Chapter 067: Job Seekers

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:26:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto had been reborn into this place, and one could not work part-time for the rest of one’s life. Only others work for themselves.

After Hard Gold Capital Corporation’s job announcement was sent out, the resumes that applied for the job flew in like snowflakes. The educational requirement for just one front desk position was a high school education, but it was able to attract a large group of resumes with undergraduate degrees and even master’s degrees.

Masayoshi Kishimoto personally began the interview of the applicants. Prior to this, Oda Feiqiao had already called the applicants one by one to notify them of the time and place of the relevant interviews.

He held a resume inside his hand, looked at the photo at a female job applicant sitting directly across from him, but did not intend to ask the shape as, first come to a self-introduction and what nonsense. There was a routine in it, but one never liked to follow a routine.

“You’re applying for a position at the front desk, and you have a bachelor’s degree. I have two questions for you here, one, why did you come to our company to seek employment?

And two, front desk jobs are given to people with high school degrees. Not only does this position not pay well, but there is almost no prospect for advancement. So why did you even apply for the job?” Justice Kishimoto asked bluntly.

“Graduated from college and didn’t get an internal appointment with a company. For the past two years, I’ve been working as a dispatched employee.

One knows very well that the university one graduated from was not a prestigious university in the first place, just a very average one, and that would be a considerable disadvantage above employment.

I also know that the current employment situation is not objective, in advance to make psychological preparations, but did not expect far beyond their own psychological expectations.

By September 30th of last year, I even lost my job as a dispatched employee. Almost half a year, I have been trying to find a job.

During this time, I have worked at convenience stores, supermarkets, shopping malls, and various other hourly-paid temporary jobs. Although my family didn’t say anything verbally, they were anxious for me.

I myself became more and more anxious, feeling that the future was dark and uncertain. The TV news is saying every day that the Asian financial turmoil is further aggravating the situation, making the employment situation even more serious. I was even more panicked.

This before and after the total number of companies to which I had sent my resume added up to exactly one hundred. For this reason, I am not exaggerating at all. As long as one of your company gave me a phone call for an interview.

I had to face the reality and lower the entry requirements, but also hope that from the top of the education can take advantage. Among them, I also undeniably have the mentality of riding a donkey to find a horse in.”

Kato Rumiko sat up straight and folded her hands in front of her belly was having a word. As she spoke her eyes began to redden, her nose turned sour, and her voice revealed a choked voice.

“Need paper?” Kishimoto justice said lightly, but in the heart of the clear the other party is not in front of their own deliberately miserable, but real touched the heart of that one string.

He saw that the other party was speaking very truthfully, but he wasn’t going to give her the receptionist’s job. It was not a good thing to let someone with a higher education do the job with a high school education.

For one thing, someone with a higher education doing a front desk job wouldn’t feel comfortable working. Even if they don’t think they’re too good for the job, they’ll still have the idea of riding the donkey and looking for a horse, and then they’ll appear to be looking for another job in private.

Secondly, it is not easy for the company to manage the personnel. Although the money is the same, but highly educated people will become double-minded after the economic rebound, forgetting the pain after a good wound, appearing to no longer cherish the hard-won job opportunities occur.

“Sorry, I lost my temper.” Rumiko Kato hurriedly took out the handkerchief she had prepared and wiped her eyes and nose. After she used it, she refolded it and hurriedly put it back in her pocket where it belonged.

Kishimoto Masayoshi saw the other party’s meticulousness in this small detail. He had finally heard a truthful applicant.

Before her, he had asked the same two questions, and the answers he had received were either grandiose statements or standardized answers taught in some interview books or training institutes.

The only one who didn’t use those standard answers was the moderate-looking candidate in front of him. The most important thing was that she had done so many kinds of hourly-paid jobs before and after the interview, so naturally her unrealistic ideas about society had long been thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

If one could give her a symmetrical job position, the idea of working single-mindedly was as sure as getting a lifesaver.

“Our company’s front desk job is not suitable for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said intentionally wanting to see how she would react in the end again.

Although a look of disappointment and frustration passed over Rumiko Kato’s face, she still didn’t throw away her manners and stood up to leave.

After she stood up unhurriedly, she still bowed forty-five degrees towards the other party and prepared to turn around and walk out again.

Before she could take two steps out, she was stopped by Masayoshi Kishimoto from behind, ”What’s your hurry? I haven’t finished speaking yet.

Although our company’s receptionist job is not suitable for you, the logistic and administrative position can be offered to you. Are you willing to accept this position?”

Kato Rumiko had never expected such a dramatic reversal. She stopped in her tracks, turned sideways to face him again, and froze hard for half a minute.

Once Rumiko Kato came back to her senses, she bowed once again, “I’m sorry for being so rude just now. But, I’m applying for a front desk job, huh?”

“Be painfully honest, would you like to do it, or not?” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“I’m willing, I’m willing.” Kato Rumiko nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with joy.

“You go out and find Oda Feiqi to go through the entry procedures. Tomorrow morning, you can come over to work. As for the specific work content arrangement, you will listen to Ota Fei Bird all the way in the future.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s expansion of the company’s logistics staff was meant to free Oda Fei Tori from miscellaneous matters, so that she could be trained to take on a grassroots management position, so that she could learn to engage in actual management work, as well as to do the important work that she was directly tasked with.

“Thank you.” Kato Rumiko said as she came towards him with a deep ninety-degree bow.

“Work well! If you’re not able to do your job, no amount of thanking me or bowing will help. I’ll still fire you. The trial period is three months.

If there’s no problem, you’ll be converted directly to a full member of the club after the probationary period.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the life-long employment system had its good points, namely that it could maximize the cohesion of the people in the first and middle stages, so that new recruits would be free of worries and focus on their work.

Of course, its limitation is that in the middle and late stages, it is inevitable that the situation of “keeping idle people” will occur. However, RB has another set of ways to make up for the life-long employment system, that is, to send you, isolate you, exclude you, humiliate you …… so that you take the initiative to resign and leave. Otherwise, it is to let you take the initiative to accept the arrangement of salary reduction and demotion.

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