Chapter 088 – Trade Secrets

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:28:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto ate the entire contents of the bowl with soup and noodles into his belly. He put down the empty bowl and even burped.

Leaning his back on the chair, he stroked his right palm over his somewhat bulging belly, and with a satisfied smile, he said to himself, “I’m full. Dinner, can all be unnecessary to eat again.”

“If you really don’t eat dinner, I’m going to have to make less for one person.” Sakai Rie, holding the thick stack of reports inside her hand, questioned, “You can read it?”

“Don’t, I still have to make my share for dinner. I’ll just have some more so I don’t go to bed hungry in the middle of the night.” Justice Kishimoto said without haste, “Of course.”

“Liar. It’s all in English, even I can’t read it, you’d understand it?” Rie Sakai said not believing what he said at all.

“Ryuui is really something too, it was meant for me to read, it could have been written in all Japanese, but it had to be written in all English. This is clearly an intentional display of his personal talent and worth in front of me.” Justice Kishimoto said honestly.

“Then read this page to me!” Rie Sakai casually flipped to a page and handed it out towards him saying.

“Do you know what you’re holding in your hand? It’s a trade secret. Is this something you can just read? You think you’re reading an article!

Furthermore, do you know what kind of behavior you are currently engaging in? Theft of trade secrets. I’ll be happy if I don’t prosecute you.”

Justice Kishimoto wasn’t joking, after all, it was containing their Hard Gold Capital Corporation’s future investment plans that would potentially be in the three southern districts of Seoul.

She wasn’t an employee of Hard Gold Capital Corporation, so by definition, she had no right to rummage through it. Even if one was an employee of Hard Gold Capital, one would only be qualified to look at this kind of important information about the company’s future investments if they were authorized to do so.

“Scare me, right? Am I being bluffed? And business secrets. Don’t look at it like you still go abroad occasionally, on business trips and whatnot, just this little company of yours right now, it’s just about the size of the number of people in the Pachinko parlor that you inherited from your father in the first place.” Sakai Rie disdainfully put down the thick stack of reports in her hands and said.

Suddenly, the ringtone of the home landline phone rang. Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t want to move at all when he was full at the moment, and still showed an indifferent look no matter how the phone rang.

“The phone is ringing.” Sakai Rie didn’t want to get up either and rushed to him.

“I’m the only one who heard the phone ring? Could it be that you didn’t hear it ring?” Masayoshi Kishimoto would rather grind his teeth with her than get up to perform a pick-up daw.

“Just in case it’s some woman calling to find you with something unsavory, only for me to answer it and not have people misunderstand a what would be bad.” Sakai Rie said aggressively.

“I, Masayoshi Kishimoto, walk the walk and sit the seat, there is absolutely no such thing as that situation you mentioned happening.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Sakai Rie immediately let out a heavy snort, “In front of me, what do you have to pretend. Have you done enough?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that this was a case of mud falling into the crotch of his pants, and that it was either shit or not. He clearly didn’t do it himself, but he had to take the blame for the original owner of this body, it was really too wrong.

However, in front of Sakai Rie’s face, his explanation would not only become pale and powerless, but it would also become darker and darker.

On second thought, it didn’t seem too wrong. Only, slightly different, but the essence of the above are similar. He didn’t miss out on getting the girl in his previous life before he was reborn.

“You win, I’m going to answer the phone.” Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up and walked over towards where the landline was placed.

He picked up the microphone in his right hand and placed it next to his right ear, “Hello, this is Masayoshi Kishimoto.”

On the other end of the line came the small whining voice of Sakai Mirei, “Masayoshi, why are you answering the phone now?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that it was Mirei Sakai as soon as he heard her voice, so he didn’t have to ask who it was, “Because I was just arguing with your sister about who should answer this call. As a final result, I lost.”

“You guys are really boring, aren’t you!” Sakai Mirei blurted out.

“I also think it’s indeed boring, but what can I do? Who let me get in your sister’s way?” Masayoshi Kishimoto lightly shook his head helplessly.

“During the summer vacation, I’m going to come to Tokyo to work part-time.” Sakai Meiling cut to the chase and said.

“Just come if you’re coming! Is this necessary to call a month in advance?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, knowing that the summer vacation time for RB schools was usually between July 21st and September 1st.

He paused for a moment, then immediately reacted, and with a twist of words, he added, “That’s not right! Isn’t it true that private high schools always arrange a study trip during summer vacation? Do you come to Tokyo after the study trip, or do you come to Tokyo first and then go on the study trip?”

Sakai Mirei stammered and mumbled. She said something that only she could understand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood instantly. He said bluntly, “How much money do you need for the study trip? I’ll call you.”

Sakai Meiling received this unexpected pleasure out of anticipation, and her voice became excited as she said, “Brother Justice, are you telling the truth?”

“Do I have to tell you a lie? If you feel bad in your heart for receiving my favor for no reason, just wait until you earn money in the future to pay me back.” Justice Kishimoto said graciously.

“Thank you, Brother Justice. You’ve been the best to me. I like you the most.” Sakai Meiling was as happy as a little magpie and smiled with her eyebrows open as she said.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto took care of her like this was still accepting her from a certain level above. Being from the past himself, it wasn’t like he didn’t know those things in high school, especially girls.

Even though Sakai Misuzu was understanding and sympathetic to her family’s financial difficulties, and didn’t want to add new burdens to her parents, which was why she didn’t plan to go on the school trip, but her not joining the school trip with everyone else meant that she was actively disengaging herself from the group’s activities.

What kind of country is RB? A country that most definitely emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. Not to mention that once she acted poor, there was no guarantee that she wouldn’t be bullied at school in the future.

Who made RB a country where school bullying is again one of the very serious countries? The first people to be bullied in school were often children from poor families.

Even in private schools, it’s not unheard of. It’s just that it’s better than those free public schools. Private schools were more about cold violence on top of language, while public schools were mainly about hot violence displayed on top of their bodies.

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