Chapter 055 Society

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:26:17
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When Masayoshi Kishimoto was given such a look by Rie Sakai, he understood why the other party had preconceived notions about himself. The original owner of this body of his own was not above playing around with little girls in his youth.

There is no impermeable wall under the sky. What’s more, when a man is happy, he will take the initiative to say with a bragging tone, one day I will do it again to whoever.

For this reason, things like this will be more or less into her ears. For a woman, especially a high-quality girl like Sakai Rie, who was talented, not stupid, and came from a middle-class family, her heart would definitely be upset.

Even if she doesn’t hold the fantasy of love “wishing for a man of one’s heart, white heads will never leave each other”, she still can’t tolerate some things at the present time.

If she came from the upper class, it would make Masayoshi Kishimoto feel at ease. At that time, she would all just take it as her man doing exercise on the body of other lowly women and breaking a sweat.

The problem lay in the fact that not only was she of middle-class origin, but she was in college, and at the age of twenty-nine and eighteen, she was bound to have the usual inertia of a college student.

The only way is to wait until she formally enters the society and has been in the society for a three, five years, then she will also be able to gradually recognize the reality and easily accept some people and things that were difficult to accept in the past.

“RB’s educationally lax era is really the pits.” Sakai Rie looked at her own sister a look of oil and salt is angry said.

“The majority of children from lower-middle class backgrounds were pitched, but not those from upper-middle class backgrounds. The former reduces the burden, the latter increases the burden, and this is the opposite of the other.

Upper-middle class parents continue to invest more in education in order for their children to be able to face the competition in the future. Why?

It is because they want to consolidate the status of the class they are in and hope that their offspring can continue such a life and even become stronger.

The result of this also makes it more and more difficult for children from the lower and middle classes to climb up the ladder. A large-scale invasion by foreign enemies and long-term civil unrest is extremely unlikely in this current situation.

Furthermore, RB has traditionally been a top-down innovation, never a bottom-up revolution.” Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly interjected.

“You finally have an attitude, it’s not easy!” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“RB has a 6% principle, which means that only 6% of the population will be able to derive happiness and joy from it and live their lives to the fullest. The remaining 94% slowly end their lives amidst daily complaints.

Reducing the burden is a new foolish policy packaged by the ruling class to screw the children of the common people. They are eager for the ruled class to become more and more stupid, less and less need to think, and just do what they are told.

In the end, the ruling class can simply use the whip in their hands and treat them like pigs in a pigsty.

Some people don’t think they are stupid, they think they are smart, and all they are ever missing is a chance. That’s where the idiots who think they are smart come from.

Human society is a society of privilege, and those who are smart and hardworking enjoy all kinds of privileges, while those who are stupid and lazy will suffer from differential treatment and unfairness.

This is shaped like a great big pig farm, where one either becomes a breeder or a swine inside a single pig pen.” Justice Kishimoto pushed on.

“Let’s all listen well. The real society is like this.” Rie Sakai was the first to respond in shock.

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at Sakai Mirei’s face full of confusion, and again had to speak in a different way that was easy to understand, after all, after all was said and done, it had to be said to the end, to give people an understanding.

So, he slowly said: “The privilege of becoming a member of the 6% of the population is that when you get sick, you don’t have to wait in line, you can get careful treatment from doctors and nurses at first-class hospitals.

In addition, banks, airports, Disney and any other places where you need to queue, you can go through the VIP special channel and enjoy all the best services and convenience without queuing.

As for the remaining 94%, not only do they receive a meager salary, but they also have to pay a high tax burden. Once war breaks out, they will have to rush to the front, the most dangerous places to fight and kill for the ruling classes.”

“This is also really unfair.” Sakai Meiling’s blood immediately rushed up, her face full of indignation as she said.

“It is precisely because it is unfair that it is fair. The bottom layer is muddled and ignorant, while the middle layer is often the main group of people who are crying out, protesting, and demanding fairness in social distribution, structure, and so on.

The top wants to rule like this for ages to come. After cutting the old leeks, they cut new leeks, one after another, forever.

As far as I know, the children of the upper class have a clear life plan when they reach the age of two or three. These people are taught philosophy and literature privately by specialists in elementary school.

Philosophy and literature, however, are regarded as the most useless things by the common people whose favorite thing is to watch television. Television is viewed by the upper classes as the most useless thing in this one world.

However, the best thing about television is that it can be widely and easily utilized by them to brainwash the common people.

Because this is the cheapest form of entertainment is very popular among the common people, after all, it doesn’t cost much money. In this world, things that do not cost money are often not fun. The only things that are universally fun are the things that cost money.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

Sakai Rie was surprised, really not expecting the other party to speak without speaking, but to poke straight to the heart when she did. She had trouble digesting what Masayoshi Kishimoto had said for a moment.

Sakai Meiling, even if she didn’t really understand, obstinately said with a small mouth, “You guys are just breathing out of the same nostril.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi could see that the little girl just couldn’t take it at all, so he didn’t say any more. He couldn’t find any reason why he had to convince the other party. Not to mention that a fifteen, sixteen year old flower girl shouldn’t have such a deep realization and sense of understanding.

His own reaction to Sakai Meiling was not surprising at all, after all, there was a ten year difference between him and her. A generation gap of three years, three consecutive generation gaps were more than enough.

Even if Sakai Rie had a problem with it, it was truly more than normal. The difference between the two was also seven years, another two generation gaps in excess.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew in his heart that the best person to do the ideological education work for Sakai Mirei was someone of Sakai Rie’s age.

Someone who was about three years older than her would be the easiest to talk to. However, Sakai Rie’s status as a close sister in turn got in the way, but far less so than an outsider.

“Let’s not talk about it. Let’s eat dinner properly. Otherwise, the food will get cold.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wanted to end this particularly serious topic there and then.

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