Chapter 096: Penguin

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:28:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto finished his regular meeting and went back to sit inside his office. He swiveled the chair under his buttocks left, right, left, right, and inside his head, he was still thinking about something related to mainland China.

The resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977 was of great epoch-making significance, directly changing the future of how many students from humble backgrounds, the destiny of individual families, and even the fate of the family.

1978, 1979 two years of the college entrance examination overall acceptance rate, although there has been an increase, but maintained at the level of about 7%. At that time, college students studying in college, not only no tuition, and teacher training and other specialties have a certain living allowance.

That tradition of the latter has continued unchanged into later generations. Even if tuition fees were charged, they were basically among the least expensive majors.

Twenty years later, excluding the arts, university teacher-training programs are still quite cheap compared to university business programs. Finance majors are expensive, it is said that in some 985, 211 or 211 well-known financial universities tuition fees are one, two million.

In mainland China, the tuition fee for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) from a prestigious university is less than 100,000 RMB and more than hundreds of thousands of RMB.

This does not include the famous private schools such as the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). In fact, studying is one aspect, and the most important aspect is to make friends.

The formalization of the non-package allocation system started in 1996, and was implemented on a large scale after 1998, with the complete cessation of the package allocation system in 2000. Another reform that accompanied the abolition of the distribution system was that the state would no longer bear the tuition fees for university students.

The timing of the introduction and promotion of this policy and the Asian financial turmoil do not have some inevitable relationship, just coincidence, is it possible?

Until 1996, university graduates were assigned jobs. Especially in the seventies and eighties, college students had the highest social status.

In the seventies, the main force that could go to university were the oldest three classes in the past. As for the 1980s, there were people from all levels of society who took the college entrance examination.

Whether or not the jobs were good or not, I don’t care. Whenever a college student arrived at an organization, he or she was usually received by the top management.

Whenever a college student came, he or she would be robbed by them. Once there is a new report of male college students, as long as they are not married, either the factory leaders to introduce their own daughters to each other on their own initiative, or to introduce the daughters of his family and friends to him, just like a pair of Song Dynasty list under the son-in-law catching the meaning of this.

Female college students are less likely to do this, after all, the male high female low is the traditional standard of marriage in Chinese society. This makes Kishimoto think of Wang Shi. He graduated from university, while his ex-wife graduated from junior college. And in the eighties, technical schools, junior colleges is also quite remarkable.

It was only in 1999 that universities began to expand their enrollment, and in 2003 there was a problem with employment. Why was the enrollment expanded in 1999?

One of the important reasons is to stimulate domestic demand, give hope, so as to eliminate the distrust in the minds of the people and other factors.

In the Asian financial turmoil by the external huge negative impact is still today, in 1998 in mainland China appeared the first national wave of layoffs, seriously affecting not only a generation of people.

At the same time, this current era is the perfect time for the Internet to take off. Justice Kishimoto naturally thought of Penguin again.

ICQ is an instant messaging software. In 1996, three Israelis, Wisig, Wadi and Goldfinger, got together and decided to develop a software that would enable people to communicate quickly and directly with each other over the Internet.

They named their new program ICQ, which stands for “I SEEK YOU,” and it supported chatting, sending messages and files over the Internet.

Penguin started out as a copycat of ICQ. It was called OICQ, with the letter O in front of ICQ, meaning opening I seek you, meaning “open ICQ”.

However, it was accused of copyright infringement, so the penguin changed the name of OICQ to QQ, which is later used by Chinese people QQ, in addition to the name, Tencent QQ logo has not been changed, has been a small penguin.

Because the little penguin in the logo is very cute, in English it is cute, because cute and Q are harmonized, so the little penguin with QQ is also a very good name.

The origin of Tencent’s name is said to be when Ma Huateng’s father and university classmate Zhang Zhidong thought of three names with a “Teng” word, and two of them were registered by others in advance, so there is Tencent’s name.

At the beginning of Tencent’s largest shareholder is Ma Huateng’s mother, after all, in 1998 when the registered legal person company representative must be the community above the retirees, unemployed and so on to have the qualifications. At that time, Ma Huateng was still working as a software engineer.

By 2000, Tencent’s OICQ had basically occupied nearly 100% of China’s online instant messaging market, basically locking up the victory, when the trouble came.

AOL sent a lawyer’s letter to Tencent, saying that ICQ was a registered trademark of AOL, so any similar software that used the word ICQ in its name risked infringing on ChuYou’s right to use its trademark. Tencent was asked to change the name of OICQ, otherwise it would resort to the court.

Therefore, in the OICQ2000 Build 0325 version, OICQ did another change in advance of self-protection, 0325 version but from the installation file on the beginning of the self-proclaimed “QQ2000”, in order to avoid legal conflicts with ICQ, which QQ was originally a nickname for the netizens to the OICQ, do not want to! This QQ was originally a nickname for OICQ by netizens, but it did not want to become the official new name of OICQ overnight.

In 2002, there is a network instant messaging software called UC appeared, QQ launched a threat and challenge. However, it didn’t last long, resulting in Sina’s eventual total defeat.

The emergence of QQ has changed the way the public communicates. Before he was born again, Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first close contact with QQ was in junior high school.

At that time, he went to the Internet cafe is nothing more than and classmates and friends to play “Red Alert”, “Starcraft” and other LAN games.

The first action of clicking the mouse is to log in to QQ after entering the main interface of the computer windows. girls are the most obvious.

Internet cafe billing is a pen, a small book, the network administrator to look at a person on the machine specific time even if the start. People off the machine even if it is the end. Either directly say how much time on their own, a few hours, to the time called by the network administrator, or just on, until the machine, and then count the money.

The popularity of QQ has spawned a new word, “death by light”. Two strangers in the QQ above to recognize, chat, and then the same city about a time and place to meet.

At first, they are looking forward to it. When you arrive at the place to see, generally are not the right goods, after all, at that time there is no photo upload this kind of function.

In fact, later there is such a function of uploading photos is not much use, and then came out of a variety of software tools can be retouched. Even for video, it’s almost the same thing.

In mainland China, where computers are not yet popular, it is quite a hassle to meet people even on this side of the world. If two people chat, they either make an appointment for the next time they go on the computer together, or they leave their landline phone numbers so that one of them can call them.

People are also very simple and don’t even think about the bad stuff, meeting bad people online or anything like that. People just find this kind of recreational chatting a novelty, that’s all.

As for the new words of “sending something by a thousand miles”, it didn’t happen on QQ, but a later online game called “Dance Dance Dance”.

There are also new terms such as “brain-dead” and “horse-white” that come from it. Shake, dating, that should be from WeChat.

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