Chapter 105 The Matthew Effect

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:28:53
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At around eleven in the morning, Kazuhiko Inoue himself drove a sports car all the way from Adachi Ward to Taito Ward. He parked the car underneath Masayoshi Kishimoto’s company and took the elevator up alone.

He continued to do as he pleased, without being asked by the company’s receptionist, and headed straight inside. The receptionist lady circled out and naturally made a move to stop him, chasing after him at a quick pace while politely saying, “Sir, sir, do you have an appointment?”

“Know what kind of relationship I have with your president? Still need an appointment? New here, right? Don’t even recognize me, no eyesight.

So that one pretty little girl went there?” Kazuhiko Inoue said as he walked towards Masayoshi Kishimoto’s office without stopping his steps.

The receptionist then chased him from the side all the way to the president’s office. One of her duties was to block the entry of uninvolved people.

Masayoshi Kishimoto made a hand motion towards her, not needing her, leaving the rest of the matter to himself.

The receptionist folded her hands above her belly and made a forty-five degree bow, then turned around and left, returning to her workstation.

“Every time you come, can you follow my rules here a little bit? Don’t make it so that the receptionist of my company has to chase you to my place every time.” Justice Kishimoto said without heat or cold.

“Okay, okay, the next time I come here, I’ll definitely give your company’s receptionist lady the message that we have an appointment.” Kazuhiko Inoue said conspiratorially.

“Come on, come on, do what you like! I’ll make the receptionist remember your ugly face. In the future, as soon as I see your ugly face, I’ll just let you go without stopping.” Justice Kishimoto straightened up and said.

“It doesn’t matter if a man is ugly. What matters is that the man has to have money inside his pockets.” Inoue Kazuhiko raised his right hand is made a movement of counting money said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up and snapped his fingers at him, “Follow me.”

Kazuhiko Inoue followed him out of the president’s office and back into the conference room. Masayoshi Kishimoto walked over to the conference table and grabbed the red cloth covering the top of the thing once he lifted it, six hundred million yen in cash was plain for all to see.

A stack of 100 bills 10,000 yen, or 1 million yen. Six hundred million yen, a total of 600 stacks. This directly gives the impact of, money mountain.

“There’s a money counting machine ready for you next to it, count it yourself. After leaving this one door, if you come back to me and say that one is missing, I won’t recognize it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said half-seriously, half-jokingly.

Inoue Kazuhiko is also a person who has seen a lot of money, although it also brought him some visual and psychological impact, but definitely did not show the kind of people who have never seen a lot of money dumbfounded, two feet soft, unsteady situation.

He “snap snap snap” clap hands, mouth above issued a “oh yo” sound, slowly approached the conference table above the pile of money mountain.

He took a close look at it, and randomly took a stack of bills from it and fiddled with it.

Kazuhiko Inoue put it in front of his nose and smelled the ink odor unique to new bills and said, “Money smells really good.”

“Smells good, doesn’t it! Take it back and smell it slowly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

“From the beginning to the end of our conversation on the phone, I didn’t say that I came here to collect the money. This 600 million yen will be placed here with you.

Not only that, I’ll add another 400 million yen to make up a whole billion yen for you.” Kazuhiko Inoue said firmly.

“Never. I already have plenty of cash here. There’s no shortage of your billion yen. Hurry up and take it away, lest you always think that this purse company of mine is ready to roll in money and run away.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a feigned non-acceptance by retreating.

“Did I say that? It’s all a figment of your imagination. Let’s make a deal. Tonight, I’ll take care of all the food and drink. Well …… let’s go to Ginza.”

Kazuhiko Inoue saw that the six hundred million yen stacked in front of him was not the kind of money that had a layer of bills on top and bottom, but was sandwiched with white paper in the middle.

For this reason, he was completely convinced that Masayoshi Kishimoto had money here. As long as the other party has money, then he is not afraid to give him more money.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that this was the Matthew Effect. He didn’t take it in one bite and said, “You might as well take it and buy a red Ferrari!

At that time, not only will you be better at picking up girls, but you’ll also be especially stylish. No matter where you drive to, it’s a bright landscape.”

“Red Ferrari, I already have one. I bought one not long ago, and it’s parked under your company’s building right now. Why don’t I take you for a ride?” Kazuhiko Inoue chuckled as he flicked his left thumb outward.

“So you’re not going to take that money today?” Justice Kishimoto confirmed.

“It’s heavy! Too lazy to carry it. In the afternoon, I’ll give you the check for the other 400 million yen to hand-deliver again.” Inoue Kazuhiko threw the wad of banknotes in his hand was casually thrown on the mountain of money and said.

“We’ll discuss this matter again. Since you won’t take it away, then I’ll ask the branch chairman to come and get it. In the beginning, you also know that I borrowed 50 million yen from him for a period of one year as well, with an annual interest rate of 36%.

Today, I’ll pay him back early with interest.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took out his cell phone and began to rummage for the Taito District Branch Chairman’s cell phone number and said.

As soon as he found the other party’s number, he directly dialed it. He himself spoke clearly with Inoue Kazuhiko in front of him, one by one.

“If you stay with me for another half hour, the branch chairman should arrive.” Masayoshi Kishimoto pretended to say as if he had so many bills that he had no place to put them.

“Good. When the time comes, the three of us will meet for lunch first, so we can warm up. In the evening, as promised, Ginza, Ginza. If I say it’s on me, it’s on me.

If you refuse again, it’s not that you’re not giving me face, it’s that we’re all brothers with nothing to do.” Kazuhiko Inoue said as he raised his right wrist to look at his watch.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Masayoshi Kishimoto pretended to be reluctant, his brows furrowed in reluctance, but had to look at the face of friendship and said, “One billion yen and then operate for you.

However, I can say in advance, do not guarantee that the next time can also profit so much. If you lose money, you can’t come to me with a sword or a gun.”

“I trust you.” Kazuhiko Inoue said with a happy heart.

“Do you have the seal with you? You’ll have to sign another separate official contract with me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto trusted him to deliver it to him this afternoon even if he didn’t get the 400 million yen first Dao.

“I was beckoned like a ghost by you. This went out in a hurry, and I forgot to bring my seal. In the afternoon, when I bring you the check, we’ll sign the contract again together. What a pain in the ass.” Inoue Kazuhiko complained.

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