Chapter 071 Electronic Opium (Revision)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:27:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In June, the weather turned hot. Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on top of a flight from Tokyo to Seoul. He had originally planned to go to Seoul on his April trip, but unexpectedly, he had a lot of things going on, causing him to change his itinerary again and again.

As a result, he had arranged for Miyazaki Ryui and Takahashi Hidetaka to go ahead of him to set up an office in Seoul, as he had no time to spare.

Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back against the window seat and looked sideways at the blue sky and white clouds outside the cabin. Under the sunlight, a little reflection of his own face was still showing on the cabin window glass.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi had indeed not let himself down. The other party is indeed a rare talent, the business group in its hands in just two months time has a clear upturn.

The logistics and administration team of Ota Bird was also shouldering its responsibilities. Everything within the company’s daily routine was well organized by her, and she was able to save herself a lot of heartache and effort.

Justice Kishimoto’s mind was suddenly a bit moody and complicated. Although he controlled half of the South Korean network game industry, but part of their main market is in China.

This time period above the Chinese network game industry practitioners, how to say? In fact, the foresight, have a forward-looking consciousness of the people, not no, but they belong to the birth of the wrong time.

Whether it is console games, online games, or other electronic games, they are all labeled as video games in China.

In the traditional sense of parents, good children should study well and should not play video games. Children who play video games are bad children. If they play video games, their grades will get worse.

However, children will always go behind their parents’ backs and take their pocket money to play secretly. These electronic opium are the things that the RBs use to victimize the Chinese youth. Especially in elementary school, the teachers would tell a so-called “history”.

The RBs say that your Chinese ancestors defeated us in the war, and now we will use video games to victimize their descendants and defeat them again.

When he was an elementary school student before Masayoshi Kishimoto was reborn, he really believed this nonsense that his teacher told him in class. Nowadays, in his opinion, video games were just a popular form of entertainment and leisure.

Just like some people like to read books, some people like to drink tea, some people like to drink wine and so on is exactly the same. As for those who are addicted to it, that’s their own problem of poor self-control, not the fault of video games.

Besides, the first market that RB people occupied with video games should be in their own country. According to the kind of electronic opium of the Chinese elementary school teacher’s logical thinking at this time, and is not into the RB people will not play video games, specifically for foreigners, especially Chinese people to play?

In fact, RB people at this time than the Chinese people play more crazy. This console games, computer games and other single-player games can be said to be the majority of RB families have something.

Chinese society in general to video games as electronic opium awareness, but also makes the relevant policymakers in this aspect of the same practical considerations.

In China, the development of online games is subject to heavy policy scrutiny, constraints and resistance. The situation changed for the better in 2002 with the 863 program.

The Chinese government invested 5 million RMB to test the waters, one project was given 2 million RMB to Yanhuang Nova, and the other was given 3 million RMB to the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The following year the support investment was increased, resulting in the biggest beneficiary being Kingsoft’s Xishanju game development studio. Swordsman 2″ and other domestic games are developed to market.

At the same time, Kingsoft also developed its own 863 game engine. Of course, this and the famous Unreal series of engines are not the same.

After 2002, the middle of what also appeared one after another real-name ID authentication registration game account, minors limit the time of the game and so on the introduction of the policy.

In fact, it is just like an empty shell. Even low grade school students understand that you can steal your parents’ ID cards or just find one online.

Even after more than two decades, China’s online gaming environment is still constrained by censorship and other factors. Games developed by Internet companies such as Penguin and NetEase are also on the list of games that are not subject to censorship.

In Masayoshi Kishimoto’s view, it’s all about the head and the ass. The relevant decision makers in this one area don’t play games or don’t play games much, so ……

Maybe, wait until one day really play games people become the relevant decision makers, can also really usher in the game industry’s spring.

On the contrary, the South Korean government has given all kinds of relaxation and support to the online game industry, and then the online game industry companies in South Korea have sprung up like a rainbow.

They seized the best historical opportunity of network game development is to catch up, from the initial South Korea, RB, Europe and the United States of America three-legged situation is gradually turned into only South Korea and Europe and the United States of America in the network game industry in the above division of the situation of the two heroes.

Kishimoto justice knows, Chinese network production game people want to catch up again, has become difficult difficult difficult. The result is “hot blood legend” in the Chinese market above the fire, each Internet companies are scrambling to target the Korean network game.

Some Korean online games have not been completed as a finished product, in the stage of semi-finished products will be the South Koreans to the Chinese market above the peddling, looking for agents.

In the domestic network game downturn, even the “Swordsman 2” slogan is to support the domestic network game. It can be seen that at that time, Chinese Internet companies in order to get the agency, and even open one after another sky-high price to get Korean online games.

Among them, Shanda Network paid a total of 50 million dollars in order to get the agency right of Tower of Eternity from NCsoft Network Games.

This is in 2008, the average monthly salary of the people of Mordor is only 3,293 yuan. In fact, the real income of the general public is at least half of the average wage, which is about 1,600 yuan per month.

Even the best economy of China’s first-tier cities are like this, not to mention the second, third, fourth, fifth-tier cities, as well as jokingly called the eighteenth-tier cities.

In order to promote Tower of Eternity, which was acquired by Shanda Network with a sky-high agency fee, Shanda Network also spent 5 million RMB to light up the words “Tower of Eternity” on the Jinmao Tower on the Bund. In that year, it also won China’s best advertising creative award.

Tower of Eternity is a good game, yes. Only, “Tower of Eternity” and “Paradise” when entering the Chinese market is encountered the same problem, the fault in China at the time of personal computer configuration is generally low, difficult to run.

Even the assembly machine, the price is generally in three, four thousand dollars. The price of branded machines is only about five thousand dollars. Even so, not every family can have.

Even if they were forced to run Tower of Eternity, it was still the most simplified version, just to the extent that they could play. Once there is a large-scale attack and defense battle within the game when the time comes, it is a picture that is stuck to immobility.

For this reason, Shanda Network had to make compromises in the face of the actual situation, but also simplified the client. The final result is the proliferation of plug-ins.

Justice Kishimoto knows best, even in 2019, China is still experiencing the same problem of low personal computer configuration.

If you want to play a mainstream large-scale online game with full special effects, excellent graphics, and smoothness, a computer of more than 20,000 RMB is the standard.

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