Chapter 079: Heroes Pitying Heroes

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:27:34
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The next day, Masayoshi Kishimoto’s itinerary was that he would be accompanied by Ryui Miyazaki and Hidetaka Sato in the morning to go on a field trip to visit Tatsu Kanazawa’s NCsoft online game company.

Regarding this one thing, not only was it agreed upon last night, but it was also finalized before he flew from Tokyo to Seoul.

Accompanied by two subordinates, Masayoshi Kishimoto drove to NCsoft Online Game Company’s premises in an office building in the CBD.

Kim Sawatsu’s company was not far from the office he had set up in Seoul, less than a ten minute drive. When they arrived at the place, Kim Zechen and Li Dongshan personally greeted them.

Both sides met one by one shook hands, and then simple polite and pleasantries. Justice Kishimoto knew very well in his heart that he was just taking a look around.

Technology related things, not only he does not understand, but also Miyazaki Ryui and Sato Hidetaka are also people who do not understand. However, it does not hinder a what.

The first thing to invest in is the right direction. If you invest in the wrong project, even how hard you try to recover, but also can not be reversed, suffered a loss of money will become inevitable.

If this is the right direction, is standing on the tip of the wind and waves above, even pigs can be blown up, just like the stock market in the bull market, small retail investors are transformed into a stock god.

Jin Zetsu walked on the side of Kishimoto Masayoshi, sometimes in Japanese, sometimes in English to give each other a relatively straightforward explanation.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was listening attentively on the one hand, but on the other hand, he also understood that any large-scale online game needed not only programmers, but also other technical professionals such as artists.

Although their average monthly salary was not low, the workload, working hours, and intensity of the work were equally high.

The most important thing for these professionals is not the monthly salary, but the year-end bonus or dividend after the game is released.

Monthly salary is generally used for personal or family normal daily expenses, such as rent, utilities, food and clothing and other survival must. The year-end bonus is related to their own car to buy a house on top of the big items.

If you remember correctly, Penguin’s “King of Glory” project team has a year’s end of the year dividend is an average of one hundred months of salary. People are more angry than people.

Of course, this one money wasn’t that good. Overtime are normalized, overnight overtime, eat, drink and sleep in the company is not something rare.

Computer game companies from time to time will appear a scene, that is, the office inside the “corpse everywhere”. This is difficult to see in other types of companies.

Even if an online game player has given everything to a game project, he or she can still suffer from poor performance in the market. Not to mention the year-end bonus, the wages owed by the company will become unaccounted for.

Justice Kishimoto does not think that the computer game industry is a youthful meal. In Europe and the United States, there are many people who work in the industry even when they are in their forties or fifties. Some of them are still the backbone of the company and the main force.

However, it is rare among Asians. Asians to the age of forty or fifty, generally not be able to engage in the first line of work related to high intensity, either upgraded to become a manager, or switch to do up the company’s administrative and other work.

In the end it really has something to do with race? Or is it the difference in cultural concepts? Kishimoto justice thought of here no longer towards the next in-depth to think, looked sideways at the side of the gold Zechen said: “NCsoft online game company by you to manage a well organized. Not only are you a technical bull, but you are also a senior management type talent.”

“I just did what I was supposed to do.” Jin Ze Tatsu said modestly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at this current attitude of his, but in his heart, he was laughing, this was the fact that Paradise was not yet on the market. After it showed an abnormal fire on top of the market, Jin Zechen would start to swell and flutter.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have forgotten the words he said publicly in the future, that the online game would be successful if it was done according to “Paradise”.

He didn’t think that Jin Zechen was hypocritical, but it was human nature. People in the midst of adversity, often attribute unfavorable factors to external, that is, the Chinese love to say for failure to find excuses.

When people are in good times, it is common to attribute all the favorable factors to the individual’s talent, outstanding ability, unique vision and other internal factors.

“A good leader is determined and persistent even in the midst of adversity. Not only does he motivate himself, but he also motivates his subordinates.

If even he himself is disorganized, those below him will be even more disorganized. In good times, the leader feels the same.

Only in bad times can you show whether you are a good leader or not. When you came to Tokyo more than a year ago, I realized that you had this potential.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not blowing each other off commercially, and said truthfully.

“I’m embarrassed that you’re praising me so much today. You’re the one who’s truly marvelous. More than a year ago, you were still single-handedly alone.

Nowadays, not only have you created Hard Gold Capital in Tokyo, but you’ve also established an office in Seoul.

As far as I know, you have invested in other projects besides our NCsoft online game company.” Jin Ze Tatsu said with full of respect.

“Is this something we’re doing to honor our heroes?” Justice Kishimoto laughed out loud.

“I think it is.” Jin Zetsu laughed along with him and said.

“You shouldn’t have any worries or thought burdens, always thinking that we’ll meddle and interfere in the daily internal affairs of NCsoft Online Game Company.

Last night, I already said that how it was in the past will continue to be in the present. All I want to see is for the game to be successfully listed, then profitability, and finally equity dividends.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, upholding the concept of doing nothing, once again stated his side’s attitude, saying.

Jin Zechen was completely convinced of his words. In the past year or so, the other party had not once interfered in the internal operations of his company.

So, it would be the same in the days to come. As a startup and entrepreneur, what he liked most was an investor like Masayoshi Kishimoto.

Jin Ze Tatsu also knew in his heart that if the online game to be launched by NCsoft Online Game Company did not perform well in the market in the future, he was afraid that it would be a different story.

At that time, the other party to make a withdrawal of capital to stop losses is also become completely possible things. If it really came to that, it would be difficult for NCsoft to escape the tragedy of bankruptcy and closure.

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