Chapter 069: The Company Takes Shape

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:27:01
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Sakai Mirei, a receptionist, was only working on a temporary basis. After spring break, she still had to return from Tokyo to Kochi Prefecture to continue her studies.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had since had to recruit a receptionist who was a longtime employee. He didn’t want to recruit the kind of women who were dressed up in flamboyant costumes, nor did he want the kind of women whose motives were impure.

The front desk work income is small, career above not much development prospects, but there is a best platform is to give them the opportunity to catch men.

The bigger the company, the more famous it is, and the more effective it is, the more it is like this. Not to mention any management personnel, even the most ordinary official member of the company would be missed by the front desk.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew in his heart that the annual income of a first-year employee of a large company was around five million yen.

In contrast, in small and medium-sized companies, if you have worked for two or three years or three or five years, and you are not a newcomer, you will often earn only two or three million yen a year. Even if they have been working for ten years or more, most of them earn only about four million yen a year.

The difference is clear. In addition, because receptionists generally require only a high school diploma, they are often unable to do secretarial work, which generally requires a bachelor’s degree.

Proximity to water is the first thing to go. They have the highest probability of finding a young man with a higher income and a stable job.

They generally come from a bad background, low social class, and their family’s financial conditions are often not generous. Otherwise, it’s unlikely that they wouldn’t have gone to college.

In RB, an undergraduate degree is essential in order to find a somewhat decent and legitimate career that is most acceptable to the middle class.

Although RB’s prestigious universities are not easy to get into, it’s still quite easy to get into a general university, and there are even a number of universities that belong to the category of being able to go to if you pay for it.

If you want to enter a big company, then a degree from a prestigious university is essential. In RB, it is common for students to be from middle class families if they are able to study at a prestigious university.

Therefore, the company’s front desk work, even if the income is meager, there is no personal career development prospects, eat youthful rice business, there will be a lot of only have a high school education, good-looking young women are keen to engage in.

This is because there are shortcuts, the work is decent and easy, the highest probability of being able to change themselves, through the way of marriage to realize the social class of the leap.

Masayoshi Kishimoto chose a twenty-two year old girl with a high school diploma, a dignified look, and a medium-height figure from the large number of young women who applied for the receptionist job to be the face of his company.

In addition, also recruited a twenty-five year old full-time will record, an age of twenty-eight years old, once worked as a Korean text translation, but also speak fluent Korean is the future will go with Miyazaki Ryuai to South Korea Seoul to establish offices and resident ……

Kishimoto justice selection criteria, in addition to the rare talent Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s age more than thirty years old, collectively only recruit more than twenty years of age in the society above the two, three years or three, five years, goodbye to the stage of newcomers to the workplace staff.

Advantage, recruited in can be directly fixed with, after all, they are engaged in the past in a certain field of work, without the need for newcomers like rookies have to be taught hand in hand.

The disadvantages are also there. Their head inside the former company to the “brainwashing”, more or less with some of the former company’s corporate culture, corporate values, as well as their own “company” this concept of preconceived subjective understanding.

This is not like the newcomers recruited from the university that is a blank sheet of paper, can be arbitrary and better planning.

They are also most likely to be “brainwashed” by their own company, accepting the corporate culture and corporate values they want to build.

After this round of recruitment, Hard Gold Capital Corporation has also broken out of its shell and is no longer an egg that needs to be incubated. It was no longer an egg that needed to be incubated, and it was no longer just three people: Masayoshi Kishimoto, Hidetori Oda, and Ryui Miyazaki.

At that time, Masayoshi Kishimoto was both the owner and president, as well as a business person. Ota was a secretary, part-time accountant, administrator, and logistician. Ryui Miyazaki was both a business person and an administrator.

The number of personnel at Hard Gold Capital Corporation had grown from a total of three to eleven when it was first established. Masayoshi Kishimoto had once said that he wanted to find, as Luffy of the King of Thieves had said, ten partners. As far as the present was concerned, he had only found one partner, and that was Kobayashi Kiyoshi, who had been picked up by himself.

This is in the Confucian culture, social hierarchy, national character stoic RB, Kobayashi Kiyoshi also did the following offense hit the boss, once served a year in prison, graduated from the University of Tokyo finance, Mitsubishi Bank headquarters to do a group of business section chief of the man.

For this reason, Kishimoto Masayoshi did not mind the other side of the past. He knew how to make the best use of people, and let him formally set up a business group for Hard Gold Capital to absorb investor funds from outside. Kobayashi Kiyoshi was appointed by himself as the leader of the group, with three members under him.

Ota Fei Tori became the head of the logistics and administration team. She is not only in charge of managing the front desk and other day-to-day logistics of the company, but also serves as her own secretary. She had three team members under her.

Miyazaki Ryui naturally belonged to the group leader of the soon-to-be expatriates. Even if his group was the smallest at the moment, it totaled just the two of them.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was convinced that this was all temporary at the moment. His own initial plans for investment in Korea were in two major areas, the online game field and the real estate field.

At the same time, Sakai Mirei’s feelings are more than Kishimoto Masayoshi, Ota Hidetori, Miyazaki Ryui grassroots stage of the three people.

On the one hand, she had a particularly fulfilling and unprecedented spring break, and on the other hand, she had witnessed the rapid growth of Hard Gold Capital in just ten days.

Sakai Meiling walked into Masayoshi Kishimoto’s office and said with a smile, “Brother Masayoshi, you are really something. Nowadays, this company of yours is somewhat decent. After I graduate, I’m going to continue to follow you as well.”

“If you don’t study hard and just graduate from high school, you may only be able to continue as your receptionist.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a heartfelt smile.

“Don’t worry, that’s never going to happen. I will definitely be the one who will go to college.” Sakai Mirei said confidently.

“Six, seven years from now, my company is going to be a well-known RB investment company. At that time, I will probably only recruit fresh graduates from prestigious universities.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“I’m here to give you a guarantee that I, Sakai Mirei, will be the one to enter a business program at a prestigious university within the Tokyo metropolitan area.

When the time comes, you can’t forget the promise you made to me today.” Sakai Mirei showed a serious little look and said.

“What did I promise you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was suddenly just confused and said.

“To let me continue to follow you. At that time, you may not be able to not use me.” Sakai Misuzu thought along his lines that six or seven years later, Hard Gold Capital would have become a well-known investment company in RB.

At that time, there would be a lot of applicants who wanted to join the company. The situation where there are too many and not enough will inevitably arise, and the competition between people will become daylight and exceptionally fierce.

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