are not the same. Is it gambling to speculate in stocks?

Doing business is not gambling? Reading and is not also belongs to the betting on their own, the family, and even the family future has a good future and a good life? ……

The attitude of the RB government is that instead of letting gambling grow unchecked in the shadows, it is better to let it be controlled and regulated.

The two major benefits of this are that it keeps some money from flowing directly into the private pockets of small groups of interests, and it saves the social costs of vigorously catching gambling.

Not to mention in the tax above, economic development, or a lot of positive help. Otherwise, Singapore’s founding father **** will not go back on his word.

He once said, as long as I live, Singapore will not have casinos. As a result, it was also he who agreed to the Sands Casino, Sentosa Casino’s legal license issuance.

This time the legitimacy of the RB gaming industry is only limited to betting on horses, pachinko, lottery, etc., directly open casinos that kind of baccarat, Texas Hold’em, etc. is absolutely not allowed, expressly prohibited belongs to the illegal.

However, twenty years later, the RB government amended the law, also carried out a relaxation, resulting in baccarat these gambling games also become legal.

Kishimoto justice sword to go sideways, the only way to make use of their own has this one other people do not have the advantage, to be able to get more money.

From the general direction, although these money is a lot of people lose hard-earned money, but not black money, also do not need to go through their hands for a money laundering.

If not, their own investment company will inevitably be like those on the street under the banner of financial management, small loans and other loan sharks is exactly the same. Or become a main money laundering, help others to overseas transfer of illegal assets and other business of the underground money bank.

Peter? Peterson and Steve? Schwartzman’s voluntary resignation from Lehman Brothers to come out and start their own business was not a head-spinning moment.

They still maximize the use of their own background and around the various resources, not only and the founder of Sony, known as the god of management of Akio Morita have friendship, but also with GE, that is, General Electric’s legendary CEO, known as the world’s first CEO, the United States contemporary most successful and greatest entrepreneurs of Jack? Welch all have friendships.

If not, you can’t even meet one of these people, and no one will listen to you. Thus, the “one-minute elevator speech” chicken soup technique was born. Often, the result is that the person concerned feels offended by the rudeness of the speech, but there is little left.

The people who work so hard to get around are basically fresh out of college, but the slightest effect has not been achieved, and it is completely useless.

There is no management student who doesn’t know how powerful GE is in the world. If you don’t know, it can only prove that either you skipped class or went to sleep during class.

It is a business that is involved in everything except drugs. It is also one of the few companies in the world that has been able to realize the success of a truly multi-business strategy.

Jack? Welch, when he was CEO of GE, came up with the strategy of counting one, which is to divest and sell off its many business units if they are not ranked number one or number two in their respective industries.

Then, there is the Six Sigma standard he created, globalization and e-commerce, which pretty much redefined modern business.

Six Sigma is a technology to improve the management of enterprise quality processes, with “zero defects” of the perfect business pursuit, driven by a substantial reduction in quality costs, and ultimately realize the financial results of the enhancement of competitiveness and enterprise breakthroughs. It is in the RB people on the basis of high-quality management of quality can be developed.

Jack? Welch as chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) in just 20 years, so that GE’s market capitalization increased more than 30 times, reaching 450 billion U.S. dollars, ranking from the world’s 10th to 1st.

He himself is only a PhD in chemistry from the University of Illinois, not a graduate of any of the world-class business schools such as Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, etc. He is also a graduate of the Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School MBA (Master of Business Administration) in the United States is known as “money printing machine”, that is to say, graduates of the annual income is very high, but by Jack Welch in his personal biography. In his autobiography, Jack Welch described MBAs as useless.

Masayoshi Kishimoto recognized this. In his previous life, he studied business administration. The master of management, the father of modern management science Peter? Drucker’s set of theoretical things in the classroom listening to the blood boiling, seems to be very insightful, but may not be used in practice.

I hope that the person who learns can become a versatile person in the future. They are not unaware that the business administration profession belongs to the “six unlike” professions.

Finance, accounting, human resources, marketing, logistics, foreign trade, advertising, economy and so on will be some, can be said to be the door are not fine, but has its value of existence is in the “management” word.

As a manager, it is true that there is no need to do a specific what work, only need to understand how it is a back to things. As the saying goes, those who have the ability to manage people, those who do not have the ability to do things.

However, the question arises. College graduates do not have any social experience and work experience, who dares to put you directly on the management position up? Unless it is their own business.

Theory and practice are two different things. Waiting for the real on to the management position, is only to realize that books learned nine out of ten are not very useful.

What’s more, when I was learning, I didn’t really understand the meaning of the words. The main thing is that the business activities of this discipline is extremely complex, relying on talent, the accumulation of relevant practical experience and summarize, as well as a wide range of human resources.

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