Chapter 117: The Second Partner

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:29:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto unobtrusively grabbed a small stool from the side and sat down on his butt. Even if the surface of the small stool was quite dirty, he didn’t care at all. In his mind, he thought that as long as he found the right person, it was good that the person’s brain wasn’t broken.

After observing with his own two eyes, Yamaguchi Katsuhei’s hands did not have any disabilities except that they looked rough and had calluses in quite a few places. As for his legs, even if they were crippled, it didn’t matter.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto had selected him was that his own upcoming real estate construction investment in the Gangnam District 3 of Seoul, South Korea needed someone who knew the business and presided over the big picture.

He himself was not the one who would be the soldier, but the one who would be the general. His main job was to find the right person and put him in the right position.

At the same time, Yamaguchi Katsuhei stopped the work at hand and gazed at this strange young man sitting across from him and said, “What exactly is it that you want from me?”

“I want you to become my second partner. If you don’t agree, I’ll be sticking around from now on.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said quickly.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei froze. Right now, he was in this inhuman, ghostly, downtrodden situation, others were avoiding him like the plague, yet there were still people who would take the initiative to come to his door.

“You’re not asking me to kill someone for you, are you?” Yamaguchi Katsuhei had also heard people say that many murder-for-hire buyers would let intermediaries go to the slums to look for suitable candidates, said.

“I’ve just said it all, it’s to make you my partner. Killing people, you are not specialized. The expertise I need from you is above real estate construction.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he made peace with his thoughts.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei smiled to himself and said, “Then I’m even more in love. Since you’re so familiar with all of my life experiences, you should also know that I will never be able to be accommodated by the Japanese construction industry. If you have to let me go into the construction business, it will only bring you a steady stream of trouble.”

“The world is big, and there is not just one Japan. Since Japan can’t accommodate you, then you can go abroad!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a targeted manner to dispel the other party’s concerns.

“That’s true. Should I go to Africa, or the Middle East? Or to Southeast Asia, or South Asia. Or maybe South America.” Yamaguchi Katsuhira said calmly.

“No need to go that remote, you’ll go to Seoul, South Korea in East Asia.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei was in complete disbelief that what his ears were hearing was true. He himself took a good look at the young man in front of him, who was under thirty and in his late twenties at best.

“What, don’t believe I would have such a capital strength?” Justice Kishimoto looked at the questioning from among his eyes and said.

“It’s not that I don’t believe it, but why do you have to come to me? You really need someone who knows the construction industry to help you, there are plenty of them out there.” Katsuhei Yamaguchi said, unsure of the meaning.

“I just see your expertise in all aspects of the construction business, as well as your character for daring to expose the industry’s shady practices. For a talented person like you who has both talent and morals, why shouldn’t I personally come to your door and ask you to come out?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious and earnest manner.

“Are you really not afraid that I will bring you trouble?” Yamaguchi Katsuhei said testily.

“Afraid? If people are afraid of everything, why don’t they just stop being people, stop doing things, and just turn into an egg? As long as one is a human and does things one is bound to run into trouble.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“Even if I say yes and you let me go to Seoul, Korea, there’s still a problem. I don’t understand Korean at all.” Yamaguchi Katsuhira said with reason.

“Is this a problem? I’ll equip you with a professional Korean translator. This person is not only good at Korean, but he is also Japanese. There shouldn’t be any problems or obstacles above your communication.

Furthermore, he has already been working in Seoul, South Korea for quite some time, so it will also be easy for him to act as a guide for you.” Kishimoto Masayoshi’s first thought was of Sato Hidenaka-do from Hard Gold Capital’s office in Seoul, South Korea.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei had never dreamed that he would have another salty day. He also saw that the other party was taking out sincerity, after all, everything was arranged and prepared in advance.

From this, it could be seen that the other party’s mind of wanting to engage in real estate construction was not one day, two days, but had long had a long-term preparation and planning.

“What other requirements do you have just say it, I can arrange them all for you one by one.” Kishimoto’s righteous intent was clearly to have him join the Dao.

“Are you that relieved of me? Aren’t you worried that I’ll screw you over?” Yamaguchi Katsuhei tried again.

“If you’re a good person, you’re a good person. If you really were the kind of person who would screw people over, you wouldn’t have offended your peers in the first place by doing things like revealing the industry’s dark secrets.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that if he hadn’t gone for that kind of foolishness at that time, he wouldn’t have fallen into such a state.

“You invested in real estate construction for the sole purpose of making a profit. I’m a person who can’t tolerate sand inside my eyes, and I definitely won’t do anything to cut corners.

At that time, there is a possibility that you, a president, will have a headache and regret today’s matter.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei had a word for it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was getting more and more trusting of him and said, “First of all, the positioning of our dry real estate construction is on top of the development of high-class condominiums, CBD, commercial plazas and other mid- to high-end projects.

Besides, a joint venture construction company will be watched more closely by the Korean government. If we don’t want to get into trouble, we need to be stricter on quality.

Secondly, I’m not the president, you’re the president. Seoul is still a blank slate, so you’ll have to do all the work.

When you become the president of Hardgold Capital Real Estate Development, Hardgold Capital will officially start to be a conglomerate. I’ll be promoted to president.

Finally, investing in business is of course for making money. If it’s not for making money, then it’s not investing in business, it’s doing charity. I’ve always believed that a gentleman loves money and takes what he can get.”

Yamaguchi Katsuhira had already been convinced to the core. He himself could be said to have nothing but this rotten life. What else would he have to be afraid of now?

He was still hesitating, not because he wasn’t confident in his own expertise, but because he was afraid of the possibility of screwing over the other party. In the beginning, he had only thought that the people who bought the house would be pitied, which was why he had revealed himself to be a shady member of the construction industry.

This good intention to do bad things, he not only harmed himself, but also harmed his employees. What he had been feeling bad about was that he was ashamed of his former employees, after all, it was because of himself that the company went bankrupt and closed down, making them lose their jobs.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to extend his right hand towards him and said solemnly, “Hard Gold Capital welcomes you to join.”

Yamaguchi Katsuhei hesitated for a moment and spread out his dirty hands toward the other party, saying, “Quite dark.”

Without hesitation, Masayoshi Kishimoto shook his right hand towards him and said, “Hands that are black can be washed, but a heart that is black cannot be washed away. Don’t you think so?”

Yamaguchi Katsuhei was touched on the spot, and his hand clasped hard with the other party, saying, “In the future, I’ll ask you to take care of me.”

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