Chapter 120 The Company Next Door

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:29:38
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After the meal, Masayoshi Kishimoto accompanied Makoto Natsui and walked back to the Miki Bookstore before walking back to Hard Gold Capital. As soon as he entered his office, before he had a chance to sit down, Kobayashi Kiyoshi took the initiative to approach him.

“The American side sent a fax over, and again we have to send someone over.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi reported.

“A third additional investment?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was able to control the whole situation, causing in his heart all to count.

“Not only this matter, but there are also a lot of matters such as the change of shareholders. Who let us is Google’s major shareholder?

All things that the company’s major decision-making things need to be informed in advance of us.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said one thing.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked towards his office chair and sat down without haste. He signaled the other party with his right hand to sit down and speak slowly.

It wasn’t as if he didn’t know that shareholders of a listed or unlisted company who wanted to sell their shares had to inform the other shareholders of the company in advance as long as they exceeded 5% at one time.

Listed companies in a formal transaction before, but also three days in advance in the stock market to announce a related news out.

This is not something that can be done casually, and these measures are designed to protect the interests of shareholders, especially small and medium-sized investors.

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw Kiyoshi Kobayashi sitting down and calmly said, “Flying around like this is not a long-term solution.

The main thing is that it takes about ten hours to fly unilaterally once. In the future, I’m afraid that all sorts of things will come and go becoming more numerous.”

“The only way to solve such a problem once and for all is to set up a new office in San Francisco like the one in Seoul, South Korea.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said seriously.

“Why haven’t I thought about setting up a second overseas office? The problem is who to send? Right now, there’s no one else but you who’s the most suitable candidate.

Once you’re gone, who will lead the business group?” Masayoshi Kishimoto crossed his arms in front of his chest and said in a dilemma.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi went out of his way to repay him for his kindness, “Just let me take charge of both for the time being!”

“Work is important, but so is your body. If even you are exhausted, wouldn’t I have even less people to use here.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“Don’t worry, my body is great, no problem. Besides, I’m only in my thirties, it’s not like I’m in my seventies.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi showed that he was in great health right in front of him Dao.

“That’s going to be really hard on you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s expression suddenly became grave and said.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi said nothing more. Even he himself knew that it would be a lie not to work hard. He himself knew even more clearly that if Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t trust him, then he definitely wouldn’t agree to it either.

“It looks like our company will have to recruit more people again due to business development. At that time, this office area will be small. We’ll have to find another place to work.” Justice Kishimoto lamented.

“This matter is well resolved. That company next door to us is dying. When the time comes, we’ll just rent the next door again.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi similarly knew the trouble of moving a company.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face as he said, “This is good news.”

“It’s good news for us, eliminating the trouble of moving. However, for that one company next door to us, it’s bad news of extinction.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said honestly.

Although the Asian financial turmoil was about to pass, it didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be any more companies going bankrupt and closing down. Even in a good year, there will still be companies that go bankrupt.

The only difference is that in the midst of a financial crisis, there will be a wave of company closures and unemployment. The problem that comes with this is a series of social problems.

“As far as you know, does the company next door to ours have any useful people?” Masayoshi Kishimoto thought of his own company, which was in dire need of people.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi pondered for a moment and said, “There seems to be one. As far as I know, the company next door could have gotten away with it.

Before that, there was a woman named Yamada Mirai who strongly opposed their company doing that project. However, the person was so insignificant that she was not taken seriously by the management at all.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi’s interest instantly rose several levels and said, “Let’s also take advantage of the fire to dig into other companies. You and Ota Ashitaka will be in charge of this recruiting matter. I’ll have to work hard for you again.”

Kobayashi Kiyoshi didn’t think that recruiting was too much work, but he just had to have a pair of fiery eyes that could select talents. As for the matter of screening resumes, that was something that could be left to Rumiko Kato and the others. Myself and Ota Feijo just needed to keep an eye on the interviews.

“We’re not taking advantage of the fire to dig up other people’s companies, but rather saving some people who are in a fire and water situation.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi couldn’t help but laugh as he said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto randomly laughed as well and said, “You’re really good at talking. If I remember correctly, that company next door to us is in the foreign trade business. It’s been doing it for what seems like years, and it was around when I set up my company here.”

“It’s not that I’m gossiping behind people’s backs. When they didn’t come this far, one by one, the people who came out of that company were all high and mighty when they met the people from our company.

They were in the foreign trade business, and that was high and mighty. When we made investments, we were loan sharks.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi more or less really showed a gloating mentality and said.

“This one thing you said, I also know. Nowadays, the ship of their company is about to sink, and people’s hearts are scattered.

Once people’s hearts are scattered, the team is not easy to lead. The employees are all thinking about finding a way to escape quickly before the ship sinks.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto understands that companies in the waiting-for-death stage either have nothing better to do or they start to pay close attention to the issue of company discipline, which they didn’t even pay much attention to in the past.

“Once we put out the word that we’re hiring a lot of people at this time, we’ll immediately become the image of the last straw in their eyes.

At that time, they will no longer look down on our company, and the kind of love and care they used to have, but it will turn them into high achievers.

Our company’s people should also receive quite a bit of ass-kissing from the other side.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi was able to chuckle.

From this, Masayoshi Kishimoto could also see how deep the grudges and heartfelt resentment of his own company’s people were towards the people from the one next door.

Even Kobayashi Kiyoshi had a raised eyebrow, not to mention the people below him. It might not be a good thing if he absorbed the people from the next company into his own company.

There might even be new conflicts and contradictions arising out of this. For Masayoshi Kishimoto, this was not the result he wanted.

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