Chapter 080: A Lovely Encounter

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:27:37
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In the afternoon, Masayoshi Kishimoto only let Ryui Miyazaki accompany him alone. The other person drove the car, and he himself took a detailed map of the Songpa District with him and swooped straight down to the place.

Pine Slope District was the easternmost of the three districts in Jiangnan. Kishimoto justice is not for sightseeing, all for fieldwork, and then have a basic concept in the head.

As for buying a piece of land, he had to read the detailed report submitted by Miyazaki Ryuui or appoint him to investigate a certain site.

Although foreigners are not able to buy Korean land directly on the surface, there is no obstacle at all. It was just a matter of finding a suitable real estate developer to work with.

Or, you can create a company in the name of a Korean and take control of it. In short, there is no legal risk in investing in construction.

Masayoshi Kishimoto has been considering, is not the first to build a square? The name is Hard Gold Plaza. Then, he would use it as the center to expand around and build commercial streets or commercial houses.

However, establishing a commercial street or something, the relationship would become particularly complicated, after all, it involved too many areas, the capital was large, and there were too many aspects of interest involved.

At that time, one would still have to actively negotiate with the government, local jianghu people, demolition households and so on. On top of the candidates, Miyazaki Ryuai definitely can not.

He is neither that capable nor has he done this kind of work before. It would naturally not work to let him take command. Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s strength was in finance, not the real estate industry. As the saying goes, a walk in the park is a walk in the park.

Justice Kishimoto thought about it, but it was easier to establish a commercial real estate community. At that time, the commercial real estate neighborhood as the basis for the establishment of a high-end community shopping district in the surrounding area.

Before he could start this project, he had to find a person in the industry that he could trust. The Korean and himself were not able to communicate with each other because of the language barrier.

He had to go back to RB and look for such a talent. One is to entrust headhunters to find for themselves, the other is to personally find.

In RB, a number of real estate industry and other infrastructure projects have jianghu people in the back control. Standing in front of the stage to do people although the background of the origin is not good, or similar to their own situation, but it does not mean that they will engage in the tofu dregs of the project.

Origin is their own can not choose, but to do good or evil, they can choose. Many of them have been in the real estate industry for decades and have accumulated a wealth of relevant experience.

The situation in RB and Korea is totally different. The former had already accomplished the great demolition and construction during the bubble economy. Nowadays, the real estate industry in RB does not have high profit margins and there are not enough starts.

Furthermore, against the backdrop of the Asian financial crisis, real estate companies are either closing down or struggling to survive. South Korea is a late developer compared to RB, so it still has a lot of domestic areas to develop.

The relationship between Japan and South Korea is particularly delicate. Letting RB people come to work in Korea won’t make them feel unappreciated, exiled and dispatched.

Especially in Seoul, the capital of Korea. Investing is not a job where you can simply put your money in and sleep easy.

There are so many things to consider. The culture of each country, human nature, customs and so on need to be taken into account, so as to be able to maximize the avoidance of problems.

Japan and South Korea’s overtime culture, that has become a matter of course, no one feels unreasonable. If you put this on the French, you won’t do it. After arriving at the point, people will go away, not even care.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryui Miyazaki, dressed as two tourists, each with an identical map of the Pine Slope district in hand, began their journey of discovery.

The places they passed along the way were not desolate, but there were quite a few low-rise houses. High-rise buildings and elevator apartments were not as common in Seoul, South Korea in 1998 as they were twenty years later.

The magic city of Pudong is what a look, and at this time of Seoul Gangnam District 3 is almost the same look, simply above is the place is different only.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryui Miyazaki stopped at a place. Masayoshi Kishimoto stood at a high place and looked out, the original scenery was so nice.

“It would be a sin for us to destroy this area and repair it into steel and concrete houses.” Masayoshi Kishimoto drew a circle towards the front with his right hand and lamented.

“Without destroying it, that represents a backwardness and a lack of modernity. Destroyed, it’s also to make it easier for people to work and live.

At the very least, it boosts local domestic demand and provides more employment opportunities and jobs.” Miyazaki Ryuui spoke out his self-opinionated words.

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned one hundred and eighty degrees not to take a picture, and couldn’t help but laugh at himself again and said, “Making it seem like we’re like big shots pointing the way here.”

With that, Miyazaki Ryui also laughed out loud. Even if they wanted to invest in development, they would just implement some small neighborhood blocks, rather than carry out macro urban planning operations.

“The old people will definitely be unable to leave their homeland, they don’t like change, they were born here and will die here. On the contrary, the young people like change.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

As soon as his words fell, two young women were taking the initiative to approach up from a short distance to the side. One of them, a tall woman, said in a thick Korean-English accent, “Are you RB people?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto had been communicating with Ryui Miyazaki in Japanese earlier. Not to mention that people from East Asia, China, Japan, and Korea, even if they didn’t speak the same language, they could all easily tell the obvious difference between Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. However, people in Europe and America would not be able to easily distinguish it.

“You know Japanese?” Justice Kishimoto asked curiously in return as he began to switch to English.

“No, but I know some English.” The tall woman said with a smirk on her face.

Masayoshi Kishimoto let out an “Oh” and said, “What can I do for you?”

“We were attracted here by the sound of you guys talking and laughing just now. I’m sorry if we disturbed you.” The tall female politely said.

“No, we are the ones who disturbed you guys.” Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that even if he was outdoors, he could not disturb others. It was both meritorious and good manners, as well as personal cultivation.

“You are not disturbing us.” The tall female said with an unchanging smile.

She suddenly paused when she said this, her words changed, and then she added, “Are you guys traveling to Seoul? Or are you traveling for work? If so, can you give us one of your business cards?”

Justice Kishimoto instantly understood. They were sort of having an unplanned fling, being actively approached by a Korean woman to hook up.

At this time in Korea quite a few lower-middle class women were counting on RB men in addition to liking American men. As usual, there were the kind of women among them who changed their lives by having boyfriends or getting married and wanted to emigrate.

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