Chapter 064: Different Rights for the Same Shares

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:26:46
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Not a day later, Executive Director Park and his subordinates once again sat in the conference room of Hard Gold Capital Corporation. They met Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryui Miyazaki for the third time.

Managing Director Park waited until the tea had been served, and opened the door without a smile on his face, “I’ve already requested our president by phone. After our company’s meeting and discussion, it was decided that up to 30% of the shares can be ceded to your company.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto unhurriedly threw his body weight backward and leaned his back on top of the chair back. His own initial intention was to strive for 30% of the shares, that was raised above the 20% shares.

Currently, NEXON Computer Games had already offered 30% of its shares, so he could strive for 40% more. This was his ideal shareholding ratio.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was able to foresee the future, and NEXON Computer Games would be able to become the NO.1 computer game company in Korea in the future.Right now, buying more shares would also mean that he would earn more in the future.

After some silent thinking, he said nonchalantly, “I still hope that you can offer 40% of the company’s shares to me.

First of all, I am the one running the investment company, not your peers, there is no such thing as annexation or a malicious takeover. Secondly, there is nothing you guys are more worried about than the problem of management and operation rights.

Even if I own 40% of your company’s shares, I will not directly interfere too much. Unless there is a particularly urgent and special situation.

NCsoft Online Game Company is a perfect example. In the end, I can do the same shares with different rights. For this reason, what else do you guys have to worry about?”

Miyazaki Ryui stared sideways at him until he finished those words. He had initially thought that the boss would agree to purchase 30% of the shares of NEXON Computer Games with a single bite.

Even if that wasn’t the case, the most that could be done was to press the price on top of the other party’s offer and maximize the fight in favor of his side.

These were all things that the boss had revealed to himself. However, he really didn’t expect that the boss would be so insistent on wanting 40% of the shares of NEXON Computer Games Company.

Managing Director Park was originally prepared to bargain with the other party over the 30% share offer, but never thought that he would still insist on 40% of the shares.

Not only that, even opened the same share different rights this is the most generous conditions, that is to say, means that NEXON computer game company is still in their Korean hands, the only difference is the main shareholding structure above the change.

This is completely within the acceptable range for the operator. The reason for the operators to establish the company is to maximize the realization of self-worth, to make the company bigger and stronger, so that more people will know that there is such a person in the world.

As for making money and so on, it is still secondary. The investment company is different. It is in the first place is to invest money. As for the rest, it’s all secondary.

Therefore, investors and entrepreneurs are most likely to hit it off and reach cooperation, after all, the goals of each other are both consistent, there is no conflict, they can each realize what they want.

After pondering for a long time, Managing Director Park laughed helplessly, “If you have to insist on purchasing 40% of the shares of NEXON Computer Games, I’ll have to call back for instructions again.”

“I’m not in a hurry. You guys can take your time to discuss it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said this with his mouth, but in his heart, he couldn’t wait for this matter to be finalized earlier, lest the night be long.

The reason why he had displayed a calm and collected demeanor was to not let the other party see through his mind. This will allow him to take the initiative in the business negotiations, and then to swim with ease.

He expected that NEXON Computer Games, if it was still able to resist, would insist on giving up only 30% of its shares and would never give in again.

At that time, he would just sign the contract according to the 30% shares. Although it wasn’t perfect, it had secured the maximum benefits. If NEXON Computer Game Company was already running around like an ant on top of a hot pot, they would choose to live between life and death, and would certainly accept the 40% of shares that they wanted.

Furthermore, there was nothing bad for them to accept, followed by too much worry. They have offered the same shares with different rights generous conditions, there is no such thing as an alliance under the city.

The lack of funds, the consequence is that time waits for no one, NEXON computer game company is facing the biggest dilemma is here.

Time for Kishimoto justice, more than enough, can not care. He held the lifeblood of NEXON computer game company, and the other party did not hold their own lifeblood.

Managing Director Park didn’t end this meeting just like that, and tried, “Assuming, and I’m just assuming, that even if our company agrees to give up 40% of our shares to you, it will still be an increase in price based on this one offer I’m making now.”

“Money isn’t the issue. I’ll take 40% of the shares if I have to. If you agree to offer me 40% of the shares, the price will just increase by 10% of the shares on top of this 30% share offer of yours.

I have already shown my maximum sincerity. Next, it’s up to you guys to do the same.” Justice Kishimoto had read their offer and it was reasonable. His purpose of not haggling was also so that he could get their meeting to pass it.

He himself wouldn’t be foolish enough to give up his long-term future interests for a small profit. The 10% increase in one’s own shares should not be too cost-effective compared to all that extra money he was giving now.

Managing Director Park was definitely unaware of the long-term plans inside the other party’s stomach. As far as we can see, Hard Gold Capital did offer generous conditions to NEXON Computer Games, making it impossible for people to refuse.

“Taking advantage of a man’s danger is not what a gentleman does. Just as you said, your company has a promising future, but only encountered temporary financial difficulties.

For that reason, I do agree with you on this.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in the spirit of disabusing the other party of the misconception that he still had some kind of conspiracy behind him.

“To be honest, I’ve never really seen someone like you who is honest in business.” Managing Director Park said honestly.

“In my opinion, a good cooperation should be built on a win-win basis. Only then can the cooperation continue in the long run.

If the foundation is built on inequality between the two sides from the start, conflict is inevitable sooner or later.” Masayoshi Kishimoto recounted his investment philosophy.

Managing Director Park nodded his head in recognition of this statement. It wasn’t like he hadn’t approached other investment companies before this and encountered situations where he either rejected them outright or tried to capitalize on them by purchasing them at a low price.

“In that case, then I’ll trouble you to wait a little longer.” Managing Director Park became more and more polite to the person and said.

“There’s no rush, there’s no rush.” Masayoshi Kishimoto responded with a smile on his face.

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