Chapter 094: Omelette

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:28:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was nearing lunchtime when Masayoshi Kishimoto reappeared inside the small Japanese restaurant that he liked to frequent nearby. After a brief greeting with the owner, he ordered an omelet rice and a cup of iced oolong tea, and deliberately instructed the other party not to add ketchup on top of the omelet rice.

Masayoshi Kishimoto preferred the spicy flavor of food, but disliked the sweet and sour taste of food the most. Not long after, the omelet rice was prepared by the boss and placed in front of him, followed by a cup of iced oolong tea.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the stainless steel spoon inside the plate to eat, the glass door was pulled open with a sound.

Three cab drivers walked in with loud jokes and laughter. Less than half a minute after they entered, Natsui Makoto appeared. Seeing that Masayoshi Kishimoto was also here, she took the initiative to walk towards the empty seat sitting next to him before sitting down sideways.

“It’s good to see you again. You like the food from this store too!” Natsui Makoto said with a smiling face.

“It’s affordable and tasty. The owner’s also quite generous and childlike.” Masayoshi Kishimoto bluntly stated the reason why this place was a big hit saying.

Natsui Makoto nodded her head twice, completely expressing a kind of approval. For a girl, a simple meal of three, five hundred yen would not only fill her up, but also give her a good taste.

“Boss, I’ll have an omelet rice like his, no ketchup. Bring me another cup of iced oolong tea as well.” Natsui Makoto’s right index finger was pointing in the direction of his omelet rice and iced oolong tea and said.

The owner casually responded with a ‘yes’, and then began to busy himself with preparing the food that the guests wanted.

“Like you, I don’t like the sweet and sour flavor of ketchup with food. I like spicy things the most.” Natsui Makoto laughed as she crossed her fingers and clasped her fists.

“Hearing you say that, we do have quite a bit in common. Why don’t we do it next time, simply at night, and I’ll take you inside a Chinese restaurant to eat Szechuan food.”

When Masayoshi Kishimoto was told this by her, his mouth immediately became uncontrollable. The craving for Szechuan food inside his stomach was also tickled.

He himself was familiar with the Ueno shopping district, after all, his family lived above this area. Therefore, all kinds of delicious restaurants are also completely find places.

Tokyo, the largest city in Asia, not only gathers different people from all over the world, but also gathers food brought by people from all over the world.

There are definitely hundreds of thousands of Chinese people from all over the world living in Tokyo. This does not include those who illegally sneak in to work here.

Of course, there are also people who were tricked by agents or snakeheads. They left their hometowns to come to RB to work and earn money, just because the hourly wage here is higher than at home.

They do a lot of dirty, tiring and toxic jobs that RB people are not willing to do in order to have a better future for themselves and their families. ……

In RB, according to the geographical division of Chinese people, there are more people from the northeast, the Magic City, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas. This is also due to certain historical reasons.

Everything is relative. Right now, there are a lot of Chinese in Tokyo. Twenty years from now, in Mordor alone, there will be more than 300,000 RBs living and working there for a long time, and it is also the city with the largest concentration of RBs.

Next, there is Dalian in the Northeast, where around one hundred thousand RBs are gathered. However, none of the native Dalianese like to call themselves Northeasterners, but Dalianese.

They clearly make an artificial cut with the three northeastern provinces. Just as the native Qingdao people do not like to call themselves Shandong people.

Mordor, as the second largest city in Asia, and Tokyo, as the first largest city in Asia, were inextricably linked, not only in the next twenty years from now, but also in the past twenty years, by people on both sides.

There were quite a few people in Mordor who loved the city of Tokyo, and there were quite a few people in Tokyo who loved the city of Mordor. There are too many cross-border marriages, settlements, and the list goes on and on.

On top of that, people from Hong Kong, Taipei, Dalian, and other cities within Chinese cities are more inclined to like Tokyo, or RB, than people from other cities.

While Masayoshi Kishimoto’s mind was wandering, thinking about these things, Makoto Natsui showed a hesitant look. She was really in a bit of a dilemma.

She directly expressed her acceptance, and didn’t make the other party think that she wasn’t too decent and wasn’t a good girl. If she didn’t accept it, she couldn’t let go of it, after all, it was too difficult to meet a boy like this who shared too many similarities in preferences with herself.

“What are you hesitating for, little girl? He’s offered you a date, so say yes!” One of the three cab drivers, an acute person, couldn’t help but speak up more.

When Natsui Makoto heard this unfamiliar older man directly say such words, his face instantly reddened, all the way up to the base of his ears. He lowered his head, feeling as if his entire being was about to be set on fire.

At this time, the owner placed Natsui Makoto’s order of omelet rice and iced oolong tea in front of her as well, and said helpfully to Kishimoto Masayoshi, a regular customer, ”He’s not a bad person. I can vouch for him on this point.”

Natsui Makoto stretched out her hands and took the iced oolong tea in her hands and drank it without saying a word. She was shy. In her own mind it was always hard to get past the fact that he and Masayoshi Kishimoto had only just met yesterday, and to be going on a date and having dinner together this evening was just a little too fast.

Kishimoto Masayoshi saw that the older men had misunderstood something, and also so that Natsui Makoto could have a step down, “By the way, it’s all my fault. I actually forgot that you have an important party with your friends tonight.”

Natsui Makoto immediately raised her head to look at him after hearing that, although her face wore a somewhat confused look, she inwardly understood that it was the other party who was giving herself a leg up.

“Since it was an appointment with everyone beforehand, then you must not break your word.” The boss was acting and doing business with the principle that a person cannot stand without trust, he said.

“Still, the boss is right. I, for one, also hate it when I have to be stood up by others when I have made an appointment with them beforehand.” The fattest middle-aged uncle inside the cab driver also interjected and said.

“We’ll make another appointment next time. Eat it while it’s hot, the omelet rice won’t be good when it’s cold.” Masayoshi Kishimoto showed a smile at Makoto Natsui and said.

Natsui Makoto let out a “hmm” with a flushed face that hadn’t gone away. She similarly showed her genuine smile towards him.

How could a boy not be touched by the fact that he was able to put himself in a girl’s shoes? She had been touched like this for the second time by Masayoshi Kishimoto.

The first time was yesterday, the other party even took the initiative to run back and forth to his home to get something for her. For the inexperienced girl like her is always easy to be touched by the boy in order to do small things specifically for her.

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