Chapter 077 – Teppanyaki (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:27:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the evening, Jin Zechen prepared a private dinner to receive Masayoshi Kishimoto. The location was set inside a high-class Korean teppanyaki restaurant in Seoul.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew in his heart that the so-called private dinner was just words, while it was actually a business dinner. His relationship with Jin Zechen, friendship is to be said, but fundamentally speaking is still the word “interests”.

If he hadn’t foreseen that NCsoft would be able to grow bigger and stronger in the future, and become the second in the Korean computer game industry, as well as its “Paradise” online game would be a big hit, and could make a lot of money, he would definitely not have invested in it. Without this layer of interest established, there was no way for the two to talk about getting to know each other.

Masayoshi Kishimoto showed up at the meeting place on time and on point with Ryui Miyazaki. Jin Ze Tatsu also did not come alone, but brought one of his beloved subordinates to the appointment.

Inside a luxurious private room, besides the four of them consumers, was the chef of the teppanyaki cooking. The biggest difference between Korean teppanyaki and Korean barbecue does not lie in the different cooking methods, but in the selection of ingredients.

The former’s main ingredients are beef tenderloin, steak, beef tongue, beef loin, etc., while the latter’s main ingredient is pork, with pancetta as the best choice, eaten with lettuce or shiso.

Japanese-style teppanyaki is equally high-class. It manifests itself not only in a good dining environment, but mainly in the high-end and freshness of the ingredients chosen.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Tatsu Kanazawa were seated in the very center, one to the left and one to the right. Miyazaki Ryui and Li Dongshan again each sat on their own side of the president.

After the guests were seated, Tatsu Kanazawa asked the waiter to open the two bottles of red wine he had chosen and pour them into the crystal gooseneck bottles.

He personally picked up the crystal gooseneck bottle containing the red wine and poured one-third of it into Masayoshi Kishimoto’s tulip glass without hurrying, before putting it down and letting Dongshan Li, who was sitting next to him, pick up the crystal gooseneck bottle and pour the same one-third of the glass into his empty glass.

After pouring the red wine for his own president, Li Dongshan went around to Miyazaki Ryui’s side and poured another third of a glass of red wine. Finally, he poured a third of a glass of red wine for himself.

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the red wine glass, gently shook it a few times clockwise, looked at the pomegranate-red liquid in the glass, and then brought it to his nostrils to smell it.

As for whether the red wine is good or not is not important, the important thing is the process to go. Otherwise, he or she will not fall into a piggyback eating ginseng fruit, do not understand how the taste behind the gossip?

“Last time, it has been more than a year since we parted in Tokyo. Today, when I see you again, I can’t help but think back to the first time I met you at the Tokyo City Merchants Association.

This scene is still vivid in my mind today. I have nothing to honor you for coming all the way here this time, so a thin glass of wine is a slight token of my appreciation.”

Jin Zetsu lifted the red wine glass on the table with his right hand, and with a smile, he said a very formal and polite welcome speech.

It was not the first time that Masayoshi Kishimoto had attended a business banquet, so he naturally understood that it was not as simple as eating and drinking, but rather working. It was just that the office had changed places.

He similarly raised his glass up and said, “President Kim, you are really too polite.”

As soon as the words fell, he took the initiative to put the red wine glass in his hand toward the other party’s red wine glass is close to the past, crisp “when” a clink of glasses.

Masayoshi Kishimoto slightly tilted his head and drank a mouthful of red wine inside his stomach. He slowly put the glass down, and directly cut into the main topic of the evening, “According to the contract signed by both of us, I have already completed all the transfers to your company in three installments.”

Jin Ze Chen drank the red wine and similarly put down his red wine glass and said, “We have already received the full amount.”

“How is the process of that online game your company developed going? Is it still going well?” Justice Kishimoto was ostensibly asking two questions in a light manner, but in fact was asking with a targeted question.

Of course, Jin Zechen understood that when others invested so much money in their company, there was absolutely no way that they would not listen to a single ringing sound. Even if it’s a splash, one must look at the splash.

“The main program has been successfully completed. The main work that follows now is in conducting various internal tests. If there are no major problems, my projected time is that I will officially release this online game in September this year.

Before bringing it officially to the market, our promotional work has also been following the planned steps.” Jin Zechen said in a serious manner.

“That’s good. All along, I have trusted you and your team. I’ve never asked you once in the past half a year.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m focusing my investments in the next few years on Korea, I wouldn’t have set up an office in Seoul. However, you don’t have to worry about anything.

What was in the past is still in the future. I hope that the cooperation between us will always remain pleasant.” Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that it was impossible for the other party not to know that he had also invested in the Korean NEXON Computer Company.

It was often said that peers were enemies. He had no intention of trying to instigate a confrontation between the two families. He had placed equally large chips on both sides in the hope that they would both grow bigger and stronger in order to maximize his interests.

The thing that Jin Zechen was most worried about was the sudden intervention of the investors in his company’s day-to-day management and operation. Now that he had heard these words from Masayoshi Kishimoto, it was as if he had eaten a peace of mind pill.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust in me all along.” Kanazawa Tatsu raised his glass once again.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the red wine glass in his right hand and clinked his glass with the other party once again, and the clear sound of “dang” sounded again.

At this time, the chef of the Korean Teppanyaki had already started to cook the native Korean beef one by one into the plates of the four people.

Masayoshi Kishimoto drank from his glass of red wine and once again put down his glass. He changed his right hand into a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of Korean beef and dipped it in a little bit of salt, and sent it into his mouth to slowly savor and chew.

He knows that although Korean beef is not as famous as Wagyu beef, it is also a high-grade beef. In Korea, Korean beef can be used as a gift.

Giving meat as a gift, this kind of situation was indeed rare. It usually appeared in poor countries where supplies were scarce, and rich countries were presumably the only one in Korea that was like this.

“After dinner, our president has also prepared our famous nightlife in Seoul, Korea for you.” Li Dongshan smiled.

Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and nodded his head a bit, “President Kim, you’ve taken the trouble.”

“Our Seoul’s nightlife is no less than that of the Tokyo Metropolis.” Kim Sawatsu replied with a smile.

“I agree.” Miyazaki Ryui, who had experienced it many times, was quite vocal and said.

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