Chapter 118 – Fried Pork Chop

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:29:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto took care of Katsuhei Yamaguchi and became in an exceptionally good mood. He began to return to Ueno, Taito District from Adachi District Valley. Right now, his own heart was nothing but joy, completely devoid of the twelve-percent urgency he felt when he came here.

At that time, when he was sitting on top of a cab, he also felt that a four-wheeled automobile drove so slowly that he couldn’t wait to get on a rocket or just plainly just make a space transfer.

When he returned, Masayoshi Kishimoto did not choose to take a cab, but walked toward the subway station. He knows that Tokyo’s public transportation system is very developed, even if you live outside the 23rd district on the periphery, will not be inconvenient in the transportation above.

However, morning and evening rush hour congestion was a certainty. This is better than a lot of remote places in Japan, only one bus a day, or even no bus is not know where to go.

Tokyo’s subway has also appeared to have its tempered glass doors cracked by people, which can be seen how large its daily capacity is.

At this one time above, not the morning and evening rush hours. Masayoshi Kishimoto was definitely able to find an empty seat inside the subway car.

Standing within the safety line of the platform, he waited for the subway on one side, and looked at the tracks on the other. He was looking at the tracks, and he was reminded in his head of the many people who choose to end their lives by suicide every year.

****, dementia and so on again always associated with the subway. However, he has never seen this happen.

He saw the most is still sitting in the subway car seat above the closed eyes doze off commuters, there are people are able to pull the car with one hand hanging ring, standing also able to sleep.

The subway entered the station quite steadily, and the doors opened automatically. Masayoshi Kishimoto lined up in an orderly fashion and entered one of the carriages and found an empty seat.

After he sat down, he didn’t doze off with his eyes closed like the others. At this moment, his joyful mood had not completely calmed down. This was a much better feeling than the two billion yen in financing he had absorbed.

Kishimoto justice will smile, can not help but think of the “world without thieves” in the Uncle Lai that words, the twenty-first century lack of what? What’s missing in the 21st century is talent. Yamaguchi Katsuhei is not an ordinary talent, but a rare talent.

As long as the talent under his command is gathered, to become big and strong is only a matter of time, there is no can or can’t.

On the contrary, again big and strong company if there is a serious problem of internal brain drain, will certainly be doomed to embark on the road of bankruptcy and closure.

Soon after the subway car doors closed, the subway reopened from slow to fast. After stopping at each of the established subway stations, it finally stopped at Ueno Station.

As soon as the subway doors opened, Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up and stepped out of the subway car, walking upwards from the bottom in a familiar manner. In a short time, he was out of the subway station and on the ground.

In addition to seeing the hustle and bustle of people and cars, he heard a variety of sounds coming into his ears.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took out his cell phone from his right pants pocket and looked at the time, it was almost 12:00 noon, it was time for lunch. When there was something good, he naturally needed to find someone to share the joy in his heart with, so he thought of Natsui Makoto first.

He dared to think and do, straight to the Miki bookstore. The two of them met, and there was no scene of holding hands and clasping fingers on the street. They walked side by side towards the small, affordable, and tasty Japanese store that both of them frequented.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Makoto Natsui sat down, front and back, at the two side-by-side empty seats on the far left side of the store. Straight away, he blurted out, “Boss, give us each an order of your store’s specialty signature dish, the fried pork cutlet set.”

The owner smiled at them and responded with a “please wait”, and began to prepare it. Natsui Makoto immediately felt so extravagant.

After all, during the weekdays, one’s lunch meal would be taken care of for three to five hundred yen. Nowadays, a tonkatsu set meal would cost 1,500 yen, which was already three to five times as much as one’s lunch on a normal day.

“One serving is enough.” Natsui Makoto looked to Kishimoto Masayoshi, who was sitting on his right, and said.

“My treat.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled.

“Even if it’s your treat, it’s still one serving.” Natsui Makoto was not in the habit of spending money lavishly, and was really a bit reluctant to part with it. Even if it wasn’t at her own expense, she didn’t want it.

Not to mention that she had already recognized and accepted Masayoshi Kishimoto as her boyfriend in her heart, as well as the first boyfriend she had formally dated, so she would naturally think and save money for the other party.

“Why are you such a boring person? It’s best to save money by not eating. Otherwise, let’s go!” Justice Kishimoto said unhappily.

“Alright, alright, just follow your two.” Natsui Makoto accepted helplessly.

“That’s right! I’ll tell you, besides the fried pork cutlet in Tokyo, Japan, which is one of the best, the fried pork cutlet in Magic City, China is also one of the best.

If you have a chance, I’ll take you to Magic City in China to eat a local fried pork cutlet that is quite unique.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not paying lip service.

Natsui Makoto didn’t really care what she ate. At this time, she noticed that Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right hand was a bit dirty, so she hurriedly took out the handkerchief she had brought along and handed it to him, calmly saying, “Wipe your hands.”

Only then did Masayoshi Kishimoto see that his right hand was rather dirty. This should be one result of that long, tight handshake he had with Yamaguchi Katsuhei.

Without reaching for the handkerchief, he smiled a little and said, “It won’t get clean.”

“A wipe is better than no wipe at all!” Natsui Makoto insisted.

“Your handkerchief will be dirty if I use it to wipe my hands. How will you use it?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with another laugh.

Seeing that he was pushing and shoving with him, Natsui Makoto took the initiative to reach out a hand to grab his right wrist, and with her head lowered, she began to wipe his hands herself.

“There’s no need to be like that! It’s not like I’m a little kid.” Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly cried and laughed.

“Kids are better than you.” Natsui Makoto retorted.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had no choice but to just passively accept the hand rubbing she gave him in full view and in public.

“You guys are so affectionate, when are you planning to get married?” The boss asked with a kind smile on his face.

When Natsui Makoto heard this, she couldn’t help but blush with burning ears. She had a thin skin, and even if she clearly knew it was a casual joke from her boss, it would cause her heart to fluctuate.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was naturally very experienced and responded methodically, “We’ve only just started, that’s not as fast as you say.”

“Isn’t it good to hurry up? After we get married, have a few more children, the family will be happy and share the joy of heaven.” The boss was the one who came over and said.

Natsui Makoto’s face became more and more flushed. Her head didn’t even dare to lift up, shyly looking at the ground with both eyes, itching to find a crack in the ground to drill into.

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