Chapter 114: The Pillow

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:29:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

RB’s squatters have single, double, and multiple rooms, and generally share a floor of toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens. Most of the foreigners studying in RB are language school students, and they often live in the dormitories at the beginning.

There are also many low-income RBers who live in squatters, which is much better than living in an internet caf茅. The cubicles inside the internet cafes made it hard for some people to keep their feet straight.

The squat rented by Natsui Makoto was a single room. Even though it was a single room, there was no problem at all in accommodating two people.

Before lying down to sleep, Masayoshi Kishimoto followed her inside the communal washroom. He met Natsui Makoto’s neighbors, whether she knew them or not, all with a smile and a generous initiative to greet her, making others feel that he was her boyfriend, not a man she brought back to aid her.

Even if in the evening, himself and Natsui Makoto really want to do something, also let them feel that it is all natural and taken for granted.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto had washed up and recruited first, he was still waiting for Makoto Natsui, making outsiders feel more and more like they were a couple in hot love.

The two of them once again returned to the room, each lying on top of a tatami mat. The quilt is fine, after all, it’s already fall, there’s no need to cover two quilts, one for each person is no problem at all.

Natsui Makoto naturally had more quilts here, so she took one out of the closet and used it to cover herself.

As for the quilt underneath, there was no need to use it at all, after all, it wasn’t a cold winter day. The problem still came, there was only one pillow.

“Never mind, you’re a guest, so I’ll let you use it!” Natsui Makoto faced Kishimoto Masayoshi and said.

“I don’t mind sharing this pillow with you. Ever since I was a child, both my teachers and my parents have all dutifully taught me that being a human being means knowing how to share.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said with a double entendre.

“You want to sleep together with me that much?” Natsui Makoto asked back with a small red face, gathering enough courage.

“I’m doing it all for your own good. If a person doesn’t sleep with their head elevated, their blood circulation won’t be smooth. Not only is it easy to not be able to sleep, but even if you fall asleep, when you awaken in the morning, you’ll be prone to a foggy head, lack of spirit, body aches, falling pillows and whatnot.

This early sleep together, late sleep together, are going to sleep together. What’s more, if you sleep together, you don’t do anything? Could it be that you still want to do something with me?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat cross-legged on top of the tatami and locked eyes with her. He played a rogue with a calm demeanor and even inuyasha played a nail rake upside down and said.

If Natsui Makoto hadn’t been genuinely attracted to him, a slap would have been thrown at his face. However, the useful information she received from the other party was that he was also willing to be in a relationship with himself, causing the individual not to be in unrequited love.

“Your confession to me like that is quite different, yet not lacking in heart. I will seriously consider whether to accept it or not.” Natsui Makoto suddenly pursed her lips and said.

Kishimoto Masayoshi has long been a man of the past, and can not know how to pick up girls? Men chasing women don’t be afraid to fail, lose face what, to be brave to inch forward, little by little to test the woman’s current bottom line there.

As long as the woman does not appear an action overreaction, then you can go deeper. Once touched her current bottom line, do not rush to try to think of stepping over the line.

In his life’s motto, there was no such thing as a girl he couldn’t get, as long as he had enough patience to throw himself at the right person, he could get her.

Of course, Natsui Makoto wouldn’t accept his unreasonable offer, and would rather sleep on the pillow tomorrow than share the same bed with him.

After turning off the lights, the two of them each covered their bodies with a quilt and lay flat on top of the tatami mat. The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t smell the distinctive odor of the tatami mat was because it wasn’t new enough, but had long since become old.

Natsui Makoto, who was used to sleeping on pillows, suddenly had no pillow to sleep on, where would she be able to sleep? So, after tossing and turning inside the quilt for a while, she opened her eyes and looked towards him who was sleeping not far away from her and said: “Are you asleep? If you’re not asleep, talk with me for a while!”

“I’m asleep.” Kishimoto Masayoshi, anticipating that she would not fall asleep easily, replied with his eyes closed as if he was talking in his sleep.

Natsui Makoto realized that he was deliberately saying the opposite and said, “How many years has it been since you came to Tokyo from Kochi Prefecture?”

“More than ten years! I remember when I was still in the third grade, I was picked up by my father from my home in Kochi Prefecture to live in Tokyo.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said truthfully with his original memories of this body.

“In that case, you are also considered half a Tokyoite.” Natsui Makoto laughed a little and said.

“It’s wrong for you to think that way. Native-born Tokyoites are very xenophobic. They have a particularly good sense of self-importance, and they even look down on the people of Osaka, so how could they look down on and agree with me, a kid who was originally born in the countryside and has lived there for almost ten years?” Masayoshi Kishimoto had a word for it.

“But you’ve been in Tokyo for a long time! Not at all like I’ve only been in the capital for a year.” Natsui Makoto pushed his luck.

“Aren’t you going to work tomorrow?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked whatever came to mind there.

“Going! Why don’t you go on? I’m on an hourly wage. If it happens that the bookstore is not doing well that day, you’ll also be docked an hour of work time by your boss. Otherwise, you’ll be obligated to work an extra hour of overtime.” Natsui Makoto said truthfully.

“Your boss is really black-hearted too. Haven’t you ever thought about not working at Miki Bookstore and changing jobs?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“Actually, it’s pretty much the same there. The work inside the bookstore isn’t too tiring, and the main thing is that the composition of the staff isn’t that complicated. I’m afraid, you’ll have to work even harder than me. Isn’t compulsory overtime a common occurrence in small companies?”

Natsui Makoto had been working as a temporary laborer since junior high school, and had already heard and seen all the injustices and shady practices in society.

Many of the job advertisements said good things about high hourly wages, food, and housing, but when you actually worked, it was a completely different story.

Anyway, bosses will always find various reasons and excuses to squeeze and exploit the workers. Either they deduct taxes, meals, accommodation ……

In short, there is no shortage of people who use every means to oppress the weak, regardless of whether you are RB or not.

Of course, there are also bosses who deliberately differentiate between the nationalities of their workers. They would pay a little more when they gave money for being an RB person, and the hourly wage was slightly higher than that of foreigners, ranging from a few dozen yen to a hundred yen.

“Here’s your pillow!” Masayoshi Kishimoto took out the pillow under his head and handed it over saying.

Natsui Makoto’s heart instantly warmed inside, and from that she could see that he was not a selfish macho man. She took the pillow and put it under her head, sweetly.

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