Chapter 049 – Woman

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:25:58
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Kishimoto justice in his heart understand very well, he is currently drying the private equity fund in the complete economic marketization, highly developed capitalist countries RB is completely legal.

He did not hang sheep’s head, sell dog meat, but the real want to private equity to get up, to be able to let the company grow and develop.

Kishimoto justice suddenly thought that in the current 1998 this time in China, may be labeled as illegal fund-raising charges. At that time, it is quite possible that you will not be able to eat, to go around.

He naturally thought of a book he read in his previous life, “Mengniu Insider”, which said that Niu Gensheng in August 1999, when the establishment of Mengniu, trying to do everything possible to absorb the funds to start a business, was “the masses” reported and uncovered the whole of the crime of illegal fund-raising once.

Miyazaki Ryui said with interest: “Boss, you tell me some more things about the triads.”

Justice Kishimoto was interrupted by the things he was thinking about inside his head and said carelessly, “What is there to tell. It’s hard to believe that you still want to go into the triad? Is it bad to be a good guy?”

“Although being a bad guy is bad, there are times when I feel that being a good guy is a bit too boring.” Miyazaki Ryui said as he harmonized his heart.

Kishimoto Masayoshi understood that he was just curious, so he said without haste, “Those who are in charge of running inside the triads are called straw shoes in the jargon.

The person who is responsible for planning and advising, also known as the military advisor, is called the folding fan in the jargon. The person who has the strongest fighting ability and is most capable of fighting is known as the Red Stick.

They held regular pleading meetings, the purpose of which was so that they could get to know each other, lest their own people get into a fight. If any conflict occurs, the leader of the group will come out to negotiate.

If they reach an agreement, everyone will be happy. If it doesn’t work out, each of them will go back and gather their people to either make an appointment to go to a place and start fighting directly, or they will send out killers from the group to shoot in the dark.”

He paused here and began to intentionally change the subject, then added, “Now, where do you live?”

“Adachi Ward, aside from being relatively far away from the capital and the sub-capital, it’s the cheapest place to live within the 23 wards of Tokyo, which means that the rent will be the cheapest as well.

Most of the foreigners who come to Kyoto to work and rent an apartment prefer to live there. Poor students also like to live there. There are also foreigners who come to Tokyo to work.

Other than that, it’s rookies like me, who just graduated and joined the workforce not long ago and don’t have much money on hand, who also love to rent in Adachi Ward for cheap.” Miyazaki Ryui had a word to say.

“You live alone? Or do you live with your girlfriend?” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew what it meant that life was not easy. He knew in his heart of hearts that not only China’s big cities of North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen had ant clans, but also RB’s big cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama and other famous cities had ant clans as well.

In RB, there are not only foreigners but also nationals, and the proportion is not small. The problem of houses is a problem for the lower and middle classes in any country.

By chatting with Miyazaki Ryui about parental matters, he was beginning to view the other party as a friend, not just as one of his subordinates.

“Used to have a girlfriend a month or so ago. Later, we broke up. Nowadays, I’m living alone.” Miyazaki Ryui said truthfully.

“She turned her back on you because you lost your job?” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not smile meticulously.

“Not really. It was me who didn’t want to hold her back and initiated the breakup.” Miyazaki Ryui picked up the glass in front of him and drank it all in one tilt of his head.

He had suicidal thoughts at that time, and in order to stop dragging her person down, as well as causing trouble for her person, it was only then that he took the initiative to first put an end to their relationship once and for all.

“Now, you’re back at work and officially employed. Go get her back again!” Justice Kishimoto was fully able to understand the normal mind and dignity of today’s men.

This was a society that hated people for being rich and laughed at people for being poor. Without money, a man wouldn’t even have the courage to say “I love you” to the girl he likes.

Miyazaki Ryui shook his head back and forth and sighed, “Actually, how can I put it? We already have a lot of small conflicts built up, and it also shows that we may not be suitable for each other.

Instead of reluctantly staying together, it’s better to just split up. This was after I gave up my suicidal thoughts, and thought carefully and again about all the things in the past.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that he was an exceptionally career-oriented person, so he didn’t say anything to cherish his hard-won romance. He calmly said, “First establish a career, then a family. A great man has no wife.”

“What about you?” Miyazaki Ryui sidled up to him and asked.

“When I was in college that time, I changed at least four girlfriends a year as if I were changing my clothes for the four seasons. Nowadays, the idea of treating that kind of brothers like brothers and women like clothes becomes less frequent.

However, on the contrary, there is a kind of red flag at home does not fall, outside the colorful flag fluttering idea. From time to time, you can see people with either broken hands or broken feet, but it’s extremely rare to see people running around naked without clothes.” Justice Kishimoto couldn’t help but smile heartily.

“Boss, I really didn’t expect you to have such a flirtatious affair. Is this your return of the prodigal son?” Miyazaki Ryui laughed. He believed that the other party’s words were true, after all, he was the one who had fucked Brother Pachinko in the past.

That social relationship and background would be complicated. Not to mention the daughters of serious people, just some of the little girls on the street who were dressed up in a demonic manner would not know how many of them would come to take the initiative to fall on their backs, both for the sake of money, but also for the sake of a person who sought to be able to cover their own backs.

“Turning back is not easy, there is a fianc茅e shaped like a tigress inside the family.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first reaction was to think of Rie Sakai, who lived under the same roof as himself.

Miyazaki Ryui didn’t believe him and said, “When you don’t have a woman, you occasionally think that it’s good to have a woman. When I have a woman, I feel that women are troublesome and not as good as they should be. If a woman could come when called and go when waved, that would be great.”

“How is it that there are no women of the kind you mentioned? Customary women! After we finish drinking, I’ll treat you to a prostate care inside a custom store.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed heartily.

Miyazaki Ryui shook his head vigorously and said, “Thanks. But it’s not for me, it really isn’t for me.”

“If you don’t try it out, how do you know it’s not for you?” Justice Kishimoto said with an unchanging smile.

“Spare me!” Miyazaki Ryui said with an expression that begged to be spared.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to raise his glass towards him and said, “Let’s drink! I was just teasing you with my words just now. You shouldn’t take it to heart either.”

With that, Miyazaki Ryui also raised his wine glass, and then together with the other party, they were drinking it all down in one go.

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